ÄÚÈÝ·¢²¼¸üÐÂʱ¼ä : 2025/3/10 20:09:43ÐÇÆÚÒ» ÏÂÃæÊÇÎÄÕµÄÈ«²¿ÄÚÈÝÇëÈÏÕæÔĶÁ¡£

Production back part logo color is darker and position is lower than cfm sample(100%)

ºó¸úÌÌӡλÖÃÑÕÉ«ÓëCFMÑùÓÐÆ«²î Material color faded and make the upper dirty(100%)


Hole position not in pair,some holes became dirty by hole machine³å¿×λÖÃÑÕÉ«²»ÅäË«

The price label on the shoes box is black color(left picture fyi),but the document show of the price label should be red color(right picture fyi)´ó»õ¼Û¸ñ±êµÄÑÕÉ«²»Í¬ÓÚIntercoÌṩµÄ×ÊÁÏÉÏÃæÏÔʾµÄÑÕÉ«

the production shoe laces didn't completely laced (from packing instruction requested must lace completely,100%) Ь´øû´©Âú¿×£¬ÒªÇóÊÇÐèÒª´©Âú

outsole stick position is not same


16 / 32


The position of heel is not properly


Wrong assortment(inside of the carton have 4 pairs of size 38# without size 39#)ÅäÂë´íÎó£¨Ò»Ïä4Ë«38#£¬ÎÞ39#£©

One shoe box with solid pack label ,which put in the mix pack cartonÒ»¸öµ¥ÂëÌù±êµÄЬºÐЬ·Å½øÁË»ìÂë°ü×°µÄÍâÏäÖÐ

Heel wrapping material not stick well°ü¸ú²»Á¼

the top one is cfm spl, the under is production



£¨Ö¸Ð¬ÃæºÍ°üºó¸úµÄ²ÄÁÏÓÐÉ«²î£©Ð¬ÃæÓë¸ú°üÁÏÉ«²îupper material's color is different than heel wrapping material ЬÃæ覴Ãupper defects

ЬÃæÐÞÆÆƤ upper damaged

²ÁÉ«²»¾ùupper with uneven brushing 36#µÄЬ×Ó·ÅÔÚÁË37#µÄЬºÐÖÐ the size 36# shoes put in the 37# ЬͷװÊνºÆ¬¿í¶È¿íÕ­²»Ò»

toe cap decoration piece with width different

back seam crooked (30%) ºó°üºÏ·ìÍá

insock print different size in one pair shoes һ˫Ь×ÓÖе×ÉÏÓ¡Ë¢µÄÂëÊý²»Ò»Ñù

solid pack & assortment pack mixed in one cartonµ¥Âë×°ºÍ»ìÂ루ÅäÂ룩װ»ìÔÚÒ»¸öÏä×ÓÀï

poor print & insock minssing size Öе×logoÓ¡Ë¢²»Á¼¼°size²»¼ûÁË

double image of printingÓ¡Ë¢µÄlogoÖصþ tongue stitching should hide under the velcro stap½ÓЬÉàÏßÍⶣ¨×¼È·µÄÓ¦¸ÃÊÇ£ºÐ¬Éà´¦³µÏßÓ¦¸ÃÒªÒþ²ØÔÚħÊõ´øÏÂÃ棩 zipper with no metal stopper, but zipper puller didn't fell during the inspectionÀ­Á´¶¥¶ËÎÞ½ðÊôµ²Æ¬£¬µ«ÊÇÑé»õʱÀ­Á´Í·Ã»Óб»À­µô

zipper pullerÀ­Á´Í·

ÍâÏäÕýßéÓ¡Ë¢the main mark print on the carton,but the packing instruction shows no need print main mark on it(100%)

17 / 32

»ìÂë×°µÄÌõÂë±È×ÊÁÏÉϵÄÌõÂ볤³öÀ´ the mix pack barcode length not the same, the file from Interco shows the length should be same(100%)

the tongue didn't fix on upper properly ½ÓЬÉ಻µ½Î»

Ьͷ°üÖ½toe wrapping with paper,but the packing instruction shows no need paper(100%)

ÍâÏäÊÇ°×É«the carton color is white,the

packing instruction shows should be in brown(100%)

