英语三级 A级全真试题2017.6(含答案详解) 下载本文

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Part I Section A

1. M: Excuse me, may I use this printer? W: Sorry, It’s out of order. Q:What does the woman mean?


2. M:Hi, Mary, I’ve got a new job. The salary is good. W:Relly? Congratulations!

Q:Why does the woman congratulate the man?

【答案】B。男士对女士说,“我找到了新工作,而且工资也不错。”由此可知,女士向男士表达祝贺的原因是B)“他找到了新工作”。 3. W:Can I help you, sir?

M:Yes, I want to rent a car for one week. Q: Why does the man want to do?

【答案】C。女士询问男士是否需要帮助,男士回答说他想租车一周,所以确定C)“租车”为本题答案。 4. W:Good morning. What’s the problem? M:I’d like to change this shirt for a larger size. Q: Why does the man want to change the shirt?

【答案】A。男士说他想换件大点的衬衣。由此推断,男士想换衬衣是因为A)“衬衣太小了”。 5. W:Hello, Sales Department.

M: Hello, I’m John Smith from ABC Company. May I speak to your manager?

Q: Whom does the man want to speak to?

【答案】A。题目问男士想和谁讲话,男士说自己是ABC公司的史密斯,他想与经理通话,所以确定A)“销售经理”为本题的答案。 Section B Conversation One

W: Mr. Johnson, can you deliver our goods next week? M: No, I’m afraid we can’t.

W: When is the earliest time we can receive them? M: Early next month, I think.

W: It’s too late. You see, the sales season for this commodity is coming soon. M: Yes, I understand.

W: Is there anything else you can do?

M: Maybe we can deliver the goods by air instead of by train.

W:Well, the coast would be much higher.

M:That’s true. But you can receive them next week. W:All right. Perhaps that’s all we can do now. 6.Why does the woman think the delivery is too late?



7.What suggestion does the man make to deliver the goods?


8.When can the woman receive the goods?

【答案】A。女士何时能收到货物?对话末尾提到虽然空运费用比较高但女士下周就可以收到货物,由此确定A)“下周”为本题的答案。 Conversation Two

W: Good afternoon, sir. May I help you?

M: Yes, I’d like to apply for a job at your company. W: Good. But what position are you applying for? M: HR manager assistant. W: What’s your major in college? M: Business Management.

W: That’s good. And have you got any experience? M:Yes, I worked part-time as an HR manager assistant for 6 months.

W:Fine. Now please fill in this form, and wait for our further notice.

M:OK. Thank you very much.

9.Which position is the man applying for?


10.How long did the man work part-time as an HR manager assistant?

【答案】D.对话末尾男士说自己的专业是商务管理,曾兼职做了六个月的人力资源部经理助理,由此可以确定D)“六个月”为本题的答案。 Section C

I think we’ll begin now. First I’d like to welcome you all and thank you for your coming, especially at such short notice. I know you are all very busy and It’s difficult to take time away from your daily tasks for meetings. As you can see on the agenda, today we will focus on the upcoming tourist season. First we’ll discuss the groups that will be coming in from Germany. After that, we’ll discuss the North American Tours, followed by the Asian tours. If time permits, we will also discuss the Australian tours which are booked for request some feedback from all of you concerning last year’s tours and where you think we can improve.

11.daily tasks 12.tourist season 13.followed 14.permits 15.concerning Section D

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Let me introduce our company to you first. We are one of the leading bicycle manufacturers in China. Our company was set up 50 years ago. We produce many brands of bicycles and they sell very well both at home and abroad. We have agents all over the world. And we have an office here in London too. Because of the high quality and good after-sale service we provide, our bicycles enjoy a good reputation. If you are interested in our products, we can send you our catalogue and price list. For large orders, we promise to give you a special discount. 16.【答案】Bicycle。公司生产什么产品?短文开头,讲话者首先介绍了公司的基本情况,他们是中国主要自行车生产商之一。所以填bicycle。

