2020中考英语备考 句子翻译 练习题 (含答案) 下载本文

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2020中考英语备考 翻译句子 练习题



Many countries in the world are____________________________ trading with China 2.不要害怕犯错误,因为没有人一直是对的。

Don't______________________ making mistakes because nobody will be right all the time 3.越来越多的孩子喜欢和他们的父母去世界各地旅行。

More and more children like to travel______________________ with their parents. 4.未来污染将会更少。

There will be_____________________ in the future 5.篮球比赛获胜时,我为他们的成功感到骄傲。

I was proud of their success_______________________________ the basketball match 6.当别人犯错误时,嘲笑他们是不礼貌的。

It’s impolite to___________________ others when they make mistakes 7.尽管蒂姆很小,但是他至少可以说两种外语。

Although Tim is young, he can speak_______________ two foreign languages 8.我们全家都喜欢在这家餐厅吃火锅,它以良好的服务出名。

All my family like to eat hotpot at this restaurant. It____________________ its good service. 9.我们读的好书越多,精神方面就越富有。

The more good books we read, ________________ we will be in spirit. 10.分发试卷前,学生们应该保持安静。

The students are supposed to keep quiet____________________________________________. 11.他们齐心协力,最终赢得了比赛。

They_____________________ and won the match finally 12.我们通常每学期末都举行一次家长会。

We usually hold a parents' meeting_______________________ each school term 13.老师应该对每一名学生负责。

A teacher should___________________________ each of his students. 14.他和他的爸爸一样高。他们都擅长打篮球。

He is__________________ his father . Both of them are good at playing basketball 15.直到打扮好她才在晚会上露面。

She________________________ at the party until she dressed up. 16.大卫的成功不是偶然的,那是他艰辛努力的结果。

David's success didn't come_______________. It was the result of his hard work 17.他的新书一上市就销售一空了。

His new book was___________ as soon as it came out 18.一个人应该严于律己,宽以待人。

A person should________________ himself but kind to others



Our hometown is becoming_______________________________ 20.冬天一下大雪,我们就去堆雪人。

We will go to make a snowman_______________________ it snows heavily in winter. 21.飞机10分钟前起飞了。

The plane______________ ten minutes ago.


_________________, a healthy diet with less junk food can help make us stronger and stronger 23.她在英语方面比她弟弟好得多。

She's much_______________ English than her brother


Stephen Hawking is without doubt one of__________________________ in the modern world 25.他是一个如此诚实的男孩以至于所有的老师都喜欢他。

He is ___________________________________________ all the teachers like him 26.她每天都会花一个小时弹钢琴。

She spends an hour in___________________ every day 27.我真希望你在这里以至于我能亲自向你道谢。

I really wish you were here so that I could thank you ________________ 28.布朗先生对学生非常有耐心。

Mr. Brown_______________________ the students 29.你去过最远的地方是哪里?

Which is_______________________ that you have ever been to? 30.除非他的妈妈给他讲一个故事,这个小男孩才睡觉。

The little boy won't go to bed___________________________________________________ 31.约翰有一个藏书的大柜子,它甚至占据了房间的三分之一。

John has a big shelf to store books which even_________________ one third of the room 32.在去电影院的路上,他听到了这个好消息。

He heard the good news_____________________ to the cinema. 33.我妈妈允许我每周看一次电视。

My mother____________________________ TV once a week 34.这幅画与莫兰迪的一幅画很相似。

This picture______________________ one of Morandi' s drawing 35.我不会在作业中再犯如此愚蠢的错误。我下次会写得更仔细

I won't make such a silly mistake in my homework again. I'll write it______________ next time 36.这些展示的款式是今年夏天最流行的。

These styles__________________ are the most popular this summer. 37.在老师的帮助下,我最终解決了这个难题。

With the help of my teacher, I_______________ the difficult problem finally. 38.尽管中国物产丰富,但是一些资源依然短缺,比如淡水资源。


Although China is______________________ resources. it's still short of some resources, such as fresh water


Mr. Li asks the students______________________ in river, because it’s very dangerous 40.请你捎我一程回家好吗?

Could you please_______________________________________ home? 41.每天放学后,我的妹妹通过散步来放松自己。

My sister_______________ to relax herself after school every day 42.多亏你的帮助,我才按时完成了工作。

________________________your help, I've finished my work on time. 43.每个人都应该对那些在我们困难时给子我们帮助的人心存感激。

Everyone should_____________________ those who gave us a hand when we were in trouble. 44.我的朋友邀请我去参加艺术俱乐部,我很愉快地接受了。

My friend____________________________ the art club, and I accepted it with pleasure. 45.刚才谁想出了这个好主意?

