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7.4 罗格在雅典奥运会上的致辞 希腊共和国总统先生,
愿本届奥运会能真正体现在此制定的奥林匹克休战书的精神,在和平中举行。 感谢雅典!感谢希腊!
7.5 The Olympic flame illuminates Beijing
June 8-9, 2004: history shall forever remember the date. The Olympic Flame came down to China’s Divine Land with mankind’s yearning for peace, friendship, civilization and progress and with the Greek people’s friendship for the Chinese people. rom Travling from Olympia to the Great Wall, the blazing Olympic torch has brought the Olympic spirit to Beijing, and, after illuminating Chinese people’s desire for peace, their wish for participation and their
appreciation of the Olympic spirit, the torch has traveled across the five continents to every corner of the earth with the Chinese people’s hearty blessing.
With the centennial impressiveness of the Olympics and the millennial civilization of Chinese history, the Olympic Flame has tied closely together Beijing and Athens, the Chinese people and the people of other countries.
Wherever the torch went, the TV cameras focused on were like unfolding one by one our beautiful picture rolls of unique traditional eastern culture. Beijing, built more than 3,000 years ago and regarded as the ancient oriental capital for over 850 years, continually radiates its charm, to be found along the wide streets and narrow lanes, between the high buildings and large mansions. Its primitive simplicity and latest modernity, its dignity and vigor reflect Beijing’s greater openness, display the Chinese nation’s progress and civilization, how the people live
actively and optimistically, enjoy their lifestyles and yearn for the Olympics, and present the Chinese people’s passionate longing and preparing for the 2008 Beijing Olympic games. Not only in Beijing, but also in Qingdao, the co-host city and sub-site for competition for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the people, in their own way, express their warm welcome to the Flame, with countless sails plowing through the blue sea and numerous drums sounding loudly together on the sandy beaches.
On August 29th, Beijing will take over the Olympic flag from Athens. From that moment onward, the attention of the whole world will be focused on Beijing and its preparatory work will be arranged according to a new schedule. We will carry out all the preparations to the highest standard, with the highest quality and at the highest level. We will realize far more widely and deeply the ideals of a “Green, Hi-tech, People’s Olympics”.
We believe that, with the supports of the IOC, of friends in their countries, of overseas
Chinese, of our Party Central Committee and State Council and of the whole Chinese people, we are sure to bring into effect the strategic blueprint of “New Beijing, Great Olympics”, and we are sure to dedicate to the world these Olympic Games which will perfectly embody the Olympic ideal and spirit.
May the Olympic Flame blaze forever. We hope to meet in 2008 in Beijing.
May the Olympic torch be handed down from generation to generation. May the Olympic spirit be promoted around the world.
Lesson 8
8.3 Premier Wen on China ‘s political reform
A:The interview background: On Nov. 21, 2003, Premier Wen had an interview with the Washington Post. During the interview, Wen expounded on the state and target of China’s economic and social development, as well as the Chinese government’s view of China-US
relations and major international issues. The following is an excerpt on China’s political reform. B:中国的经济改革发展迅速,使得中国在短期内取得高速发展。中国的政治改革是否需要跟上经济改革的步伐?
A: China embarked on the road to reform and opening up in 1978. Our reform is a comprehensive one which includes both economic and political restructuring. Precisely as Mr. Deng Xiaoping pointed out, without political reform, economic reform would not be successful. In essence,
political restructuring in China aims at integrating the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, the people’s role as masters of their own affairs, and the rule of law in the conduct of public affairs.
At present, it is particularly important to do a good job with regard to the following. First of all, we should develop democracy to safeguard people’s democratic rights and to respect and protect their human rights. Secondly, we should improve the legal system through better
legislation, better administration according to the law, greater judicial reform. Thirdly, we should run the country according to the law, making our socialist democracy more institutionalized, standardized and regularized, and in this way we can make sure that it will not change because of changes in the leadership or changes in the views and priorities of leaders. Fourthly, we must strengthen supervision, and we should make sure that the government is placed under the
supervision of the people. We have to develop democracy and strength supervision. Only in this
way can we make sure the government will not relent in its efforts, and this would help avoid a situation whereby the government would be a failure.
China is a big country with 1.3 billion people, so political reform should be pressed ahead in an orderly fashion and in a well-organized manner. Now there exist many misunderstandings. For instance, with regard to freedom of religious belief, freedom of religious belief is clearly written into China’s constitution. China currently has over 100 million religious followers and over 100,000 religious sites.
Since the beginning of the reform and opening up, one religious site has been either built or restored every three days. There are quite a number of religious sites around the Zhongnanhai compound. For instance, to the east of Zhongnanhai, there is the Wangfujing Catholic church. To the south, there is the Islamic mosque on Niujie Street. To the north, there is the Yonghe Buddhist Monastery. To the west is the Baiyun Taoist Temple. Nearest to Zhongnanhai is the famous Xishiku Catholic Church, which has a long history in China. If you visit these religious sites, I’m sure you will see people practicing their religious faith.