17.【答案】50 years。公司何时成立?讲话者提到,公司创建于50年前。

18.【答案】at home。本题问产品销往何处?讲话者提到,其产品畅销国内外。所以确定填入at home,意为“在国内”。

19.【答案】after-sale service。产品名声为什么好?讲话者提到,他们提供良好的售后服务,因此可以确定空格处应该填入after-sale service,意为“售后服务”。 20.【答案】special discount。讲话者对大订单有何承诺?讲话者最后提到,对于大订单,公司将给予特殊优惠。所以确定空格处应该填入special discount。 Part Ⅱ Section A



23.【答案】B。本题考查虚拟语气。本题表示与现在情况相反,故if从句谓语使用过去式,谓语是be动词则使用were,因此B)为本题的答案。句意为:如果我处在你的位置,我可能会找到一份更好的工作。 24.【答案】C。本题考查“too...to...”用法。通常译为“太......而不能......”。结合后面的send your assistant to take your place可知,you无法参加会议,故从句应为否定结构,



25.【答案】D。本题考查使役动词have的用法。由于the car和“修理”之间是被动关系,故应使用过去分词,have sth. done是让人做某事,因此确定本题答案为D)。本题意思是:我只好再等两个月才能让人修这辆车。 26.【答案】B。本题考查动词avoid的用法。动词avoid后使用名词或动词作宾语,因此,确定本题答案为B)。题意:受访者中有62%的人说,他们用餐时总要避免使用智能手机。

27.【答案】A。本题考查no matter的用法。no matter意思是“无论、不管”,用于引导让步状语从句,空格后面是形容词small,因此空格处填入程度副词how,确定本题答案为A)。题意:人力资源部无论多么小在任何企业都是员工福利的关键部门。



30.【答案】B。本题考查过去进行时态。主句使用了过去时,that从句中的谓语动词couldn’t hear使用了过去式,宾语从句显然要用过去进行时。故确定本题答案为B)。题意:交通如此嘈杂,以至我无法听清他在说什么。 Section B


32.【答案】to know。本题考查enable sb. to do sth.的用法,本题意思:这些问题能使面试官了解你过去在某些情况下是如何应对和处理的。



35.【答案】more effective。根据句子意思可以看出,此处需要用形容词的比较级。句意:我们相信,在线学习将来可以比传统教学更加高效。 Part Ⅲ Task 1

36.【答案】B。题目“求职者在寻求简历附信的建议时为什么要小心呢?”根据问题定位到第一段,本段最后二个词mislead you 和选项B中的misleading 是同义转述



38.【答案】B。题目问:根据该文,简历附信的第一段应包括什么内容呢?选项B)the position you are interested in是对句中which job you are applying for and why you are interested in the position 的归纳总结。故答案为B。

39.【答案】C。题目问:附信末段应包括下面哪一内容呢?选项C)Your request for a meeting 是对定位句中requests

a future meeting 的同义转述。故答案为C。

40.【答案】C。题目问:作者认为,简历附信的目的是什么?作者的第三段末句提到,写简历附信的目的是告诉雇主一些事情,好让他们对你进行面试。C)get the employer to meet you 是对句中makes them want to meet you的同义转述。故答案为C)。 Task 2

41.【答案】D。这是一封推荐信,根据题干中的recommendation letter 定位到文章第一段第一句。选项D)Sand River and its CEO和原文相同。故答案为D。 42.【答案】A。由题干中的Sand River 定位到文章第二段。选项A)long-term links with herdsmen 是对定位段第二句中long-term supply relations with herdsman families 的推断。故答案为A。

43.【答案】C。根据题干中的target consumers 定位到文章第二段最后一句。选项C)high-income women 与定位句中内容一致。故答案为C。

44.【答案】A。根据题干中的“a woman of her word”定位到第三段。“a woman of her word”和选项A为同义转述,故答案为A。

45.【答案】D。根据题干中的European market 定位到文章第四段。作者认为Sand River 产品应该在欧洲豪华百货公司销售,King 女士是值得信赖的合作者。故答案为D。 Task 3