ÓÒ½ÅÄÚÑüÓйҵõÅÆthe inside of right foot of production with hangtag, but Interco's file neither show it need hangtag nor Interco supply the hangtag for QC to refer(100%) ×êÊÎλÖÃÆ«ÒÆdiamond not in right position

solid pack size range is different than Interco's order sheet showµ¥Âë×°Âë¶ÎºÍintercoµÄ×ÊÁÏÉϲ»Ò»ÖÂ

lace toe color is difference in production and cfm spl´ó»õºÍÈ·ÈÏÑùЬ´øÍ·É«²î have to be symmetricÒª¶Ô³Æ

¿ÛÕëû¿ÛÕýthe buckle pin not in right position

¿ÛÕëû¿ÛºÃbuckle not buckle welled

the box label didn't show up sideЬºÐδ³¯ÉÏ À­Á´Í·Ã»×éºÏµ½Î»À­Á´Í·Ã»×éºÏµ½Î»zipper puller not on proper position/ combine well


the decoration stitching position not in pair Õýßé main mark ²àßé side mark

ºÐ×ӽϳ¤µÄÒ»Ãæ½Ð³¤±ßlong side£¬½Ï¶ÌµÄÒ»Ãæ½Ð¶Ì±ßshort side

Sticker ºÍlabel¶¼ÊÇÌù±êµÄÒâ˼£¬µ«ÊÇlabel¸üרҵ


lace toe easy to fallЬ´øÍ·ÈÝÒ×µô outsole poor finishing´óµ×´¦Àí²»Á¼ margin ±ß¾à

back counter stitching not in center ºó°üÏß³µ²»ÔÚÖмä

ÄÐЬ°ü×°ÒªÇóЬͷÈûÖ½£¬´ó»õδÈûproduction shoes didn't fill tissue in toe,different from packing instruction shows

·ÀùƬ·ÇÂõ¿Ë´ïthe anti-mold sticker on production box is not from Micorpak ·ÀµÁ±ê°ü×°ÒªÇóÌùÔÚ×ó½Å£¬´ó»õÌùÔÚÓÒ½Åthe production Anti-thieft label stick on right foot,but the document show it should stick on left foot

ÍâÏäßéÍ·ÉÏÓÐÌù¹¤³§ÄÚ²¿µÄÌõÂ붩µ¥×ÊÁÏ the factory internal barcode sticker stick on the side mark of carton

³É·Ý±ê´ó»õÌùÄÚÀïÍâÑü´¦²»ÀΣ¬Ò×ÍÑÂä the pictogram not stick on the right postion °ü×°ÒªÇó¿ªÏäºóÌõÂ볯ÉÏ£¬´ó»õδ°´ÒªÇó×÷Òµ

the shoes label didn't show upside of carton 45ÂëÌõÂë±ê´íÎó£¬SIZE´¦µ×É«Ó¦¸ÃΪ°×µ× the size label of 45# on the shoes box is black color,but the document show of the size label should be in white backgroud »ìÂë×°ÄÚºÐÌõÂ붩µ¥ºÅ´íÎó£¬ÕýÈ·µÄÊÇ0419532£¬´ó»õÊÇ0419533the box sticker of solid pack & assortment pack with the same order#(0419533)

the dot on BY G¨¦MO is missing, production insock show the logo is BY GEMO, instead of BY G¨¦MO By gemoÉÏÃæÄǸöµã²»¼ûÁË the size not print on outsole,not match to Interco's comments´óµ×ûÓÐÂëÊý


18 / 32

ÏñÒÔÏÂÀý×Ó£¬µ¥Âë±êÍâÏäÌùֽδ°´°üװƽ×ÅÌù£¬¶øÊÇÊú×ÅÌù¡£the solid pack carton label stand on end ,but packing instruction require should parallel to the ground(100%) Ьͷѹ»¨²»ÇåÎútoe printing unclearly the production heel is matt than cfm sample heel´ó»õºó¸úµÄ²»ÈçÈ·ÈÏÑùÁÁ

the gap dimension of same pair shoe is not same ½Å±³ºÍºó°üÖ®¼äµÄ¿Õ϶²»ÅäË«

Loose bonding


the top of tassels of production with stitching, cfm sample¡¯s with no stitching

1.the stitching color differences : production is Noir ,cfm sample is Gris;

2.production is double stitching,but the cfm spl is one line stitching

(the top one is cfm spl, the under is production)(100%)



