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Sadaqui, Afghan Films: “I became irrational. I decided to throw myself and the Minister of Information and Culture into the fire with the films. At that moment, one of my colleagues grabbed me and stopped me.”

sadaqui,阿富汗的电影:“我变得非理性。我决定把自己和信息和文化部部长的电影与电影一起投入火中。在那一刻,我的一个同事抓住我,阻止我。” Narrator: But the artists had a secret. The staff had only given the Taliban film prints, which can be replaced, not film negatives, which cannot. But when there were no prints left to burn, the filmmakers knew the negative archive would be thrown into the fire as well.

旁白:但是艺术家们有个秘密。该工作人员只给了塔利班电影胶片,这可以被替换,而不是底片底片,不能。但是,当没有打印离开去燃烧,电影制作者知道负面的档案将被扔进火中。 Sadaqui: “We all had the same idea. That we had to preserve the archive of Afghan film at any price, even by paying with our lives.”


Narrator: But how were they going to hide the main archive, some 2,900 rolls of irreplaceable negatives? The filmmakers’ plot was simple—brilliantly simple.


Mustafa: “Come on, come on.”


Narrator: They hid the archive by hiding the room.


Mustafa: “In order for no one to notice the door, we installed wallboard from here, to the ceiling, to here.


Sadaqui: “With the help of an electrician, we also disabled the lighting system so that the wall was darkened.” sadaqui:“电工的帮助下,我们也是禁用的照明系统使壁变黑了。”

Narrator: The religious police walked past the false wall dozens of times and never suspected the room was there. The film rescuers’ lives were safe as long as their deception held, but if the Taliban ever found the hidden film negatives, there was no doubt that the men would be put to death.


Mustafa: “The Taliban told us that, ‘Even if a small piece of film was found, we will hang you or shoot you in the ditch where the archive was burned.’” 穆斯塔法:“塔利班告诉我们,即使一小块膜被发现,我们会将你或把你沟的档案被烧毁。” Kirimi: “The Taliban minister said, ‘If we find another film here, we will burn it along with you.’” kirimi:“塔利班部长说,“如果我们找到另一个电影在这里,我们将它与你在一起。”

Narrator: The threats of death did little to discourage the group of heroes. The artists remained brave and risked being discovered by one of the world’s most feared regimes. The Taliban’s demand for films to burn seemed to have no end. Month after month, the staff suffered through



surprise inspections, terrified that their secret would be discovered. Many Afghan film lovers assumed that the entire film archive was lost. But when at last the Taliban regime collapsed, the archive’s rescuers brought the negatives out of hiding.


Acclaimed as heroes, the courageous men were modest about what they had achieved. But they did save their Taliban ID cards, reminders of a time when they would have given their lives for the art they love.


Sadaqui: “Even if we lost our heads, it would have been an honor and privilege. But we didn’t allow our heritage to be destroyed. Why? A country which has no culture has no history.” sadaqui:“即使我们失去了我们的头脑,这将是一个荣誉和特权。但我们不允许我们的遗产被破坏。为什么?一个没有文化的国家没有历史。”

Unit 6 Natacha's Animal Rescue

Narrator: The vast region of southern Namibia known as Fish River Canyon is a huge, open space. The area was once home to a rich number of big game animals, rhinoceros, cheetah, and Oryx, but all of that changed with the coming of modern times. Over the years, hunters, poachers, and farmers killed virtually all of the canyon’s animals for sport, for food, or to make room for livestock. Fortunately, there’s hope. Conservationist Natacha Bateau has a dream: to bring these animals back to their natural habitat and to allow them to move about freely once again. 旁白:纳米比亚南部广大地区被称为“鱼河峡谷”是一个巨大的开放空间。该地区曾经是一个丰富的一些大型动物,犀牛,猎豹,和羚羊,但所有这一切改变随着现代时代的到来。多年来,猎人,偷猎者和农民,杀死了几乎所有的大峡谷的动物运动,食物,或使房间的牲畜。幸运的是,有希望。保育娜塔莎小舟有一个梦想:让这些动物回到它们的自然栖息地,让它们自由活动再次。

Natacha Bateau, Conservationist: “When I first came here, the game animals had been wiped out by man, and most of their predators also. So there were virtually no animals left.” 娜塔莎小舟,环保主义者:“当我第一次来到这里,游戏的动物已被消灭的人,他们大部分的食肉动物也。因此,几乎没有动物离开。”

Narrator: A native of Paris, France, Natacha came to live alone in Fish River Canyon in 1995, but by that time it was far from paradise. Many people talk about restoring the wilderness, but Natacha is actively doing something about it. Rarely far from her leopard companion, Chemun, Natacha is committed to repopulating the lands near her home with the animals that used to live in the region.




