2B M1综合练习 下载本文

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Part 1 Listening (听力部分)

Ⅰ. Listen and tick(听一听,在听到的图片下打勾): 1. 2.

A. ( ) 3.

A. ( ) 5.

B. ( ) 4. A. ( ) B. ( )

B. ( )

6. A. ( ) B. ( )

A. ( ) B. ( ) A. ( ) B. ( )

Ⅱ. Listen and choose(听一听,选出听到的字母组、单词或词组,将字母代号写在前面的括号内): ( ) 1. A. tmv B. mtv ( ) 2. A. SWZ B. ZSW ( ) 3. A. rough B. smooth ( ) 4. A. see B. hear ( ) 5. A. butterfly B. bird ( ) 6. A. brown B. blue

Ⅲ. Listen and choose(听一听,选出听到的句子,将字母代号写在前面的括号内): ( ) 1. A. I can see a tiger. B. I can hear a tiger. ( ) 2. A. She can hear a cow B. May can hear a chick. ( ) 3. A It’s soft and nice. B. It’s hard and smooth. ( ) 4. A. She can touch a peach. B. She can touch a pear. ( ) 5. A. I am waiting for the bus. B. I am waiting for the van. ( ) 6. A. What colour are they? B. What colour is it?

Ⅳ. Listen and number(听一听,用“1—6”给下列图片编号): ( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

Ⅴ. Listen and circle(听一听,圈出听到的单词完成句子):

Hello! I am Alice. I am in the zoo. Look! I can see a panda. It’s ______ (black / brown) and white.. It’s ______(lovely / nice). Oh! Here are the _____(monkeys / zebras)! They are _____ (orange / brown). They can _____(run / jump). Listen! I can hear a _____ (tiger / lion). It’s strong. I like the animals very much.

Ⅵ. Listen and choose(听一听,选出合适的应答句,将字母代号写在前面的括号内): ( ) 1. A. Happy birthday! B. Thank you!

( ) 2. A. I go to the zoo by bus. B. I go to the park by bike. ( ) 3. A. They are brown. B. It is brown. ( ) 4. A. Yes, it’s soft. B. It’s soft. ( ) 5. A. It’s rough. B. It’s smooth.

Ⅶ. Listen and judge(听一听,判断下列图片是否符合听到的内容,用?或?表示): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Ⅷ. Listen and judge(听一听,判断下列句子是否符合听到的内容,用T或F表示): ( ) 1. The rabbit is hard.

( ) 2. The rabbit has got black hair and red eyes. ( ) 3. The rabbit likes to eat green and soft grass. ( ) 4. The pineapples are sour.

( ) 5. The pineapples are not soft and smooth.

Part 2 Reading and Writing(笔试部分)

Ⅰ. Look and write(正确抄写下列字母组和单词):4%

rustmv TGCDWAE bicycle rough rainbow

Ⅱ. Look and write(根据图意,将下列单词填写完整):

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

tr _ _n

r_ _gh

bl_ _k

w_ _ch

br_ _n

Ⅲ. Look and circle(看图,选出相应的单词,圈在字母代号上): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A. brown B. black A. soft B. hard A. rough B. smooth A. butterfly B. butterflies A. bus B. train

Ⅳ. Read and circle(读一读,选出在意义上属于不同类的单词,圈在字母代号上): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A. brown A. mouth A. rough A. can A. car B. purple B. mouse B. open B. see B. station C. colour C. lion C. smooth C. hear C. bus

Ⅴ. Read and choose(读一读,选择最佳答案,将字母代号写在前面的括号内): ( ) 1. ________ the van. It goes “Beep, Beep”.

A. Look at B. Hear C. Listen to ( ) 2. I can see with my _________.

A. ears B. eyes C. nose ( ) 3. There _________ four seasons in a year.

A. is B. are C. do ( ) 4. What colour ________ the geese?

A. are B. is C. am ( ) 5. --- Is this ______ toy car? --- No, it’s _______ toy car. A. a … a B. your … his C. your … my ( ) 6. --- Touch the pineapple. How does it feel? --- It’s ______. A. hard B. hot C. smooth

Ⅵ. Read and judge(读一读,判断下列图片是否符合所给的句子,用T或F表示):

( ) 1. It’s hard and rough.

( ) 2. The girl is beside ( ) 3.I can see four cats. the door.

( ) 4.Ming can hear a bus. ( ) 5. I can hear a dog. ( ) 6. I can hear a lion.

Ⅶ. Read and choose(读一读,选择合适的应答句,将字母代号写在前面的括号内): ( ) 1. Ting-ting! What can you hear? A. Yes, it is. ( ) 2. Is it soft? B. They are yellow. ( ) 3. Do you like pizza? C. I can hear a bike. ( ) 4. Tom, what can you see? D. No, I don’t like pizza. ( ) 5. What colour are they? E. I can see a blue bird.