At the moment, we have introduced the practice of self-administration and direct elections in 680,000 villages. This is a great innovation, and it is also very good practice for Chinese farmers. We have also introduced suffrage for the election of people’s deputies at the level of townships, counties and urban cities without districts. Indirect elections are held for the leadership of
provinces, and of municipalities with districts, as well as for the central authorities. Why? This is because China is such a huge country with such a large population. It is still underdeveloped, and economic development is uneven between regions, so conditions are not ripe for direct elections at the higher levels. The first hindrance in my view is the inadequate education level of the population.
8.4 《华盛顿邮报》总编谈中国 有人说,《华盛顿邮报》经常把中国描绘成一个“共产主义的专制国家”,那里的人“没有民主,没有自由”。他们问,为什么《华盛顿邮报》对这些负面的字眼如此感兴趣呢?对此,我不能赞同。首先,包括《华盛顿邮报》和《纽约时报》在内,几乎所有美国大报都不再将中国称为“专制国家”。 《华盛顿邮报》已经有很长时间不再使用类似这样的字眼了。今天,我们依然称中国为“共产党国家”,那是因为这是一个事实,中国的确是由共产党所统治的。 今天,《华盛顿邮报》正在努力尝试去理解中国的复杂性。去年,本报就发表了好几篇有关中国市民社会的长篇报道。这些报道的主题多种多样,涉及到网络、工人、政府与个体的冲突等等。这些报道全面反映了中国的复杂性。
8.5 与中国的理智关系——霍华德欢迎胡锦涛访问澳大利亚联邦议会 尊敬的众议长先生、参议长先生:
因此,从这几点来说,澳中关系是非常成熟和务实的关系。人员往来是极其重要的,我可以这样说,如今在澳大利亚最普遍的外语是汉语的一种方言。3%的澳洲人口,也就是超过55万人,具有中国血统。就我个人而言,在我所代表的碧尼龙选区,13.3%的选民具有中国血统。澳大利亚的中国留学生达到了34,000人。 ……
Lesson 9
9.3 Multivariate family planning policy in China
It has been over two decades since China adopted the Family Planning Policy. However, there still exist misunderstandings about this policy. People mistakenly think that China’s Family Planning Policy equals the One Child Policy, which allows one couple to have only one child. Their impression is that this policy is implemented more strictly in urban areas: in cities where people are better-off, one couple can have only one child, while in the poor rural areas, one couple can have two or three children. Furthermore, they think that the One Child Policy is the cause of gender imbalance. I will now clarify these misunderstandings.
As a matter of fact, the policy adopted in the early 1980s is a multivariate policy called the Family Planning Policy, or the fertility policy. Its multivariate nature can be proved by two facts. First, the total fertility rate in China now stands at 1.8, which means there is more than one child per family in most areas. For example, there is generally only one child in a family in urban
areas, but two in rural areas, and three in ethnic minority areas. In some areas, like Tibet, there are no restrictions at all on the number of children a family can have. We can tell from this fact that China’s Family Planning Policy varies in accordance with the economic and social development level of different areas.
Secondly, China is seeing an unbalanced sex ratio at birth at the moment. The sex ratio at birth refers to the number of boys born per 100 girls born. This is not the same concept as the sex ratio of the total population.
The unbalance is not entirely the result of the Family Planning Policy. I would like to cite two interesting examples. My first example is the ROK. In 1988, the sex ratio at birth in the ROK was 114, and the ratio now in China is 117. I believe there is no family planning policy in the ROK. My second example is Singapore, whose sex ratio at birth in1984 was 109. Why is it a common
problem in Asia? There are two reasons. The first reason is the influence of traditional culture and ideology, that is, a preference for sons, which poses a great problem for the sex ratio at birth. Second, China’s unbalanced birth ratio is attributable to the poor social security in rural areas. The Chinese government has launched a nationwide Girl Care Project to hamper the rising sex ratio at birth. This project aims to educate the general public to abandon their traditional
preference for male children and to advocate female children’s status and rights. Secondly, the Chinese government is also making an effort to establish and improve the social security system, particularly in rural areas.
Thirdly, the phenomenon of allowing one child for urban families and two to three children for families in poor areas is called reverse selection of population quality. I have two points to make in the regard. The policy in rural areas is made in accordance with the economic situation there. The social security system is being gradually improved in rural areas. If a stringent One Child policy is to be introduced in this process, the household insurance coverage is likely to be reduced for rural families. Therefore, the number of children allowed in rural families is dependent on the economic situation.
9.5 联合国驻华协调代表谈中国的家庭与人口