ºóÌ×ÄÚÀïÐÞ¶ÏÏßback counter lining broken thread

Ьͷ´óСtoe size not in pair

¶¤×Ó²»Æ½Ë³Ó°Ïì´©×Åfour feet nail inserted not tightly or smooth in heel

À­Á´½ðÊôË¿Íâ¶zipper edge fuzzy

ЬÃæSIZE±êδÐÞ¼ôthe size label on upper didn't trimmed ×°Ïä»ì¿îÈëÍâÏä

different styles of production mix in one carton

insock logo easy to sheddµæ½ÅlogoÈÝÒ×µô the upper material is rub down to white color(by two shoes rub)Á½Ö»Ð¬»¥ÏàĦ²Áµ¼ÖÂЬÃæ·¢°×

19 / 32

strap dislocation Ìõ´ø´íλ

production outsole size printing not as clear as cfm spl(left is production, right is cfm spl)(100%)´ó»õ´óµ×sizeӡûȷÈÏÑùÇåÎú sole adhesionÖ¸¿ª½º£¬²»×¼È·£¬Í¨³£²»ÓÃÕâ¸öÓ¦¸ÃÓÃlack of glue

extrusion deformationÖ¸¼·Ñ¹±äÐΣ¬Ó¦ÓÃpress out of shape

´óµ×³µÏ߶ºÚµ×Ïßoutsole expose black base stitching

×ÊÁÏ»ìÂëװûÓÐÿ¸öÂë¾ßÌåÊýÁ¿£ºfor mix pack order, each size without the assorment qty show

sizeÓ¡Ë¢ÔÚµæ½Åͼ°¸ÉÏthe size printing on pattern of insock

ЬÉàÄÚÀï³µÓÐLOGO²¼±êthe tongue lining stitching with woven label ²ÄÖʱêÏÂÃæÓ¡ÓÐͼ°¸

the under of composition label with pattern printing


for solid pack, the prix hangtag directly put on box;

for assorment pack, factory threaded the prix hangtag with loop pins and hanging on box

£¨ÄÚÀïÄÚÑüÓгµË®Ï´SIZE±ê£©the inside lining stitching with wash label

£¨×ó½ÅµõÓеõÅÆ£©the left foot of production with hangtag

È·ÈÏÑùºÍ´ó»õÌõ´øÐÎ×´²»Ò»Ñùdiffrent shape

of strap between the production and cfm spl

outsole must not be out of the top piece´óµ×ƬºÍÌìƤµÄ×éºÏλÖÃҪƽ˳ zip wavingÀ­Á´Æð²¨ÀË

add a curved carton shaper to avoid instep label exist in shoes´ó»õ·ÀµÁ±êɨÃè²»µ½ order number of hangtag and label is different of same pair shoes (as the solide and assortment hangtag and label were wrinkling´ó»õ½Å±³´¦ÐèÓл¡¶ÈµÄ¿¨Ö½À´¹Ì¶¨Ñ¥Í²£¬ÒÔ·À½Å±³ÆðÖå

Íø½ÅÏßÍâ¶lasted stitching exposed

×óÓҽźóÇ̲»Í¬back counter cock not same

´ó»õûÓÐÍòÄܳµÏߣ¬ÍòÄܳµÏß²»Á¼production without zigzag stitching zigzag stitching not good

lining of right foot with loopÓÒ½ÅÓв¼»· most of shoes label didn't show upside of carton´ó¶àÊýµÄЬºÐÌù±êδ³¯ÉÏ

the scanner cannot detect the anti-theft

20 / 32

mixed )ͬһ˫ЬµÄµõÅƺÍÌù±êµÄ¶©µ¥ºÅ²»Ò»Ñù£¬ÒòΪµ¥ÂëºÍ»ìÂëµÄµõÅƼ°Ìù±ê»ìÓÃÁË inside of left foot shows upwards,should be outside of left foot as packing instruction ×ó½ÅÄÚÑü³¯ÉÏ£¬°ü×°×ÊÁÏÒªÇóÓ¦¸Ã×ó½ÅÍâÑü³¯ÉÏ


production vamp lasting position not in pair



Packing instruction require the shoe box height under 9CM,is no need perforates. Production shoe box height is 8CM and were perforated

ЬÑÛÍÑÂ䣬QC»áд³Éstuds detached£¬ÓÃeyelet comes off¼´¿É

ÓÐÒ»²¿·ÖµÄ³É·Ý±êÖ»ÌùÁËÒ»Ö»×ó½Åpart of pictogram are stick only on left feet