大学综合英语教程1 第1到10单元课后题,附带翻译题答案 下载本文

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4.小张的母亲前天突然病倒,他赶紧派人请来医生给他母亲治疗。 (send for)

5.他去年高考失败,但他并未为感到沮丧。他继续努力,今年考上了一所名牌大学。 (disappoint )

6.这个中学生有许多英语单词发音不准,必须狠下功夫,学好音标,掌握标准的语音。( pronounce)

7.在这个知识爆炸、信息爆炸的时代,我们必须不断学习,注意知识更新,才能适应专业工作的需要。(become adjusted to)

8.那男孩吧衬衫塞进裤腰里,将皮包夹在腋下,看上去俨然一副老板模样。 (tuck)

9.这位女孩虽然只有8岁,但已擅长计算分数了。难怪她父母为她感到自豪。 (fraction)

10.街坊四邻都已听说那个消息了,而你却没听说过,你说怪不怪? ( neighborhood )

Unit3 Whatever happen to manners?

Vocabulary exercises

I. Explain the italicized part in each sentence in your own words.

1. ? and I feel that much of the world has somehow gotten away from that. 2. ? never giving a wave or nod of appreciation when another motorist lets them pull out into traffic. 3. But it can matter very much. 4. Of course, saying “Thank you.” dose wonders for the person on the receiving end too.

5. Similarly, bring home the most insignificant little presents for people you cherish will go a long way. 6. Now, if we could just get everyone to catch them.

II. Fill in each blank with one of the two words from each pair and note the difference of meaning between them.


a. The president——————— leaders of countries for their cooperation in the war against terrorism. b. Susan refused to———————— her boss merely to win his smile.

c. People genuinely———————— her attitude towards life in time of great difficulty. d. He———————— her on her new dress without even looking at it. 2. APPRECIATE ENJOY

a. A little note was added:“Payment would be—————— by this Saturday, 6th April.” b. He liked the challenges; he ———————— danger. c. She seemed to be———————— herself hugely, chatting with all the guests at the party.

d. We have very much———————— your prompt attention to our queries.


a. He has received many presents from admires, from the———————— to the extremely valuable.

b. The castle’s rooms also house many——————antiques, most of which are the only copies extant.

c. It is true that the———————— blessing of boys has been their ability to get through their teens untroubled by

such notions as calories, skincare, etc.

d. After all the difficult times, he finally realized that their friendship was very———————— . 4. NOTICE SEE

a. People all over the country are eager to———————— the outcome of the decisive qualifying match. b. ———————— the clear big finger print on the handle of this pistol.

c. From the top floor, we can easily———————— all the traffic flow in different directions. d. She was genuinely frightened when she———————— that he kept his fist clenched in his pocket as she tried to explain the whole situation.

III. Choose a word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences. 1.What really———————— is that a teacher should be responsible for his students. A. happens B. cares C. minds D. matters 2. The late arrivals for the musical were———————— to their seats.

A. hurried B. rushed C. hastened D. quickened

3. This company is a———————— of a British firm that provides textile materials. A. coworker B. copartner C. colleague D. cooperative

4. Ten minutes later the taxi———————— in front of the Grand Theatre, where we had arranged to meet. A. pulled out B. pulled up C. pulled off D. pulled down

5. Till now, I still remember vividly how my mother used to train me to possess acceptable table————————. A. behavior B. act C. manners D. ways

6. Mr. Day Lewis’ ———————— body language spoke much louder than his actual words. A. graceful B. gracious C. grateful D. grand

7. Each time we went out to the restaurant, he would order the dishes without even looking at the———————— . A. cookbook B. recipe C. ingredients D. menu

8. Mr. Armstrong impressed me with his overlong arms and———————— feet. A. huge B. enormous C. vast D. large

IV. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form. infectious routine cherish count insignificant sake value

irritation board bet punctuality terrific generous

1. ———————— of services is now considered to be one of the major corporate targets.

2. Drug testing at work and in schools has almost become———————— in many American cities.

3. The cause of the ———————— disease is the economic and educational backwardness of the country. 4. You can———————— he would have failed the exam without extra tutoring.

5. The professor gave the college students a———————— speech about environmental protection. 6. When the man in uniform———————— the bus, all other passengers moved away.

7. This time the president had no way but suffer from the “democracy” he———————— dearly. 8. We are living in an age where only a strong economy will———————— .

9. Already in his eighties, my grandpa still———————— his memories of the years he spent in the army. 10. I don’t like to buy a house in that area because of several———————— , traffic noise for example.

V. Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriates form of the given capitalized word in the bracket. Example: The bloodstain on her dress was very —————————.( NOTICE ) Answer: The bloodstain on her dress was very noticeable.