Natacha: “To me, it’s important to relocate animals here because I would like to see this land go back to its natural state.” 娜塔莎:“对我来说,重要的是将动物在这里是因为我想看看这地回到它的自然状态。” Narrator: Careful planning will be required to bring back the animals to a place like the canyon. For this complicated project, Natacha’s going to need allies. Ulf Tubbesing, one of Namibia’s best veterinarians, shares Natacha’s devotion to animals. He often works protecting them from being hunted or killed by farmers and cares for those that need new homes. Ulf was caring for the area’s animals. Natacha wanted to reintroduce species long gone from her land. The two animal advocates soon began to combine their efforts to help save animals and repopulate the region. 旁白:精心的计划将被要求把动物带到一个像峡谷的地方。这个复杂的工程,娜塔莎需要盟友。ULF tubbesing,一纳米比亚最好的兽医,股娜塔莎的奉献的动物。他经常工作,保护他们不被农民和照顾那些需要新家园的人来保护他们。ULF是照顾地区的动物。娜塔莎想重新引入物种远离她的土地。两动物保护者们很快就开始共同努力,帮助拯救动物和填充区域。 Ulf Tubbesing, Veterinarian: “Well, Natacha bought the farm some five years ago, and she’s been dreaming about building this thing up into—or reverting it back into—a natural state, the way it used to be a hundred years ago before man interfered. This is a very, very pristine and a very special area. It’s a very sensitive habitat, very sensitive ecology, very, very balanced plant life, and our entire aim, is to just re-establish that ecology and that ecosystem as it used to be.” ULF tubbesing,兽医:“嗯,娜塔莎买了一些五年前的农场,她一直梦想着建立这种事情成或还原回来into-a自然状态,它使用的是一百年前的人干扰的方法。这是一个非常,非常原始和非常特殊的地区。它是一个非常敏感的栖息地,非常敏感的生态,非常,非常平衡的植物生命,我们的整个目标,就是要重新建立生态和生态系统,因为它曾经是。”

Narrator: The first animals Ulf and Natacha relocated were springbok, which adapted easily to the landscape.

旁白:第一动物ULF和娜塔莎搬迁是跳羚,这很容易适应景观。 Natacha: “Hey! It’s a whole new world out here.” 娜塔莎:“嘿!这是一个全新的世界。”

Narrator: Later, the two conservationists captured and relocated a cheetah family. 旁白:后来,两者抓获并安置猎豹家族。

Ulf: “It’s a very exciting project . . . to come back to a place year after year and start seeing more and more animals roaming around, and having the sensation that just about every wild animal that you see, we put in here. You sort of touched them all with your own hands. You physically worked hard on them to get them here. It’s great.” Ulf:“这是一个非常令人兴奋的项目。..回到一个地方,一年后,开始看到越来越多的动物四处漫游,并有感觉,你看到的每一个野生动物,我们把在这里。你用自己的双手触摸他们。你在身体上工作很努力,让他们在这里得到他们。太好了。”

Narrator: But, those early relocations were simple compared with their latest plan. Ulf and Natacha are going to try to capture and transport the world’s tallest animals: giraffes. Size alone is a tremendous challenge. Giraffes are five and a half meters tall. In addition, these creatures have better eyesight than any game animal in Africa and, if they see danger coming, they can run away at over 55 kilometers an hour. In fact, they have only two enemies: lions and humans.





The giraffes of Fish River Canyon were completely wiped out long ago for their meat and skin. As a result, few giraffes roam the regions of southern Namibia these days but Natacha and Ulf are hoping to change that. 650 kilometers north, the number of giraffes is growing quickly and many are being kept in overcrowded game parks. By taking the giraffes from the north and relocating them to Fish River Canyon, Natacha and Ulf may be able to help, but only if they can capture and transport them safely. Natacha carefully examines the area for potential places where they can release the giraffes.


Natacha: “Now we’re looking for the right spot to release the giraffes, and the elements to look for are accessibility . . . and the availability of water—not very far—trees. And have a lot of space, and they should be more than happy, I should think.” 娜塔莎:“现在我们正在寻找释放的长颈鹿的正确位置,并寻找元素的可访问性。..和水的可用性不是很远的树木。而且有很多的空间,他们应该比幸福,我想。” Narrator: The first task completed, Natacha must now compile the team that will help her with the rescue. In Namibia, veterinarian Hermann Scherer is the man to see when one wants to catch a giraffe. A superb marksman, his tremendous skill has allowed him to specialize in capturing live wild animals, particularly giraffes. Hermann and his team have joined Natacha and Ulf at a wild animal conservation area in northern Namibia. They have only 12 hours to fill a trailer with giraffes for transport. But of course they have to catch them first. They need to carefully select which animals will be taken back. They must be the right age and strong enough to survive being hunted and injected with a powerful drug to make them sleep. The team will have only a few minutes to catch the giraffes and get them ready for transport before giving them another drug to wake them up. If there are any complications, the giraffes could easily die. 旁白:第一个任务完成,娜塔莎现在必须编译团队将帮助她与救援。在纳米比亚,兽医赫尔曼Scherer是男人看的时候要抓一只长颈鹿。一个出色的射手,他的巨大的技能使他专注于捕捉活的野生动物,尤其是长颈鹿。赫尔曼和他的团队已经加入了娜塔莎和Ulf在野生动物保护区在纳米比亚北部。他们只有12小时来填补拖车运输与长颈鹿。当然,他们必须先抓住他们。他们需要仔细选择哪些动物会被带回来。他们必须是正确的年龄和强大的生存,并注入了强大的药物,使他们睡觉。球队将只有几分钟赶上长颈鹿和之前给他们另一种药物来唤醒他们,他们准备运输。如果有任何并发症,长颈鹿很容易死。

