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国际贸易实务第三版课后答案 xcf整理

Unit 5

Quality of Commodity


I. Give the Chinese equivalents for the following English terms:

1 本身所具有的特性 2 光泽、造型、结构 3 耐用性 4 可销售性 5 社会属 6 消毒 7 适用性 8 卫生 9 规格 10 水产品

11 跨国公司 12 保证生活质量

II. Two columns are given for you to decide which method is best suited for a certain commodity. Please match them.

1 A , 2 C, 3 D, 4 E, 5 B, 6 G, 7 F, 8 H

III. 多项选择题 1.AE 2.ABE 3.ABC 4.CDE 5.AC 6.ABD 7.BCE 8.ACDE 9.BD 10.AC 11.BC 12.AC 13.BCDE 14.CD 15.AB 16.CDE 17.ABCDE

IV. Monomial Choice

1.A 2. D 3.A 4.D 5.A 6.A 7. B 8.B 9 .D 10. A

V. 案例分析 1. [Answer]:

我方应负责赔偿。作为出口公司理应知道所售货物的英文名称。如来证货名与实际不符,我方一是应要求对方改证,二是应自己更改货物的英文名称。如只考虑单证相符而置货物上的名称不顾,势必给对方在办理进口报关时造成严重后果。 2. [Answer]:




4)定金和违约金只能择其一,给甲方造成损失的,乙方仍应当赔偿,包括差旅费500元,已收取的货款应当退还给甲方。 3 [Answer]:

The exporter didn?t fulfill his obligation. Though the exporter made shipment on time, in order to deliver the apples in good quality, he arranged the goods with higher quality, but the quality is not similar to the level on the contract. So the seller breaches the contract. If the buyer lodges a claim, the seller will suffer the loss.


In order to avoid the problem, the seller should ask for the buyer?s opinion firstly. 4. [Answer]:

买方的索赔要求是合理的,此案中,虽然合同对商品的品质提出了要求,但卖方在成交前寄送样品的行为本身即表明该批货物既凭说明买卖(sale by description), 又凭样品买卖(sale by sample)。因此,买方在对商品进行检验后发现与样品不符提出索赔的要求是合情合理的。 卖方的失误在于使用两种方式约束商品品质对其不利。

5. [Answer]:

我方这样做是不合适的。因为如双方事先无品质机动幅度的规定,卖方在交货时,对于货物的质量(包括规格、花色搭配、型号等)应严格遵守合同的规定。否则,由此而产生的一切后果将由卖方承担。就本案而言,我方在发现pyw—B型电冰箱数量短缺,应先征得买方的同意才能发货,而不能擅自以其他型号的电冰箱来代替。因此,我方的做法是不合适的。 6. [Answer]:


Unit 6 Quantity of Goods Key:

I.Here given in the following are short forms for some units of measure and weight. Please give the

complete form of each:

1)吨 2)盎斯 3)磅 4)品脱 5)码 6)加仑 7)令 8)公斤 9)克 10)平方米

II. Please read the statements carefully, and then give your choice True or False. 1. T

2. F where the goods are to be unloaded must be decided and confirmed by the buyer at least 48 hours before the ship arrives at the first optional port. 3. T 4. T 5. T

6. F a letter of indemnity is issued by the shipper to the shipping company in exchange for a clean-on-board shipped bill of lading.

7. F according to article 23 of the UCP NO.500,” IF A Credit calls for a bill of lading covering a port to port shipment, banks will, unless otherwise stipulated in Credit, accept a document, however named, which ??contains no indication that it is subject to a charter party ??” 8. T

9. F dispatch money is an amount paid by the ship-owner to the shipper for the shipper?s quicker loading and unloading of the goods. 10. T

III. Please give the following definitions for the names in English:

1. Gross weight is the sum of total weight of the commodity itself and the tare (the package weight). That?s to say it refers to the net weight plus the tare weight of the goods.

2.Net weight is the actual weight of commodity without the addition of the tare. In international trade if the goods are sold by weight, the net weight is often used.


3. Actual tare: The actual weight of packages of the whole commodities.

4. Average tare: In this way, the weight of packages is calculated on the basis of the average tare of a part of the packages.

5. Customary tare: The weight of standardized package has a generally recognizer weight which can be used to represent the weight of such packages.

6. Computed tare: The weight of package is calculated according to the tare previously agreed upon by the seller and the buyer instead of actual weighing.

IV. 简答题 1. 答:数量条款规定了买卖双方交货数量及与之有关的权利和义务,他涉及成交数量的确定、计量单位和计量方法的规定及数量机动幅度等内容。为订好数量条款,应依据政策的规定和经营意图,根据需要和可能,按外商资信情况和市场行情变化,正确掌握进出口商品的成交数量,以利于合同的履行。

2. 答:(1)大宗农、副产品、矿产品及一部分工业制成品惯于采用按重量计算,一些贵重商品也惯于采用重量单位。 (2)按数量计算适用于大多数工业制成品,尤其是日用消费品、轻工业品、机械产品及一部分土特产品。 (3)按长度计算多用于金属绳索、布匹,绸缎等商品买卖。 (4)面积单位可用于玻璃板、地毯、皮革等商品。 (5)体积单位仅用于木材、天然气及化学气体的买卖。 (6)容积单位中的蒲式耳是美国用来计量各种谷物的,公升和加仑多用于液体商品。 (7)有些国家对某些商品有自己习惯的或法定的计量单位。例如棉花许多国家以\包\为单位,糖以\袋\为单位。

3. 答:(1)毛重。是商品本身加包装重量。 (2)净重。是商品本身实际重量,不包括皮重。计算皮重时有按实际皮重、平均皮重、习惯皮重、约定皮重计算等四种做法。 (3)公量。有些商品因较强的吸湿性导致重量不稳定,对此类商品可用科学的方法除去其所含实际水分,然后再加上国际公认的标准含水量。即公量=干量+标准含水量。 (4)理论重量。对按固定规格形状和尺寸所生产和买卖的商品可从其件数推算总重量,此总重量即为理论重量。一般只作为计算实际重量的参考。 (5)法定重量和实物净重。法定重量是商品重量加上直接接触商品的包装物料的重量,而除去这部分重量所表示出来的纯商品重量即为实物净重。此方法大多用于海关征税。

4. 答:数量机动幅度是指卖方可按买卖双方约定的某一具体数量多交或少交若干的幅度。他的规定方法有: (1)合同中明确具体的规定数量的机动幅度。它既可只简单规定机动幅度,也可在此基础上约定由谁选择及作价原则。 (2)合同中为明确规定数量机动幅度,但将数量定为约数。《跟单信用证统一惯例》规定约数的增减幅度不超过10%。

(3)合同中未明确规定数量机动幅度。此时卖方交货数量原则上应与合同完全一致,但《跟单信用证统一惯例》500号出版物规定货物数量允许有5%的伸缩。 5. 答:(1)目前对在机动幅度范围内超出或低于合同数量的多装或少装部分,一般按合同价格计价结算。 (2)为防止有权选择溢短装的当事人利用行市变化有意多装或少装而获取额外好处,有的合同规定多装或少装部分不按合同价格计算,而代之以按装船日的行市或目的地的市场价格计算。 (3)若双方未能就装船日或到货日或是市场价格取得协议,则可交由仲裁机构解决。