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Receivable TO,Inventory TO和payable TO的区别和联系---三者结合可得cash conversion cycle
Assets TO=revenue/average total assets Fixed Asset TO=revenue/average net fixed assets Working capital TO=revenue/avg. working capital Current ratio, quick ratio和cash ratio一组非常类似 Debt-to-capital=D/(D+E)所谓capital,即负债和权益之和!
Financial leverage—财务杠杆--=avg. total assets/avg. total equity 是平均总资产除以平均总权益—顾名思义, 是先有的权益所能撬动的总的资产的数量---仅此叫做财务杠杆! 利息保障倍数=EBIT /I
所谓EBIT即operating income即operating profit ROA的计算公式实际上并不统一, 有多种不同的公式 ROA=NI/Avg. Assets ROA=EBIT/avg. Assets
ROA=(NI+ interest*(1-T))/avg. assets Return on total capital=EBIT/avg. total capital 杜邦分析系统:
ROE=NI/sales*sales/assets*assets/equity=销售净利率×资产周转率×权益乘数 权益乘数即leverage ratio即financial leverage即equity multiplier,leverage multiplier 进一步扩展:
ROE=(NI/EBT)*(EBT/EBIT)*(EBIT/Revenue)*(Revenue/Total Assets)*(Total Assets/Total Equity) 税务负担×利息负担×Ebit margin×资产周转率×权益报酬率 Understanding balance sheet Balance sheet ASSETS BS Liability account BS Equity account account Cash and equivalent Acc. Receivable Inventory Prepaid expense Investment Capital stock Additional capital stock Treasury stock Retained earnings Accumulated other comprehensive income注意!! PPE Capital lease obligations Intangible assets Pension liability Deferred tax assets Deferred tax liability Pension assets US GAAP 对于minority interest的处理可以在liability部分或者equity部分或者位于liability和equity之间的mezzanine部分进行体现!!!!
表外信息披露---off-balance-sheet disclosure—以下信息之footnote披露:
1. Accounting policy, including revenue recognition, other accounting methods and
judgment used
2. Estimation of uncertainty, including key assumptions that pose a significant risk 3. Debt agreement terms 4. Lease and off-balance-sheet financing 5. Business segments
6. Contingent assets and liabilities 7. Pension plans
BS上的资产的金额不能用于评估公司的价值! Financial statement footnote应该包括如下信息:
? Basis for measurement
? Carrying value of inventory by category ? ……..见note 88页
GAAP规定,存货的估计方法是最次成本法或净实现值法!---net realizable vaule=selling price of inventory-estimated cost of completion-disposal cost!
Accrued liabilities (accrued expenses) 是指现在还没有contractually due的债务或者费用。 如到年底才到期的liability, 在第一个季度结束时就增加四分之一的Accrued liabilities,而这些liability在第一个季度末根本没有due!
注意goodwill的定义!excess of purchase price over fair value!购买价格超出其fair value的部分---不进行摊销, 每年进行测试test是否有impaired---公司可以进行利润操控---降低实物资产的价值,提高goodwill,这样可以减少折旧,从而增加净利润!
Acc. Payable Accrued expenses Unearned revenue Notes payable Bond payable 公司内部形成的goodwill要按照产生的费用进行费用化!如重组了其养老基金, 则该goodwill直接expensed as incurred!
Mark to market---MTM是指将资产和负债按照fair value进行计入的方式 BS Trading stock 短期交易获利 Available for sales Held-to-maturity 不会持有到期,也不持有到期 会短期买卖 Fair value---MTM Fair value--MTM Amortized cost---face value-unamortized discount或者=face value + unamortized premium Dividends; Dividends; Interest; Interest Interest; Realized gain or loss Realized gain or loss; Realized gain or loss Unrealized gain or loss 对于没有实现的gain或者loss会在OCI中体现,而不是在NI中体现 NI OE包括五个部分: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Contributed capital Retained earnings; Minority interest; Treasury stock;
Other comprehensive income!----
a. accumulated other comprehensive income 包括了除去公司在NI中体现的正
常交易产生利润以及除去股东交易如增发新股,treasury stock回购,发放股利等以外的其他对OE产生影响的
b. comprehensive income包括两部分=net income + other comprehensive
Understanding the cash flow statement 三张主要表格中, 只有现金流量表是根据现金收付制进行编制,其他资产负债表, 利润表都是根据权责发生制进行编制—accrual basis GAAP的规定:
Trading stock的购买和收入属于CFO;
Interest和divided的收入都属于CFO,----收到的Div是CFO,千万别弄混! 但是interest的支出是属于CFO, 而Dividend的支出则是属于CFF。 一定要注意区别! 购买债券是CFI但是债券的收入则是CFO;
非现金的investing和financing行为不会在CF中体现出来。如卖方提供信贷购买房地产,或者debt和equity的互换。 但是这些non-cash的transaction要做footnote或者supplementary schedule中说明;
流动负债中的应付票据属于CFF,不应该反应在CFO中!重要! 直接法:从收入开始 五个方面的CF:
1. Cash collections from customers;---
a. net sales
b. changes in AR;
c. customer cash advances
2. Cash paid to suppliers;
b. Change in inventory c. Change in AP;
d. Change in other liabilities
3. Cash paid for operating expenses;
a. SGA;
b. Prepaid expenses;
c. Changes in accrued liabilities d. Wages;
e. Wages payable
4. Cash paid for interests;
a. Interest expenses----from IS b. Interest payable---from BS c. 证券的折价溢价账户
5. Cash paid for taxes
a. Tax expenses---IS b. Tax payable----BS c. Deferred tax---BS
间接法---从NI开始 直接法和间接法的区别:
1. 由于直接法是从销售开始,所以IS表中的那些因素还没有计算在内,所以IS表的
内容和BS的相关内容必须都要考虑进去:比如IS中的wages和BS中的wages payable要结合考虑,IS中的interest和BS中的interest payable也要结合考虑对现金流的影响。 而对于间接法来说,IS中的wages,interest等已经在计算NI的时候计算考虑进去了, 所以在间接法计算的时候就不再考虑这些因素了,仅仅看BS中
计算CFI应当从gross assets的账户的变化开始,如PPE,intangible assets,investment securities等。 只考虑相关assets的book value-----也就是折旧前的价值----不考虑折旧!因为这些depreciation,amortization不是现金费用;
Gain from sales of land账户,仅仅是卖出资产时候的增值部分, 不包括本身资产的book value!!!这个是一个概念理解的问题, 请务必记住!
自由现金流量----是指可供所有investor分配的现金流量---包括equity owner和debt holder FCFF---free cash flow to the firm=NI+NCC(non-cash depreciation/amortization)+interest*(1-T)-FC investment-WC investment FCFF=CFO+ interest *(1-T)-FC Investment
Free cash flow to equity---FCFE=CFO-FC Investment+ Net borrowing Cash flow to revenue=CFO/net revenue Cash return on assets= CFO/ average total assets Cash return on equity= CFO/average total equity Cash to income=CFO/operating income
Cash flow per share= (CFO-preferred div)/weighted average number of common shares Interest coverage=EBIT/interest payment = (CFO+ interest paid + taxes paid)/interest paid Analysis of inventory存货分析 FIFO 和 LIFO
FIFO方法下,不论存货的价格怎么变化, 都能更好反应存货的价值!因此FIFO更好的反应了inventory;而LIFO则是更好的反应了cogs的价值!