最新新概念英语青少版1A--UNIT-1----7测试题 下载本文

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ABC English Training Center 新概念英语青少版1A第一期期末考试

姓名 ___________________ 分数___________________

第一部分 听力 (30分)

一. 听录音,选出你所听到的音标。(5分)

( ) 1. A ./ / B./ / C. / / ( ) 2. A ./ / B./ / C. / / ( ) 3. A ./ / B./ / C. / / ( ) 4. A ./ / B./ / C. / / ( ) 5. A ./ / B./ / C. / / ( ) 6. A ./ / B./ / C. / / ( ) 7. A ./ / B./ / C. / / ( ) 8. A ./ / B./ / C. / / ( ) 9. A ./ / B./ / C. / / ( ) 10. A ./ / B./ / C. / /

二. 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(5分)

( ) 1.A. wait B.late C.play ( )2.A. thick B.thin C.thing ( )3.A .table B.they C.plate ( )4.A.name B.what C.where ( )5A..here B.hi C.him ( )6.A.eight B.fat C.family ( )7.A.and B.is C.at ( )8.A.box B.bag C.bird ( )9.A.brown B.book C.black ( )10.A.meet B.mother C.me

三. 听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(10分)

( )1.A.Show me your book . B.Show me your drawing. ( )2.A.How do you do ? B.How are you ? ( )3.A.We are late . B.Let’s play . ( )4.A.What’s this ? B.What’s that ? ( )5.A.It’s ninety . B.It’s nine . 精品文档


四. 听录音,从A,B,C三个选项中找出划线部分发音不同的选项。(10分)

( )1. A.my B.eye C. me ( )2. A.thing B.they C.there ( )3. A.play B.name C.red ( )4. A.car B.hat C.bag ( )5. A.no B.both C.hot ( )6. A.ball B.hat C.hall ( )7. A.book B.look C.door ( )8. A.go B.good C.foot ( )9. A.at B.art C.car ( )10 A.he B.she C.my

第二部分 笔试 (60分)

一. 写出下列数字的英文形式或阿拉伯数字。 (10分)

1. 10 2. 53 3. 19

4. sixty 5. seventy-nine 6. twelve

7. 17 8. ninety-eight 9. 5

10. a hundred


1.school(中文 )____________ 6. 房间(英文)__________________ 2.both (中文)_____________ 7.girl (对应词)______________ 3.可能,或许(英文 )_________ 8.empty ( 反义词 )_______________ 4.honey(中文 )__________ 9.bring( 中文 )__________________ 5.catch (中文 )___________ 10.新鲜的(英文)_________________

三 。选择填空。(10分)

( )1.A:______________in your bag? B:Books, of course .

A.Which is B.What’s C.Whose ( )2.A:This is my friend Karen.B:______________________

A.This is my family . B.Is this your mother ? C.Nice to meet you ! ( )3.A: Is your bag full ? B: ______________________

A:No,it is not . B.Yes,it is . C.Yes,it is not . ( )4._________colour is your book ? B:Oh, it is red .

A.Where B.What C.Whose ( )5.A:___________________. B: It’s a ruler . 精品文档


A.What’s this ? B.Whose is this ? C.Is this a camera ? ( )6.A. What colour are your keys ? B:___________________

A.It’s Lucy’s B.It’s yellow . C.They are yellow ( )7.A:___________it Tom’s car ? B: It’s white .

A.What B.What colour C.Which colour ( )8.A:_______________ is this ? B:It is a desk .

A.What B.How C.Whose ( )9. A:______________are you ? B: I am fine .

A.How B.Who C.What ( )10.A:___________is in the car ? B: Purl .

A.Whose B.Which C.Who ( )11._______________do you do ? B:I am a teacher .

A.What B.How C.Which ( )12.A:_____________,please? B: My name is Tom .

A.Who are you ? B.What do you do ? C.What’s your name ? ( )13.A:Hey , Tim!________________? B:I am fine , thank you .

A.How are you ? B. What’s the matter with you ? C. How do you do ? ( )14.A:__________is this boy here ? B: That is Paul .

A.Who B. What C.Whose ( )15.A: Those funny shoes . A.are B.is . C. am ( )16. This __________ a book .

A. is B.am C. are ( )17.___________you happy ?

A. Is B. Are C.Am ( )18.A.Your drawings are very good ? B.

A. Thank you B. Never mind C.Hurry up ( )19.A:Where ‘s she _______________? B: She’s from Washinton . A. in B.from C.to ( )20.A.Thank you ,Nancy .\\ B:_____________________

A. You’re welcome . B. I am sorry. C. Never mind .

四. 按要求完成句子。(10分)

1. I ______________(am /is ) a boy . 2. He ___________ (is /are ) happy. 3. We __________(is/are)students.

4.Are your teacher old?做肯定回答: ______________________________________ 5.Those shirts are white.改为否定句:_____________________________________

五. 阅读短文,选择正确答案(10分)


In the morning I get up(起床) at six. I wash my face(脸) and put on clothes(衣服). I 精品文档