浙江省温州市九校2019届高三上学期期末联考英语试题 Word版含答案 下载本文

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makeup products made in this area.

27.What do we know about the Dead Sea from the passage? A.It is disappearing at a fast speed.

B.It is of great economic value.

C.It results in the shortage of water. D.It looks a bit like normal water. 28.What does the underlined word “equilibrium” in Paragraph 3 most probably mean? A.extreme




29.What can be the best title for the text? A.The Truth behind Beauty

B.A New Low-Point for Earth

C.A Terrible Environmental Problem D.The Consequence of Climate Change

30.The passage is written mainly to . A.promote the Dead Sea tourism B.present facts about the Dead Sea C.describe the beauty of the Dead Sea D.call for the protection of the Dead Sea 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


Long bus rides are like television shows.They have a beginning,a middle,and an end with

commercials thrown in every three or four minutes. 31 They happen whether you want them or not.Every couple of minutes a billboard passes by outside the bus window.\Super Clean Toothpaste.\Good Wet Root Beer.\%up with Pacific Gas.\Only if you sleep,which is equal to turning the television off,are you spared the unending cry of \

The beginning of the ride is comfortable and somewhat exciting,even if you've traveled that

way before.32 It is also fun to try to figure out the style of the driver. 33 Will the driver pass the truck in time? Will the driver move into the right,or the left-hand lane?After a while,of course,the excitement dies down.

34 And food makes this part of bus rides more interesting.But you've got to be careful of what kind of food you eat.Too much salty food can make you very thirsty between stops.

The end of the ride is somewhat like the beginning.You know it will soon be over and there's

a kind of expectation and excitement. 35 By now you've sat with your legs crossed,with your hands in your lap,with your hands on the armrests,and even with your hands behind your head.The end comes just at no more ways to sit.

A.Usually some things have changed: new houses,new buildings,sometimes even a new road.

B.Each part has its own characteristic. C.The commercials are unavoidable.

D.Sleeping for a while helps pass the middle hours of the ride. E.The seat,of course,has become harder as the hours have passed. F.It is so boring that you need something to refresh you.

G.If the driver is particularly adventurous,the ride can be as thrilling as an exciting story. 第三部分:语言运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节:完形填空(共 20个小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


When my mother passed away a few years ago,my father was left alone in the large house

they had shared for 50 years.Without her to 36 him,he worried about who would help him 37 \

My sister and I live in other states,so we 38 the idea that Dad could send us an e-mail every morning when he awoke. 39 was born the Morning Report.

He's usually up 40 ,and his half a dozen or so sentences are waiting in my email box when I wake up.If there's no e-mail,I 41 him,or my sister does,to make sure 42 is fine.The reports have become 43 a daily check,though: They're a catalyst(催化剂)for more extended conversations,and a source of deep understanding 44 his life.

Through them,Dad tells us about his 45 routines.He might either be heading to the grocery store for bananas46 going to his exercise activities.

Each e-mail 47 with “All my love,Dad\kept for her.Now he 49 those feelings and his experiences with us.For me,what was regarded as a 50 security measure has resulted in a deeper 51 . I'm grateful my father is still able to manage his 52 .I know the day will come 53 he'll no longer be able to write the 54 , and we'll have to find other ways to keep records on one another.But until then,they are our way of knowing that another normal day 55 . 36.A.look forward to

B.watch out for

C.keep up with

D.get along






38.A.came up 39.A.Thus 40.A.at dusk 4l.A.wake

B.advocated for C.hit on D.took up



D.at night D.help D.something D.less than D.for D.ordinary D.then D.closes D.usually D.has D.proper



B.at dawn B.urge

C.at noon C.call

42.A.everything 43.A.rather than 44.A.of 45.A.daily 46.A.and 47.A.begins 48.A.luckily

B.everybody C.nothing C.more than C.to

B.other than B.at B.busy B.but

C.common C.or C.chats

B.communicates B.hardly B.shows B.simple

C.almost C.shares C.casual C.attitude C.computer C.since

49.A.expresses 50.A.difficult 51.A.closeness 52.A.life 53.A.when 54.A.ideas

B.confidence B.house B.where B.feelings

D.meals D.before

C.activities D.reports

D.is begun

55.A.has begun B.had begun





Say “I Can”

The power of an“I can”attitude is amazing.A guy named Danny who tried out for The Biggest

Loser weighed more than anyone I'd ever seen at his age-19 years old and 450 pounds.He couldn't even close his hands 56 (make)a fist.I usually think anyone can do anything, 57 I had my doubts about him.\ 58 (honest),I don't think you can do it.And by the way,where are your shoes?\

“It's too hard to get them on\’ll do anything to be on this show. 59do you want me to prove that I can do it?\

“OK”,I said, 60 (figure) I'd scare him off.\right.It's the 61(stair).Take them down to the bottom\were on the 20th floor-\climb back up.\

After 20 minutes,he 63 (burst)through the door,barefoot,sweating all over,hardly able to

speak.The place erupted with applause.Then the kid appeared 64 the show and lost almost 250 pounds over two seasons.

When you become 65 “I can”person,a world of possibility opens.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分) 第一节:应用文写作(满分15分)



1.写信目的; 2.原因及歉意; 3.弥补措施; 4.希望批准。


l.词数 80左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;



How do you feel about silence and pauses in conversations? Do they make you anxious or

uneasy? Or do you enjoy silence in the presence of others sometimes? Whatever your answer is, we can sometimes run into such a situation where the listener remains silent.

There can be silence in conversations.But the meaning of silence varies among cultural

groups.Some cultural groups may think that it is extremely uncomfortable;therefore,attempts may be made to fill every gap with conversation.Persons in other cultural groups value silence and view it as necessary for understanding a person's needs.

Many traditional Asians think that it is a basic part of communicating among

people.Therefore,when a person from one of these cultures is speaking and suddenly stops,what

may be implied is that the person wants the listener to consider what has been said before continuing.In these cultures,silence is a call for reflection.

Other cultures may use silence in other ways,particularly when dealing with conflicts among












example,Russian,French,and Spanish persons may use silence to show agreement between parties about the topic under discussion.Similarly,Mexicans may use silence when instructions are given by a person in authority rather than be rude to that person by arguing with him or her.

Nurses and other care-givers need to be aware of the possible meanings of silence when

they come across the personal anxiety their patients may be experiencing.Nurses should recognize their own personal and cultural construction of silence so that a patient's silence is not interrupted too early or allowed to go on unnecessarily.A nurse who understands the healing(有治疗功效的)value of silence can use this understanding to assist in the care of patients from their own and from other cultures as well.

