小学英语PEP五年级下册单元测试题 下载本文

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三、听录音,给图片排序。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题1 分,共5分。)

( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( )

四、听录音,选答语。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题 2分,共10分。) ( ) 1. A.Swim B.Spring. ( )2. A.Because I can pick apples . B.I like fall. ( )3. A.Yes , I do B.No, I do. ( )4. A.I often plant flowers. B.Spring. ( )5. A.Because I like summer vacation.

B. Because I can make a snowman.

五、听录音,判断句子对错。对的打“√”,错的打“×”。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题 2 分,共10分。) 1.( ) What season do you like best? 2.( ) Spring is green with flowers.

3.( ) Look at the green trees and pink flowers. 4.( ) Because I can play in the snow 5.( ) Why do you like autumn?

六、听录音,给句子排序。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题 2分,共10分。) ( )Why ?

( )Hello ,Mike ! Look at my picture. ( )Because I like summer vacation. ( )Good job ! I like the trees

( )Which season do you like best, Mike ?

( )I like winter. I can make a snowman. How about you? ( )I often go swimming.

( )What do you often do in the summer? ( )Me too . ( )Summer .


七. 选择正确答案。(每个小题1分,共4分。)

( ) 1.Summer comes before______ . A. winter B. spring C. fall ( ) 2.---- It’ s very ______ today. Let us go swimming.

---- Good idea. A. hot B. cool C .cold

五年级英语单元检测题共32页 第5页

( ) 3. Fall is gold, winter is______ . A. white B. black C. blue ( ) 4. Why do you like summer best? I can______ .

A.go skating B. go swimming C. go shopping


1. A: _________ do you have English class? B: _________ about 10:00. 2. A: _________ your favourite _________? B: I like spring. 3. A: _________ do you like fall? 九、选择合适的句子,补全对话。(每个小题2分,共10分。) What do you like to do? Can you make a snowman now?

What’s the weather like? What would you like to do? Is it windy and cold? When do you eat breakfast? Can I make a snowman? A: ? B: I would like to go swimming.

A: ? B: No, I can’t.

A: ? B: I eat breakfast at 7:15 a.m..

A: ____________________________? B: It’s warm and sunny.

A: ? B: No, it isn’t.

十、组词成句。 (每个小题2分,共8分。) 1. your What is season favourite

? 2. does best which like season Mike

? 3. winter you do like why

? 4. lake I the in swim can



Summer , sunny , visit , skate , Spring , green , swim , plant trees , winter , blue

The best time to go to Beijing is fall. It’s _____and cool. You can go to

the Great Wall. When is the best time to go to Harbin? Of course_____. It’s windy and cold. But you can _____there._____ is the best season to go to Sanya. It’s sunny and hot. You can _____in the sea. What about Hangzhou? _____is the best time to go there. The sky is_____. The leaves are_____. It’s beautiful. You can______,too. When is the best time to_______ these places? 十二、阅读理解(10分)

There are four seasons in a year. Spring begins first. Summer is the second. Then it’s fall. Winter is the last season in a year. In China, the weather is not the same in winter. In Beijing, it’s very cold. It often snows. People can play with snow and they must put on the coat. But in Hainan it’s not cold. It’s very warm. People there can go to swim in the sea.

( )1.How many seasons are there in a year? A. four. B. five. ( )2.What’s the third season in a year? A. Spring. B. Fall. ( )3.Can people see the snow in winter in Beijing?

A. Yes, they can. B. No, they can’t.

五年级英语单元检测题共32页 第6页

( )4.What’s the weather like in winter in Hainan? A. It’s very cold. B. It’s not cold.

( )5.Can people make a snowman in winter in Hainan?

A. Yes, they can. B. No, they can’t.

五年级英语(PEP)下学期检测题 Unit3 My school calendar

(时间:40分钟 总分:试题分97+卷面分3) 卷题十一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 面号 一 分 得 分 总 分 听力部分(共50分)

一、 听录音,选单词。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题1分,共10分。) ( )1.A. date B. day C. cake D. say

( ) 2.A. June B. July C. September D. December ( ) 3. A. his B. her C. she D. he ( ) 4. A. when B. why C. where D. what ( ) 5. A. uncle B. aunt C. cousin D. sister ( ) 6. A. March B. May C. Mary D. Monday ( ) 7. A. January B. June C. July D. Jones ( ) 8. A. twentieth B. fourth C. twelfth D. fifth ( ) 9. A. second B. first C. best D. third ( ) 10. A. August B. April C. eight D. usually 二、听录音,给下列图片编号。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题1分,共10分。)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

三、听录音,选择正确的答语。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题2分,共10分。) ( ) 1. A. Oct.1st. B. June 1st C. Apr.1st ( ) 2. A. 3 . B. 2 . C. 0

( ) 3. A. She’s my sister. B. She’s my cousin C. She’s my mother ( ) 4. A. Oct. 10th B. Aug. 10th C. Sept. 10th

五年级英语单元检测题共32页 第7页

( ) 5.A.He’s making a birthday card. B. It’ s his birthday.

C. It’s January.

四、听录音,选择你所听到的句子。每个小题听两遍。 (每个小题2分,共10分。) ( )1.A. It’s in March. B. It’s in May. ( )2. A. We have an Easter party.

B. Aunt Lucy’s birthday is in September.

( )3. A. This is my class birthday chart. B. We’ll go to the Great Wall . ( )4. A. My birthday is in July. B. This is my family birthday chart. ( )5. A. What’s the date today? B. Teacher’s Day is in September . 五、听录音,把下列短语按时间顺序排序。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题2分,共10分。)

( )1. Mother’s Day ( )2. Tree Planting Day

( )3. Teacher’s Day ( )4. Children’s Day ( ) 5.Christmas



1.( )A. one B. two C. second D. three 2.( )A. Monday B. November C. December D. February 3.( )A. Friday B. Monday C. today D. Sunday 4.( )A. birthday B. Children’s Day C. China’s National Day

D. Tree planting Day

5.( )A. spring B. summer C. fall D. season 6.( )A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Army Day D. Sunday 7.( )A. sister B. brother C. mother D. friend 七、按要求填空。(每个小题1分,共5分。)

1. November ___________________ (缩写) 2. August ___________________ (缩写)

3. September ___________________ (缩写)

4. do ___________________ (第三人称单数形式) 5. box ___________________ (复数形式) 八、选择填空。(每个小题1分,共10分。) ( )1.-- When is Tree Planting Day?

--It’s ___________ March.

A.at B. in C. on D. of ( )2. ___________ is the first month of a year.

A. February B. December C. October D. January ( )3. ___________ is Children's Day?

五年级英语单元检测题共32页 第8页