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祝愿大家在此次终于会议上有所收获。谢谢! 15.3

Statistics recently released by the General Administration of Customs indicates that China’s foreign trade, on the basis of last year’s rapid growth, has made a good start. In January, the trade volume rose 33.1% year-on-year to USD 95.06 billion. Exports hit USD 50.77 billion, a 42.2% rise over the same period of the previous year. Imports grew to USD 44.29 billion, 24% up year-on-year. The economy achieved a trade surplus of USD 6.48 billion.

According to the Customs’ statistics, in January, exports of general trade skyrocketed while the growth rate of imports slowed down. In processing trade, both exports and imports soared, continuing the strong growth momentum. Foreign-funded enterprises in China continued to maintain their rapid growth, with a 42.4% increase in exports and a 30% rise in imports. Exports and imports of collective-owned, private and other enterprises have also maintained their strong growth momentum, with a jump of 77.3% in exports and a rise of 33.9% in imports. The growth rate of exports and imports by the state-owned enterprises is much lower than that achieved by the two above-mentioned types of enterprises, with exports increasing by 22.1% and imports by 11.1%.

January also saw a sharp increase of China’s trade with its three major trade partners. Its trade with the European Union, the United States and Japan reached USD 15.89 billion, USD 14.33 billion, and USD 12.86 billion. They represented a respective year-on-year growth of 36.4%, 30.8% and 28.4%. 16.3

A: Mr. Smith, when you were here last time, you visited our orange orchard and we talked about your ideas about an orange juice project. After you left, the country government took your advice and built a 12-kilometer road from the country town to the orchard.

B: 得知此事我很高兴,这样会使事情好办许多。现在谈谈咱们的项目吧!这个项目很简单,开始的时候只要一条生产线,当然希望以后可以扩大。

A: how much money would be needed totally for a project like this? B: 大约100万美元。 A: I see.

B: 这样一个项目,中方准备出资多少?我的意思是说,如果谈成的话。

A: as a general practice, we lay out 51% of the total investment. This includes, of course, cash, factory buildings, the right to use the site, things like that.

B: 那么我们就负责机械设备和其他资本设备了。厂房的价值怎么算法?

A: we resolve such matters through joint assessment. Together we get an impartial assessment of property value. And we can also have the third party assess it, such as Asset Evaluation Company. B: 在注册资本中,对外国合营者的投资比例,有没有明文规定?

A: generally not less than 25%. The rest can be obtained through bank loans. B: 看起来这是合理的。现在咱们再谈谈期限,合营的期限多长?


A: how long do you want?

B: 这个企业不大,我想建议先定为8年。

A: the contract could be extended if both sizes agreed. B: 8年以后我就退休了。您知道吗?

A: you retire? I’ll believe it only when I see it.

B: 我退下来不当总裁了,加入董事会当个顾问。说到董事会,谁来当合资企业的董事长? A: the chairman of the broad will be appointed by us, and the vice-chairman by you. B: 董事任期多长? A: four years.

B: 董事长是企业的法人代表咯?

A: yes. A management office would be established and would be responsible for the day-to-day running of the joint venture (合资企业). So far as the management is concerned, you might appoint the manager and the chief engineer of the project, and we might appoint their deputies. B: 我们的产品是不是必须全部出口?

A: we hope to export some of our products and want them to be able to compete on the world market. It helps us to grow, you see. Most of the products will be sold domestically and that’s for sure. China’s market has great potential and there would be no problems regarding sales as long as our products are competitive in quality and price. B: 当然,当然。合资企业是怎么办理登记注册的?

A: we will prepare all the necessary documents and present them to the responsible authorities. B: 这得需要多长时间?

A: about a quarter of a year. Three months.

B: 我们要干就得趁早动手,对吗?

A: right. If everything goes smoothly, hopefully we can get through all the formalities within two months. 16.5 19.3





稳定性、连续性、可预期性和可操作性 Steady, consistent, predictable and operable 乱收费、乱检查、乱摊派、乱罚款

Arbitrarily imposed fees, inspections, contributions and fines


英国和美国法律的一个独特特征是把司法决定划为法律范畴。英美法系,有别于欧洲的大陆法系,把已判决的案例作为法的一个渊源。使用大陆法系的国家中,主要的法律渊源来自法典的条文,各种案例并不能成为法律依据。然而在英美法系中,法律条文和已定案例都可以作为法律渊源。 19.4

Lawyer: Mr. Johnson, I would like you to think back to February 18th of this year at about ten minutes after midnight. Do you remember where you were on that day at that time? J: 是的。那时我结束了工作,正在回家的路上。 L: do you remember driving your car that night?

J: 是的,记得。

L: do you remember being involved in an accident at Huai’an Road? J: 记得。

L: and can you tell us what happened at Huai’an Road that night?

J: 我停下车在那儿等着,因为有人把停在那儿的一辆车偷走了。后来我准备走了,额,我看见那辆车直冲着我开过来,我就停下等。我当时突然想到,他肯定是喝了不少酒,要不就开车睡着勒,因为他的车道不对,在我的车道上,并且直接就冲着我的车子开过来。 L: and what did the vehicle do?

J: 我刚才说了,他直冲着我开过来,但他一定是在最后一刻看到了我,因为他试图把车打到一边去。

L: did it hit your car?

J: 是的,撞上了我,而且很厉害。 L: where?

J: 右前面,挡泥板整个被撞碎了,还有不少地方也撞坏了。我的车整个报废了。 L: what did the vehicle do after it hit your car?

