内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/5 9:32:49星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
Lesson 5
5.3 Premier Wen’s Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the 15th General Assembly Session of the World Tourism Organization
Mr. Francesco Frangialli, Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization, Ms. Louise Frechette, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, All Delegates, ladies and gentlemen,
At this October time when Beijing is offering us its charming autumn scenery in the fresh air and clearest weather, the 15th General Assembly Session of the World Tourism Organization is officially opened here. On behalf of the Chinese government, I would like to extend our sincere welcome to all the guests here and to express our warm congratulations on the convening of this session.//
Tourism is a nice and pleasant activity that combines sightseeing, recreation and health care. Tourism has been developing all along with the progress of the times. Since the middle of the 20th century, modern tourism has been growing at a fast pace around the world. The number of tourists has ever been on the rise, the scale of the tourism industry has been in constant expansion, and the position of tourism in the economy has clearly risen. Tourism serves
gradually as an important bridge of cultural exchange, friendship and further exchanges, and exerts more and more extensive influence on the human life and social progress among various countries. //
As a country with a civilization with a long history, China is also a big oriental country full of modern vitality, not to mention its unique, rich and varied tourism resources. Besides the picturesque natural scenery, profound history and extensive culture, China embodies the
different folk customs of 56 nationalities. Currently, there are 29 places that have been listed as World Cultural and Natural Heritage sites. Thanks to the further push by the opening up and reform, China’s modern construction is surging ahead, and the cities and the country are
experiencing daily changes. The ancient glory of China and its modern boom add radiance and charm to each other, joining to create most favorable conditions for developing our domestic and international tourism. //
The first 20 years of the 21 century represent an important strategic period for China to achieve the all-round construction of a well-off society and to speed up its socialist
modernization. It also provides a favorable time for the further development of China’s tourism industry. We shall promote tourism as an important industry in China’s national economy, properly protect and utilize our tourism resources and try to achieve sustainable tourism development. The Chinese government welcomes all international friends to visit China. We shall do our best to protect their health and safety; and at the same time encourages more Chinese people to go abroad for visits. We are ready to develop extensive cooperation with other counties and contribute to global tourism growth.//
For many years, the World Tourism Organization has made active and effective efforts for the promotion of tourism prosperity and development around the globe. The World Tourism
Organization has become a specialized agency of the United Nations. We would like to offer our sincere congratulations. We believe this WTO General Assembly session will give a major push
to the further prosperity and development of tourism in the world.//
Finally, I wish the 15th General Assembly Session of the World Tourism Organization every success.
Thank you.
世界旅游组织是政府间唯一接纳旅游经营着的组织,它受联合国委托,在各国旅游业的宣传和发展工作中起着核心的作用。它成立于1975年,总部设在 西班牙首都马德里。
主:Welcome to our studio. My first question is : how many years have you been in China? 客:3年多了。我是2002年5月底来的。
主:3 years. I bet you have witnessed a lot of changes in China. Could you tell us your deepest impression of urban development in China?
客:我恐怕只能就我所在的城市谈谈经验,不过从周边城市的所见所闻,我也会有同样的看法。所有的外国人都非常清楚地看到,中国和中国的许多城市都正在快速地发展。我想在东部沿海城市更是如此。到处耸立着崭新的高楼大厦,马路变得更加宽阔。 主:What do think of all these tall buildings and widened roads? 客:这个问题提的好,但是我觉得这是个相当复杂的问题。 主:Why is it complicated?
主:Then let’s see what are the differences between a foreigner’s expectations and what the Chinese would like to see.
主:That is to say, foreigners are interested in the things unique in China, but there is a contradiction between modernization and preservation, as you mentioned just now from
another perspective. The space of a city is limited; the old part of the city should be
reconstructed, and in fact the new buildings are symbols of the prosperity of a city. Isn’t this a good thing?
主:You are quite right. People nowadays are starting to realize the importance of the preservation of heritage. Some local governments are making great efforts to deal with the contradiction between development and preservation. Well, because of the limitation of the time, I’m afraid we have to stop now, thank you ever so much for your coming to discuss this topic with us. We hope you’ll come again.
