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was first named Eight Treasure Stewed in a Pot and the name was later changed to Blessed and Longevity . 佛跳墙是由福州市一个叫聚春园的餐馆在清朝光绪年间发明的,早先菜名为八珍锅,而后改为福寿全。One day ,several scholars came to Gathering Spring Garden for a meal . When the dish was served ,one of the scholars improvised a poem :fragrance spreads to the neighborhood once the lid lifts ,one whiff and the Buddha jumps over the wall ,abandoning the Zen precepts . Hence the name of the dish . 一日,几位秀才到聚春园饮酒。菜上桌时,其中一位即兴赋诗一首“坛启荤香飘四邻,佛闻弃禅跳墙来。”佛跳墙这一菜名便由此得来。
12食物传达的温馨和盛情warmth and hospitality expressed by food
In the eyes of Chinese ,what is important about eating ,especially at festivals ,is to eat in a warm atmosphere . 在中国人看来,吃最重要的,尤其在过节时,莫过于是吃饭时的温馨气氛。Often the young and old still sit in order of seniority ,and the elders select food for the young while the young make toasts to the elders .Chinese people like to create a lively ,warm , and harmonious atmosphere during meals. 吃饭时,年长的和年少的按照年龄大小依次坐好,在欢乐祥和的气氛中,说说笑笑。席间,长辈为晚辈夹菜,晚辈给长辈敬酒,营造出一派欢乐、温馨、和谐的气氛。
13 A hostess or host in China will apportion the best parts of the dishes to guests . Using a pair of serving chopsticks ,she or he places the best part of a steamed fish or the most tender piece of meat on the plate of the most important guest .Such a custom is still popular ,especially among the elder generation ,as a way of experience respect ,concern and hospitality . 在中国,主人会把最好的莱分给客人。他们用公筷把清蒸鱼最好的部分或最嫩的肉夹给最重要的来宾。这种习俗用来表达尊敬、关怀和好客之意,至今在老一
14 Such culinary customs have had a certain influence on the character of the Chinese people . In a sense ,it has strengthened the collective spirit of the nation . At a party or a banquet ,everyone first takes into consideration the needs of the group ;with the eating process also being a time to show humility and concern for others . 这种饮食习俗对中国人的性格也有几分影响。从某种意义上说,它增强了人们的集体主义精神。无论在聚会还是在宴席上,人们首先考虑大家的需求,把吃饭当成是谦卑有礼和关怀他人的场合。
15 In China ,food eaten during festivals is particularly important . At different festivals ,people partake of different fare . For example ,on the eve of the Spring festival, people in the north always eat jiaozi ,meat and vegetable dumplings ,at family reunions. This is a way of bidding farewell to the old year and welcoming the New Year . 中国人特别在乎过节时吃什么,不同的节日吃不同的食物。比如除夕夜全家团圆时,北方人吃肉饺或菜饺,象征辞旧迎新。The Lantern Festival is a day of celebration ,and on this day people like to eat yuanxiao,sweep dumplings made of glutinous rice flour ,to symbolize family reunion and perfection . 元宵节吃元宵,元宵是糯米粉做的甜团子,象征家庭团圆、美满。端午节吃粽子,人们用芦苇叶子把糯米包成三角形的粽子是为了纪念受人爱戴的诗人屈原。At the Duanwu festival ,people eat zongzi ,glutinous rice wrapped in triangular shape in reed leaves ,to commemorate the beloved poet Qu Yuan (c.339-c.278 BC) ,who drowned himself in the Miluo River in the hope that the water dragon would not take him away . This later gradually developed into a custom of making and eating zongzi during the Duanwu Festival . 屈原因遭政治迫害自沉于汨罗江。传说古时候人们把粽子
Unit Three
没有文学的休闲生活犹如死亡抑或活埋。Leisure without literature is death and burial alive .
1J.K.罗琳发誓说自己从来没有过这种预想。她做梦也没有想到会有那么多人对她的书感兴趣。J.K.Rowing swears she never saw it coming . In her wildest dreams ,she didn’t think her Harry Potter would appeal to more than a handful of readers .“我从来没有指望过有这么多人喜欢它,”在最近的一次访谈中她仍然这样说,“可是,很显然,我大错特错了。它在许多人心中产生了共鸣。”她说得很委婉。 I never expected a lot of people to like them ,she insisted in a recent interview . Well ,it turned out I was very wrong ,obviously . It strikes a chord with an enormous number of people . That’s put it mildly .《哈利波特》系列丛书的前三册被翻译成了35种语言,已出版3,500万册,据保守估计,这三册书在三年时间里已经赚了四亿八千万美金。而这还只是个开始。 With 35 million copies in print ,in 35 languages ,the first three Harry Potter books have earned a conservatively estimated $480 million in three years . And that was just the warm-up .《哈里波特》系列丛书的第四册《哈利波特与火焰杯》初版530万册,加上高达180万册的订单,有望创造新的畅销书销售记录。 With a first printing of 5.3 million copies
and advance orders topping 1.8million ,Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ,the fourth installment of the series ,promises to break every bookselling record . 12岁的杰克·莫里西的话很清楚地表达了他们这一代读者的想法。他说:“《哈利波特》就如同生活,但比生活更美好。” Jack Morrissey ,12 ,plainly speaks for a generation of readers when he says , the Harry Potter books are like life ,but better .
2让人称奇的是,罗琳让每一册书的情节相互独立,但最后,她却能够巧妙地把它们衔接起来,形成一个意想不到的结局。单从叙述能力而言,《哈利波特与火焰杯》也是《哈利波特》系列丛书中最好的一本。Amazingly ,Rowling keeps her several plotlines clear of each other until the end ,when she deftly brings everything together in a cataclysmic conclusion . For pure narrative power ,this is the best Potter book yet .
3当这本书终于在星期六午夜12:01面市时,在英国和北美,成千上万的孩子争相购买。 When the book finally went on sale at 12:01 a.m. Saturday ,thousands of children in Britain and North America rushed to claim their copies .书店举办了睡衣派对,邀请了一些魔术师表演,并提供曲奇饼和潘趣酒,可是没人需要这些,因为人们个个情绪高涨。Bookstores hosted pajama parties ,hired magicians and served cookies and punch ,but nobody needed to lift the spirits of these crowds . 有一次,顾客们发出了巨大的欢呼声,以致邻居们实在难以忍受而报了警。In one case ,customers made such a big ,happy noise that neighbors called the cops . 在美国北卡罗来纳州的夏洛特市“边界”连锁书店,12岁的艾琳·兰金一拿到书就快速翻到最后一页。“我听说有一个主角死了,我真的很想知道是谁,”她说。但是几分钟后她放弃了。“我做不到,我不能先看