_______________________________ the good idea just now? 46.我的哥哥在昨天的英语考试中表现很好。

My brother_________________ the English exam yesterday 47.令我惊讶的是,这个任务在一周之内就完成了。

________________________________, the task was finished in only one week. 48.你介意带我在你们的城市里到处看看吗?我对这儿很陌生

Would you mind ____________________________your city? I’m quite new here. 49.当我听说我在考试中得了第一名的时候,我心里充满了喜悦。

When I heard that I got the first place in the exam, my heart______________________ joy. 50.洗头的时候记得把淋浴关掉。

________________________________the shower while you are washing your hair. 51.尽管这个会议已经持续了至少两个小时,但是他们没有达成共识

Though the meeting has lasted at least two hours, they have___________________________. 52.他跑完半个小时后,上气不接下气。

He is___________________ after running for half an hour 53.每个人都天生具备在生活中获取成功的能力。 Everyone____________________ the ability to win at life 54.她告诉我她后悔考试前和她们出去闲逛了。

She told me that she_______________________ with them before the exam 55.请不要把他和其他的孩子作比较。

Please______________________________ other kids 56.我已经写下了你的电话号码,稍后打给你。

I have_____________ your phone number, and I will call you later 57.玛丽正在和她的朋友在电话上聊天。


Mary is talking with her friend______________________. 58.自从开始学英语以来,我结识了很多外国朋友。

I ________________________________ since I started to learn English 59.如果你砍伐这些树木,你将会受到惩罚。

You_______________________ if you cut down these trees 60.现在,中学生没有足够的时间做运动.

____________________ enough time for middle school students to do sports now 61.尽管网络发达,但是许多人还是习惯看报纸。

Although the network is well developed, many people are used to________________________. 62.如果你不知道事实,请保持沉默。

If you don't know the truth, please keep_____________________ 63.这蛋糕尝起来好甜啊!

__________________________________ the cake tastes! 64.李明现在不能和我们一起打篮球。他还没有完成家庭作业。

Li Ming can’t play basketball with us now. He___________________________________ yet. 65.电脑是20世纪40年代发明的。它给我们的生活带来了巨大改变。

The computer______________________ in the 1940s. It has brought a huge change to our life 66.上个周末,我和朋友们骑自行车去野餐了。

Last weekend, I___________________ with my friends to have a picnic 67.他坚持每天早上六点沿着河边跑步。

He insists on running________________ at six every morning. 68.青少年应该被允许选择自己的爱好。

Teenagers______________________ their own hobbies 69.那件T恤衫对于汤姆来说太小了。

The T-shirt__________________________ for Tom 70.快点!简正在等你去看电影。

Hurry up! Jane__________________________ you to go to the movies. 71.在第二个十字路口左转,你将看到那个书店。

______________________ at the second crossing and you'll see the bookshop 72.如果你对他人友好,你就会感觉开心。

You will feel happy if you___________________________ others 73.让我们好好利用时间而不是浪费时间

Let’s_________________________________ instead of wasting it 74.别再讨论这个问题了,我不会改变主意的。

No more discussions on this matter. I_________________________________________ 75.由于糟糕的天气,足球赛被取消了。

The match_______________________ because of the bad weather 76.史密斯先生说如果有时间,他将参加这个会议。 Mr. Smith said he_________________ if he had time



We___________________ the rapid development of LiaoNing 78.昨天杰克把他的卧室弄得一团糟。

Jack______________________ in his bedroom yesterday. 79.政府下周将要拆掉那栋旧楼。

The old building__________________________ by the government next week 80.只要我们坚持梦想,并为之努力,就一定能成功。

__________________________________ we stick to our dream and go for it, we can make it


1. 帮助学生了解中国传统艺术是必要的。 __________________________________________ 2.他是一位多么友好的老师啊!

__________________________________________ 3.妈妈告诉我们不要摘花。

__________________________________________ 4.他完成这项任务用了好几周时间。

__________________________________________ 5.这些橘子多么新鲜啊!

__________________________________________ 6.我爸爸是一个能使别人开心的人。

__________________________________________ 7.这是多么有用的信息啊!

__________________________________________ 8.你最好鼓励你的孩子养成一个好的阅读习惯。 __________________________________________ 9.努力学习,你的梦想就会实现。

__________________________________________ 10.据说考试后我们会举办一场盛大的派对。 __________________________________________ 11.别吃那么多肉!

__________________________________________ 12.我表姐每周花两个小时的时间学京剧。 __________________________________________ 13.他和我之前都没去过上海。

__________________________________________ 14.请远离那座高楼。

__________________________________________ 15.直到看到生日蛋糕,他才意识到今天是他的生日。