1. The next-door neighbors are so———————— that we have stopped trying to talk to them. ( FRIEND ) 2. Yes, I can speak a little Spanish because I spent some of my———————— in Spain. ( BOY )

3. The doctor dealt with the hysterical patient with———————— .(UNDERSTANDING ) 4. There’s a———————— at the British Embassy tonight. ( RECEIVE )

5. The———————— of the money from the cash-box shows that somebody in this office is a thief. ( APPEAR ) 6. You must accept the ———————— of the committee. ( DECIDE )

7,Tom and Tim are twin brothers,They look exactly alike-----------only in height(difference)

8,To relieve the traffic congestion,the government has built several ----------roads in the city.(elevator)

Translation exercises

1. 对不起,我迟到了,我刚才在开会脱不开身。( get away )

2. 在音乐会上,每当一位歌手唱完一首美妙动听的歌曲时,观众便高声喝彩表示赞赏。( appreciation )

3. 她是个穿着时髦的人,总是穿时髦的衣服,但对饮食很少讲究。( stylish )

4. 护士告诉我医生奇迹般地治好了你的心脏病。( do wonders for )

5. 主席颁奖时赞美获奖者为人类做出了巨大的贡献。( compliment )

6. 这个问题许多年来使专家们迷惑不解。( bother )

7. 警察到达后,示威的人群逐渐散开了。(melt away )

8. 既然准时是个好习惯,我们应该十分注意准时,努力养成这种好习惯。 ( punctuality )

9. 老人疼爱那女孩,就好像她是自己的女儿一样。 (cherish )

10. 这只是例行的体格检查,没有什么好担心的。( routine )

Unit4 Dealing with AIDS

Vocabulary exercises

I. Explain the italicized part in each sentence in your own words.

1. I had no worries and was just living life up. 2. So I called him and he hung up on me. 3. Also, I couldn’t turn my back on him when he needed me the most. 4. So I stick it out and lost most of my friends.

5. I went to doctor after doctor with him, and saw him go through so much. 6. I still had to be the strong one and keep everything in.

II. Fill in each blank with one of the two words from each pair in their appropriate forms and note the difference of meaning between them.


a. He no longer has that————————— smile as before, but instead carries the sad look of a mother who has just lost her son.

b. The pop singer was accused of————————— and drunk driving, which greatly harmed his career. c. It was reported that some————————— police officers lost four guns on their way to the crime scene.

d. To her, the baby’s birth marked the end of a————————— life when she never seemed to have any worries and



a. Outside, the————————— children were lying naked in the sun with nobody attending to them.

b. He said he quit the job because he was————————— and tired of doing the same thing for over 5 years. c. It is a Chinese superstitious belief that a black cat will bring————————— luck into a household. d. What if he becomes———————? He’s the breadwinner of the family. 3. DISEASE PLAGUE

a. After careful diagnosis and examination, the doctor announced that it was a case of Parkinson’s————————— . b. Along with the Industrial Revolution there came the great————————— that killed millions of people in Europe. c. Cancer is a fatal————————— whose causes are still unknown.

d. War, ————— and famine all came at the same time and nearly wiped out whole populations in that part of the globe. 4. KEEP MAITAIN

a. It was the public support that————the ant-smoking effort going.

b. —— I haven’t finished reading your book yet. —— No problem. You can—————— it for as long as you like. c. The general public all wish to————————— a stable government.

d. The local people started a tough campaign to force the government to ————————— roads.

III. Choose a word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences.

1. Her arms————————— around his neck in gratitude.

A. strengthened B. tightened C. Lengthened D. widened

2. Mentally————————— youngsters used to hang around this area and caused a lot of trouble.

A. bothered B. worried C. disturbed D. Troubling

3. There still exist strong disagreements—————————whether social stability should be maintained at the expense of public health.

A. as to B. in terms of C. concerned D. regarded 4. Politicians are good at—————————public opinion through The press. A. impressing B. affecting C. influencing D. shaking 5. Special shipping and————————— charges may apply.

A. dealing B. treating C. managing D. handling

6. The customer service manager has written a letter to everyone who ———————,promising a refund on their returned goods.

A. criticized B. disapproved C. blamed D. complained

7. The company said that the————————— for next years was encouraging although marketing was still a week area for them.

A. future B. view C. matters D. outlook

8. I think they really want to buy————————— that will help them make their life easier. A. stuff B. staff C. matters D. means

IV. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form. emotional confront deal with stress recognize mark

invincible push aside blame make sense keep up attitude

1. Lewis is obviously back to his————————— best and is expecting his victory in the century fight. 2. Thinking first can help avoid experiencing unnecessary————————— that we may cause. 3. When you hear someone in your home, do not————————— the intruder and try not to panic. 4. I think I will have to work twice as fast to————————— with everybody else.

5. Several heads of state attended the celebration—————————the fiftieth anniversary of the founding the Republic. 6. He had only himself to————————— for not taking better care of the child. 7. Her TV success has meant———————thoughts of starting a family.