46.【答案】credit card number。根据关键词enter 定位到正文第三行。此处说明系统操作的第二个步骤:输入信用卡卡号和有效期限。通过对比题干和原文可知,空格处应该填入信用卡卡号。

47.【答案】confirmation。根据关键词print 定位到正文第四行。此处说明系统操作的第三个步骤:打印确认信息。通过对比题干和原文可知,空格处应该填入打印的内容。

48.【答案】416-397-8247。根据关键词phone number 定位到原文第二段。通过对比题干和原文可知,空格处应该填入电话号码。

49.【答案】Monday to Friday。根据关键词service time 定



50.【答案】latest version。根据关键词 download 定位到原文第三段。该段指出,为确保信息安全,使用本系统时可能会提醒使用者下载安装最新版浏览器。 Task 4

51.【答案】Q, D。Q—brain death(脑死亡),D—emergency department (急诊部)

52.【答案】P, M。P—food poisoning(食物中毒),M—skin test (皮试)

53.【答案】F, O。F—operating room(手术室),O—occupational disease(职业病)

54.【答案】E, G。E—intensive care unit(ICU)(重症监护室),G—physical examination(体检)

55.【答案】K, I。K—outpatient treatment(门诊治疗),I—blood pressure(血压) Task 5

56.【答案】market。题目问:开设二手婴儿用品业务的首要问题是什么?根据关键词 the first thing 定位到第一段。该段说明经营业务首先要考虑市场,二手婴儿用品业务也是如此。

57.【答案】advertise your store。题目问:为什么应该选定你想要专门经营的商品种类?根据关键词 specialize in 定位到第二段。该段指出,确定好产品种类可以帮你更加有效地进行宣传。通过对比题干和原文,可以确定本题答案为 advertise your store。

58.【答案】other households。题目问:如何收集二手婴儿用品的货源?根据关键词 collections 定位到文章第三段。该段指出收集婴儿用品的方法:一是从自己存下的婴儿用品寻找,二是以合理的价格收购别人家的婴儿用品。

59.【答案】safety。题目问:开设二手婴儿用品业务还应该注意什么?根据关键词 using the equipment定位到原文第四段。该段指出,计划赚钱的同时还要注意产品的安全性。故本题的答案为safety。

60.【答案】promotional。题目问:本文提到了市场战略的什么案例?根据关键词 marketing strategy 定位到第五段。该段提出几条产品市场策略:比如开设网店,举办促销活动等。本题的答案为promotional。 Part Ⅳ

61.【答案】B。A)错译 they are received by us 为“保证收件人的地址准确无误”;漏译 to us 和 in transit。C)错译 returning products to us 为“寄送货品”,译文“正确的填写收件人的姓名和地址,以及该地的邮政编码”与原文表述完全无关。

62.【答案】C。A)将 Due to 错译为“取决于”,将increased costs for materials used in our manufacturing process 错译为“在研发和生产制造过程中所需投入的人力和成本”,将 we have to increase the wholesale price of our products

错译为“产品价格的高低”。B)漏译have to ,将wholesale price 错译为“价格”,将increased costs for material 错译为“投入了大量人力和物力”。

63.【答案】A。B)将appropriate 错译为“与其公司有关”,将showing the employer that you’re interested in being part of their company 错译为“有可能获得你所渴望的工作”。C)错译appropriate questions 为“相关的问题”,错译you are showing the employer that you’re interested in being part of their company 为“如果想要成为他们公司的一份子”。 Part Ⅴ 【参考范文】

64.【答案】A。B)漏译any aspect ,错译write to us 为“直接到我们店里”。C)错译write to us 为“给顾客写信”,漏译 see the customer service manager,漏译if you are not satisfied with any aspect of the service we offer ,多译“征求他们对本店提供服务的意见”。









accompanied by the storm will come to influence our city in two days. Please make sure of your safety and avoid going out if possible, and precautions are preferred. Besides ,there are sandbags in the service center. Folks of the first floor can get them free of charge.

If you need any help,please contact us at 656 * * 793. Community Volunteer Team




如果您需要任何帮助,请致电656 * 793联系我们。
