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R【120/1】via,00:00:06, FastEthernet0/0

C is directly connected,FastEthernet0/1 C is directly connected,FastEthernet0/0 R1路由表未达到收敛状态的原因可能是( ),如果此时在PCI上ping主机PC2,返回的消息是( )。 A.R1的接口F0/0未打开 B.R2的接口F0/0未打开 C.R1未运行RIPV2路由协议 D.R2未宣告局域网路由 A.Request timed out

B.Reply from host unreachable C.Reply from time=0ms TTL=255 D.Reply from time=0ms TTL=126 试题47

在工作区子系统中,信息插座与电源插座的间距不小于( )cm。 A.10 B.20 C.30 D.40 试题48

下列不属于水平子系统的设计内容的是( )。 A.布线路由设计 B.管槽设计 C.设备安装、调试 D.线缆选型 试题49

影响光纤熔接损耗的因素较多,以下因素中影响最大的是( )。 A.光纤模场直径不一致 B.两根光纤芯径失配 C.纤芯截面不圆

D.纤芯与包层同心度不佳 试题50

下列叙述中,( )不属于综合布线系统的设计原则。 A.综合布线系统与建筑物整体规划、设计和建设各自进行 B.综合考虑用户需求、建筑物功能、经济发展水平等因素 C.长远规划思想、保持一定的先进性 D.采用扩展性、标准化、灵活的管理方式


某企业有电信和联通2条互联网接入线路,通过部署( )可以实现内部用户通过电信信道访问电信目的的IP地址,通过联通信道访问联通目的的IP地址。也可以配置基于( )的策略路由,实现行政部和财务部通过电信信道访问互联网,市场部和研发部通过联通信道访问互联网。

A.负载均衡设备 B.网闸


D.上网行为管理设备 A.目标地址 B.源地址 C.代价

D.管理距离 试题52

某企业网络管理员发现数据备份速率突然变慢,初步检查发现备份服务器和接入交换机的接口速率均显示为百兆,而该连接两端的接口均为千兆以太网接口,且接口速率采用自协商模式。排除该故障的方法中不包括( )。 A.检查设备线缆 B.检查设备配置 C.重启设备端口 D.重启交换机 试题53


www.xxx.com/news/html/?0?union select 1 from (select count(*),concat(floor(rand(0)*2),0x3a,(select concat(user,0x3a,password)from pwn_base_admin limit 0,1),0x3a)a from information_schema.tables group by a)b where’1’=’1.htm

该入侵为( )攻击,应配备( )设备进行防护。 A.DDOS B.跨站脚本 C.SQL注入


A.WAF(WEB安全防护) B.IDS(入侵检测) C.漏洞扫描系统 D.负载均衡 试题54

Typically,an IP address refers to an individual host on a particular network. IP also accommodates addresses that refer to a group of hosts on one or more networks.Sunch addresses are referred to as multicast addresses,and the act of sending a packet from a source to the members of a ( )group is referred to as multicasting. Multicasting done ( 72) the scope of a single LAN segment is straightforward. IEEE 802 and other LAN protocols include provision for MAC-level multicast addresses. A packet with a multicast address is transmitted on a LAN segment.Those stations that are members of the ( )multicast group recognize the multicast address and ( )the packet.In this case,only a single copy of the packet is ever transmitted.This technique works because of the ( )nature of a LAN:A transmission from any one station is received by all other stations on the LAN. A.numerous B.only C.single D.multicast A.within B.out of C.beyond D.cover A.different B.unique C.special

D.corresponding A.reject B.accept C.discard D.transmit A.multicast B.unicast C.broadcast

D.multiple unicast