Lesson 6 6.3
6.4 国际烟草控制公约 女士们、先生们:
缔约国还必须支持开展帮助人们戒烟的活动。应该开展告诫人们不要吸烟的教育活动。 世界卫生组织的研究表明,全球目前有烟民约10亿人。80%多的烟民生活在发展中国家。经常吸烟的人有一半死于吸烟,每年世界上有近500万人因吸烟而死亡,专家指出,按照目前的增长速度,到2020年,这个数字将达到1,000万人。
《烟草控制框架公约》广受世界人们的欢迎,但是补充的协议还需要进一步完善。比如,发展中国家贯彻公约需要资金的支持。对于那些不能实行的国家还没有处罚的条例,不过他们的表现将在联合国大会接受检验。 我的话完了,谢谢大家。
6.5 HIV/AIDS disease prevention
A: 王先生,早上好。非常感谢您抽时间接受我们的采访。请您介绍一下中国目前艾滋病传播的情况。
B: Well, in China, HIV/AIDS has become a very serious problem related to social development. There have been cases of people being accidentally infected with HIV/AIDS, through accepting polluted blood from hospitals, babies acquiring the disease from their mothers, having improper sexual relationships. From the time we discovered the first AIDS patient in 1985, our country has entered a period of rapid development in AIDS infections. Experts estimate that more than 900,000 people had been infected with HIV by the end of last year. If we don’t take some efficient measures, this number will double by 2010. A: 您认为增长这么快的原因在哪里?
B: First, because of poverty, people lack education and information about the prevention of HIV/AIDS. Second, ignorance. People do not pay much attention to this problem. Third, they lack proper resources, things like training, money and information. According to reports, we still do not have an efficient medicine to cure HIV/AIDS.
A: 政府已经采取哪些具体的措施来控制艾滋病在中国的蔓延呢?有什么国际合作吗? B: We have already got very strong support from the international community, especially on the technical side. And on the domestic front, we recognize that making our people understand and raising their awareness is very important. So, common sense, health education and behavioral changes are the only way for people to avoid HIV infection.
A: 贵国政府在发布警报及增强公众对艾滋病传播危险性的认识方面一直都在怎么做?特别是在农村地区?您认为要解决这个问题还应该进一步做什么?
B: Firstly, I think the government should improve our monitoring system, and secondly, NGOs should try their best to mobilize all the resources we can use to help the people, especially people at the grass roots and the rural areas, to let them know the terrible results of spreading the disease and how to prevent HIV/AIDS. I think we should do more advocacy work among the people.
A: 非常感谢您回答我们这么多问题。预祝你们在与艾滋病的斗争中取得成功。 B: Thank you. Lesson 7
When nations are faced with great catastrophes, it is common for the accusations to start flying before the dust even settles or any debris has been cleared当国家面临灾难,各种指责、诘难在尘埃落定之前满天飞是一件很正常的事。
Commentators are quick to raise a cry over government action or lack thereof, or whether a disaster could have been averted or its deadly consequences mitigated.对于政府在其中的行为或者无所行动以及一场灾难能否被转移或者减轻其致命的后果,评论家们迅速高呼起来。This is especially true when many lives are lost and many more are at stake, and society is forced to cope with something terrible for the first time.当许多生命丧失,更多生命危在旦夕时,社会首次被迫对付某一种可怕的事情,这尤为重要。
There is always a steep learning curve when it comes to responding to calamities of this kind, and Mother Nature does an expert job of keeping us on our toes.遇到这类灾难时,人们总是快速学会很多东西。大自然的确是训练我们生存能力的专家。The ability to expect unexpected should be considered something of a virtue for public officials.人们开始认同提前为意外事故做好准备应成为政府的重要职能之一。
The Indian Ocean tsunami that wreaked havoc in southern Thailand and other countries is a perfect example of why that is so.给泰国和其它国家造成巨大灾难的印度洋海啸就是一个活生生的例子。
New policies, organizations and procedures will spring up amid the devastation.这场破坏性灾难将促生一批新政策、新机构和新程序。Expensive new technologies will be deployed and bureaucrats shuffled around.昂贵的新科技将应用,官僚主义被摆脱。The world of officialdom will appear to be in control, actively responding to needs and crises as they arise.政府官员们将四处奔走,积极地去应对和解决出现的问题和危机,整个官僚体系显出良好控制局面。 As a society, the people of Thailand have demonstrated that they can come together and help one another in times of crisis.在突如其来的危机到来时,泰国人民用事实证明了他们团结一致、共度难关的民族精神。But we must now work much more resolutely to prepare for possible disasters, no matter how high or low their probability.从今往后我们必须下更大决心备战可能出现的灾难——无论它的可能性多大还是多小。We cannot just focus on the next tsunami because it is likely that the next big catastrophe could be something totally different and unexpected.我们不能只把注意力放在下一次海啸上,因为下一个巨大灾难可能完全不同并超乎预料。We must prepare for the worst, no matter what form it takes.我们必须为最坏的情况作准备,不管它以什么方式出现。 7.3