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Module 3 Interpersonal Relationship—Friendship


1.I offer my sincere apology to you and please ________(原谅)the wrong I have done.

2.He'd always been a bright and ________(活泼的)child.

3.The first problem they are ________(面对)with is their daily life instead of long-term development.

4.Do you remember the word the teacher ________(提到)last time? 5.Don't ________(数)your chickens before they are hatched. 6.Can they be ________(信任)to look after the house? 7.Don't pull the pages so hard or they will ________(破裂).

8.Whether this will be successful or not is still difficult to ________(预测).

9.As a kid,I was always getting ________(责骂,斥责)by my father for being naughty.

10.Those who have not bought insurance are now ______(后悔).

答案:1.forgive 2.lively 3.confronted 4.mentioned 5.count 6.trusted 7.tear 8.predict 9.scolded 10.regretting


1.How do you ____________________ (保持联系) your aunt in America?

2.Be careful. __________________ (把它撕开) at the end. Then you can pull it out.

3.My friend sent me a Thank-you Card ______________________(作为回报). 4.People with a sense of humor are always ______________________(与……关系很好) other people.

5.As he finished the speech, the audience ________________(突然爆发) applause. 答案:1.keep in touch with 2.Tear it open 3.in return 4.on good terms with 5.burst into


1.We were on good ________ with everyone in the village,and we even gave a salute to the local policeman as he passed on his bicycle.

A.friendship C.intentions

B.relations D.terms

答案:D 句意:我们跟村里的每个人都相处得很好,连当地的警察骑车经过时,我们

都会向他敬礼。be on good terms with意为“与……关系好”,为固定搭配,符合句意。其余选项均不存在这样的搭配。

2.The pain was acute,and I couldn't ________ Danny for leaving me. A.remember C.forgive

B.stand D.understand

答案:C 句意:痛苦是剧烈的,我不能原谅丹尼离开我。forgive sb.for (doing) sth.原谅某人(做)某事,符合句意。

3.There is ________ water and the farmers can use it to irrigate their fields. A.a great deal C.a plenty of

B.a large number of D.a large amount of

答案:D a large amount of接不可数名词;a great deal后应有of,a large number of后接可数名词,C项应该是plenty of。

4.My parents often mention ________ me that you did them a favour. A.to C.at

B.for D.from

答案:A 句意:我父母经常向我提到你曾经帮过他们。mention to sb. sth. “向某人提及某事”。

5.(2013·江西高三联考) Surely it doesn't matter who has donated the money to the organization; what ________ is what they do with it.

A.stresses C.counts

B.applies D.functions

答案:C 单词辨析。stress强调;apply申请;count有价值;function行使职责。由句意可知选C。

6.Here is my QQ number. ________, please. A.Keep in touch C.Don't worry

B.Get in touch D.Enjoy yourself

答案:A 句意:这是我的QQ号。要多联系哦!keep in touch“保持联系” ,符合句意。get in touch“取得联系”;don't worry“别担心”;enjoy yourself“开心玩”。

7.(2011·菏泽模拟)Those who show respect for others will be respected ________. A.in response C.in turn

B.in return D.in place

答案:C 考查介词短语辨析。句意:那些尊敬他人的人反过来也会受到尊敬。in return“作为回报”;in turn“反过来”,符合题意。

8.(2012·孝感模拟)Believe it or not,Levy's sister suddenly ________ crying

when we were eating.

A.burst out C.broke into

B.burst into D.brought out

答案:A 考查动词短语。句意:信不信由你,我们吃饭的时候Levy的姐姐突然大哭起来。burst out crying意为“突然大哭起来”,符合句意。

9.Do you still remember the first time ________ we went to see that film? A./ C.which

B.when D.while

答案:A 句意:你还记得我们第一次看那部电影时的情形吗?time表示“次数”时,后面的定语从句用that引导,that可省略。故选A。

10.I failed my final exam last term.How I regretted ________ the teacher's advice.

A.to take C.not to take


D.not having taken

答案:D regret“后悔,遗憾”,regret doing通常表示“对曾经做过或发生过的事表示后悔或遗憾”,regret to do表示“对将要做的事表示遗憾”。而有时为了强调“某事已完成”这一概念,也可以采用regret having done,这时与regret doing表达的意义是相同的。

11.—What a pity! football match.

—Don't worry.It'll be broadcast ________. A.lively C.alive

B.living D.live

I haven't got a ticket for the

答案:D 考查词语辨析。答句句意:别担心,它将会现场直播的。四个选项中只有live可用作副词,意为“在现场直播”。

12.The old lady helped me a lot when I was in trouble.I do wish I could do something for her ________one day.

A.in return C.in theory

B.in common D.in turn

答案:A 后一句句意:但愿有一天我可以做点儿什么来回报她。in return作为回报。 13.(2012·济南模拟)Mary and Joan quarreled,but they ________after a while. A.put up C.made up

B.brought up D.set up

答案:C 句意:玛丽和琼吵了一架,但她们过了一会儿就和解了。make up和解,符


14.—Are you sure Nick will help us if we are in trouble? —________.He is a reliable friend. A.It doesn't matter C.You can count on it

B.Don't take it to heart D.No problem

答案:C 考查交际用语。从后面的“He is a reliable friend.”可知,此题选C项(你尽管放心好了)。

15.She is an intelligent and ________ young woman. A.lively C.living

B.live D.alive

答案:A 句意:她是一位有才智且活泼的年轻女士。live“活的,现场直播的”;living“活的,有生命的”;alive“活的”,是表语形容词,均不合题意。


There are many great doctors and perhaps it is enough to say that Dr Charles Mayo is one. __1__, it is not enough for me.

Charles Mayo was not a __2__ of mine in the sense that he would __3__ by for dinner or remember my daughter's graduation. We were not that __4__,for he lived in Minnesota and I lived in California. He was a friend in the sense that he __5__ more like a friend than a doctor, when he was being a doctor.

I got very close to him just once. More__6__,he got very close to me. I was flying my own plane to Washington and felt a serious __7__ in my back. It turned around,__8__ for a clinic nearby and got in __9__ with Dr Jan, my doctor and good friend. Jan at once said I had appendicitis(阑尾炎) and I told him he was the __10__ doctor I had ever met. I had no fever and any other symptoms of it. How can I __11__ have appendicitis?

“If you want to __12__ better as quickly as possible, we'll have Charles Mayo look at you.” It took Charles Mayo about thirty seconds to __13__ to Jan's request.

Charles was washing his hands when I was __14__ into the operating room. I said, my __15__ shaking, “You have done this before, haven't you?”

“Of course, Danny,” he said. “Twice.”

He had many interests and __16__ them with great humor. But while he was crazy about a lot of things, he was the craziest of all about being a doctor. And he faced death often enough to know that while it is final in one sense, it is not __17__ final at all. He enjoyed __18__ too much not to know that it has a meaning beyond