As expected, the difficulty with the plan lies with the giraffe’s exceptional eyesight and of course its height and speed. It’s going to be difficult for Hermann to shoot the animal from a great distance, but luckily that won’t stop this excellent marksman. After searching some time, the team finally comes upon a pair of giraffes far out in the grasslands. The animals have not yet noticed the team, so Hermann takes the opportunity.


Ulf: “That was a really nice hit. Now we just have to wait and see . . . and wait for the dart to



take effect.”

Ulf:“这是一个非常好的打。现在我们只需要等待和看到。..并等待“反应”的生效。” Hermann Scherer, Veterinarian: “OK, now it’s action time.” 赫尔曼Scherer,兽医:“好了,现在是行动的时候了。”

Narrator: The male giraffe flees in fear. The team follows closely behind. As the animal begins to slow, the truck pulls slowly up beside him and a team member carefully slips a special type of rope over its head—they’ve got him! Once the team has caught the animal, they must work quickly to ensure that the giraffe’s enormous head remains upright. If its head falls down or bends sharply, the giraffe won’t be able to breathe properly—and may die. When the men have positioned the 900-kilogram animal correctly, Ulf gives it another drug to wake it up. They begin to prepare the giraffe for transport. Again, they must hurry, as the giraffe will soon regain his senses. They cover the animal’s ears and put a mask over his head to keep him calm. The men have also tied ropes to the animal’s neck and legs in order to help guide him to the trailer. 旁白:雄性长颈鹿逃离恐惧。球队紧随其后。当动物开始缓慢的时候,卡车在他旁边慢慢地拉着,一个团队成员仔细地在其头上滑了一种特殊的绳子,他们已经让他了!一旦这个队抓住了这个动物,他们必须迅速的工作,以确保长颈鹿的巨大的头仍然是直立的。如果它的头掉下来或弯曲,长颈鹿就不能正常呼吸,可能会死。当男人把900公斤的动物正确,ULF赋予它另一种药物来唤醒它。他们开始准备长颈鹿的运输。再次,他们必须赶快,因为长颈鹿将很快恢复他的感觉。他们用动物的耳朵盖上了一个面具,让他保持镇静。男人们还把绳子绑在动物的脖子和腿上,以帮助引导他去拖车。 Hermann: “Natacha, congratulations! You are the owner of one bull.” 赫尔曼:“娜塔莎,恭喜!你是一头公牛的主人。”

Narrator: The team proceeds with their plan and manages to catch a second giraffe using the same techniques. They must now begin the 800-kilometer drive to Fish River Canyon, driving day and night to get there as quickly as possible. Finally, after a nonstop journey of 20 hours over extremely rough roads, the team and the giraffes arrive at the spot previously chosen by Natacha. 讲述者:这个小组利用他们的计划进行了计划,并设法用相同的技术捕捉到一只长颈鹿。他们现在必须开始800公里的驱动器,以鱼河峡谷,驾驶一天和晚上尽可能快地到达那里。最后,一个不间断的20小时在极为崎岖的道路的旅程后,球队和长颈鹿到娜塔莎之前选择的点。

Natacha: “This is the spot, yes . . . near those big trees.” 娜塔莎:“这是一点,是的。..靠近那些大树。”

Ulf: “There’s a lot of moisture in the leaves. You can see how nice and lush green the trees are.” Ulf:“叶中有很多水分。你可以看到树木是多么的漂亮和茂盛。” Natacha: “ . . . It can be pretty much where you think.”


Narrator: The place has everything: life-sustaining water, trees for food, and most importantly, no guns. Each rescue comes down to this moment. Now, the most delicate—and tense—part of the rescue takes place. Will the giraffes take those first big steps to freedom?

旁白:这个地方有一切:生命维持水,树木的食物,最重要的是,没有枪。每一次救援都归结于这一刻。现在,最微妙和紧张的一部分救援需要的地方。将长颈鹿做第一大步骤的自由? Ulf: “They’re going to turn around and kick, ay? You’ve got to watch it, eh? They can be nasty.” Ulf:“他们会转身踢,啊?你得看了,嗯?他们可能是讨厌的。”

Narrator: After a few tense moments, the giraffe walks slowly out of the trailer, uncertain at first,
