新世纪大学英语(第二版)综合教程3课后习题答案完整版UNIT 8 下载本文

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as here, the phrase ―occupational disease‖ can be applied to the unpleasant consequences associated with any activity.

2. All of us depend for our peace of mind and our efficiency on hundreds of these cues. (Para. 2)

These familiar cues can exactly tell us what to do and how to do things, which helps us deal successfully with the various situations we encounter. Without these numerous cues, we cannot enjoy peace of mind or efficiency in work and life.

3. It usually takes a trip home to bring one back to reality. (Para. 3)

When you step into a new culture, you tend to feel that your own culture back home is the best; it is only after you return to your homeland that you will find the culture of your own nation or race is by no means perfect.

4. The culture of any people is the product of history and is built up over time largely through processes which are beyond his awareness. (Para. 4) Culture develops and accumulates through a long but hardly noticeable process.

5. It is thus best to recognize that ethnocentrism is a permanent characteristic of national groups. (Para. 5)

People tend to regard their own culture and lifestyles as the best; meanwhile, they tend to regard the behavior of an individual from another culture as a permanent trait of his or her national group. Accordingly, an awareness of this fact should help us deal with a new culture more successfully.

6. But once you begin to be able to carry on a friendly conversation with your maid, your neighbour, or to go on shopping trips alone, you not only gain confidence and a feeling of power but a whole new world of cultural meanings opens up for you. (Para. 7)

Language is the principal symbol system of communication. Knowing the language of the host country is a principal means by which we can settle down comfortably and confidently in a new culture.

Task Three Voicing Your Views

A Chinese marketing manager in Beijing was sent to Los Angeles for a two-year sales promotion. It should have been a thrilling experience but, like a fish out of water, he felt very uncomfortable soon after he got there. Work in groups of threes or fours and discuss the challenges he might have possibly met and the symptoms of his discomfort. And then give him some suggestions so that he could get over culture shock as quickly as possible.

Write down your outlines first and then present your ideas to the whole class. Challenges

The following tips may be of some help. 1. He cannot communicate well;

2. He is not familiar with the transportation system;

3. He does not know how to make purchases; 4. He cannot adapt to the food;

5. He finds difficulties in seeing a doctor;

6. He does not know how to open a bank account, etc. Symptoms

1. anxiety, frustration, depression, and resentment; 2. insomnia, loneliness, and homesickness;

3. rejection of the new environment and unwillingness to interact with others; 4. lack of confidence; feelings of insecurity or helplessness; 5. compulsive eating and drinking, etc. Suggestions

1. He should learn English well;

2. He should learn about the gestures, facial expressions, customs, values, and beliefs

of the American people;

3. He should maintain contact with Chinese people for a sense of belonging; 4. He should participate in community activities to get familiar with the American culture;

5. He should value relationships at work to get support;

6. He should follow his ambition and continue his plan for the future, etc.

Checking Your Vocabulary Word Detective

1 Put down the right word from Text B in the space provided according to the given definition. The first letter of each word is already given.

Example: forgettable: not important or good enough to be remembered

1) slice: cut into thin flat pieces

2) tender: easy to bite through; soft

3) proof: facts, information, documents, etc., that prove sth.

4) funeral: a ceremony, usu. religious, of burying or burning a dead person

5) preserve: prepare (food) for being kept for a long time by some special treatment

6) familiarity: the freedom of behaviour usu. only expected in the most friendly relations

7) proclaim: make (esp. news of national importance) known publicly, esp. using speech rather than writing

8) ingredient: any of the things that are formed into a mixture when making sth., esp. in cooking

2 Fill in each blank with a word or phrase from Text B. Both the explanation and the number of the paragraph in which the target word or phrase appears are given in brackets. Be sure to use the proper form.

Example: She’s against the idea, but I’m sure I can win her over . (gain the support of, often by persuading: Para. 1)

1) I like the house but I think the price is a bit on the high side . (rather; too: Para. 6)

2) Remember to hold your breath when you dive into the water. (stop breathing for a short time: Para. 7)

3) Be careful. The road is icy, wet, and slippery . (difficult to stand on without slipping: Para. 15)

4) Half drunk, Michael got up and helped ... to some more brandy. (serve oneself with food, drink, etc.: Para. 16)

5) I invited her to join us, but she declined . (refuse (a request or offer), usu. politely: Para. 17)

6) You can improve the flavor of the sauce by adding a little red wine.