J: 刚开始的时候,他似乎想要停下车,但没有停。他试图接着开车走,可他的车也损害的相当严重,没走多远,过一个街区就停下来了。

L: Mr. Johnson, what did you do after, you saw the car drive away?

J: 我做了什么?呃,一开始我不知所措。但当我看到他想把车开走,我就想要跟着他。可他停下来了,而且我明白过来,警察对发生的事看得清清楚楚并且在追赶他。我就停在原地等待。

L: and had you seen police officers there before the accident?

J: 这个,他撞我的时候,警察已经在那儿了,因为停在那儿的车被偷了。他们看见他试图开车跑掉,就在后面追赶他。 20.3









中国致力于发展中欧富有活力和长期稳定的经贸合作关系,并期待欧盟成为中国最大贸易与投资伙伴: ——发挥经贸混委会机制作用,加强经贸监管政策对话;适时考虑更新《中欧贸易与经济合作协定》;运用WTO规则,妥善解决不合理限制及技术性壁垒,放宽高技术出口限制,发挥技贸合作的巨大潜力;尽早给予中国“完全市场经济地位”,减少并消除对华反倾销及有关歧视性政策和做法,慎用“特保措施”;合理补偿因欧盟扩大对中方经贸利益的减损。 ——加强中欧在世界贸易组织新一轮谈判中的协调与合作,共同推动谈判获得成功。 ——加强投资对话,推动建立双边投资促进机构,积极引导双方企业相互投资,扩大中小企业合作;开展加工贸易、承包工程和各种劳务合作,鼓励跨国经营和国际化生产。 ——欢迎欧盟增加对华发展援助,特别是在环保、扶贫、卫生保健、教育等领域的援助。同时也欢迎在加强人力资源培训、尤其是对中国中西部的人员培训、中国参与多边贸易体制的能力建设等方面发挥作用。 ——加强在质量监督检验检疫领域的合作,建立磋商机制,在维护安全、卫生、健康、环保的原则下,及时解决影响双方产品市场准入的问题。 ——加强海关合作,适时签署中欧海关协定。 (二)金融合作 建立健全中欧金融高层对话机制,扩大中欧央行间的政策交流,深化在防范金融危机、反恐融资和反洗钱方面的合作。中方欢迎欧盟成员国银行拓展对华业务,希望妥善解决中国金融机构在欧盟的市场准入问题。 中方将依照保险法规及入世承诺,积极审核欧盟成员国保险机构来华营业申请,完善监管法规体系。 加强证券立法、市场监管、投资运作合作,鼓励更多的欧盟成员国证券经营机构、基金管理机构以及其他机构投资者进入中国市场,也鼓励中国证券经营机构在条件成熟时进入欧盟证券市场,同时积极支持中国企业进入欧盟证券市场融资。

China is committed to developing dynamic, long-term and stable economic cooperation and trade with the EU and expects the latter to become China's largest trading and investment partner.

-- Give play to the mechanism of the economic and trade joint committee and step up economic and trade regulatory policy dialogue; give attention to updating the Trade and Economic Cooperation Agreement Between China and the European Union at an appropriate time; properly address irrational restrictions and technical barriers, ease restrictions on high-tech exports and tap the enormous potential of technological cooperation and trade in line with the WTO rules; grant China a full market economy status at an early date, reduce and abolish anti-dumping and other discriminatory policies and practices against China, and apply the Transitional Product-Specific Safeguard Mechanism (TPSSM) prudently; and compensate the


Chinese side for its economic and trade losses which may arise due to the EU enlargement. -- Boost China-EU coordination and cooperation in the new round of WTO negotiations and work together for the success of the negotiations.

-- Strengthen dialogue on investment, promote the establishment of bilateral

investment-promotion institutions, energetically encourage and guide mutual investments between enterprises of the two sides, and expand cooperation between their small- and medium-sized enterprises; develop processing trade, contractual projects and labour cooperation of various kinds and encourage transnational business operation and internationalised production.

-- China welcomes more EU development aid, especially in such fields as the environmental protection, poverty-alleviation, public health and hygiene and education. China also welcomes a stronger and more active role of the EU in human resources development, in particular,

personnel training for China's central and western regions and build-up of China's capacity of participating in multilateral trading regime.

-- Step up cooperation in the area of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine, establish appropriate consultation mechanisms and, subject to the principle of ensuring safety, security, hygiene, health and environmental protection, promptly address and resolve issues which may adversely affect market access of each other's products.

-- Boost the customs cooperation and conclude a China-EU Customs Agreement in due course. 2. Financial Cooperation

China and the EU should launch a high-level financial dialogue mechanism, expand exchanges between their central banks on policies and deepen cooperation in preventing and managing financial crises and combating the financing of terrorism and money laundering. The Chinese side welcomes an expansion of China-related business by banks of the EU countries and hopes to see an appropriate settlement of the issue of Chinese financial institutions' access to the EU market.

The Chinese side will positively examine and consider applications of EU insurance institutions for business operation in China and improve its supervisory and regulatory regime in line with the Chinese insurance laws, regulations and statutes and China's WTO commitments. Cooperation in securities legislation, market supervision and regulation, and investment operation will be strengthened and more EU securities institutions, fund management

institutions and other institutional investors will be encouraged to enter into China's market. Chinese securities institutions will be encouraged to enter into the EU's securities market when conditions are ripe. In the meantime, Chinese enterprises will be strongly supported to raise funds in the EU's securities market.