七年级(贵州)英语人教版练习:Unit 5 第二课时 下载本文

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第二课时 Section A(2a~2d)

01 基础过关 Ⅰ.根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 1.Let me get(去取) the radio for you. 2.My friend Helen has(有) two blue cups. 3.We(我们) are in a middle school. 4.Sorry,Ms.Brown.I am late(迟到). 5.Can they go(去) to the library now? Ⅱ.用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 6.I must find our(we) soccer ball. 7.Is his jacket on(on) the chair? 8.Can you help me(I)?I need your help.

9.Let's get(get) the baseball bats together(一起). 10.—Do you have a basketball?

—No,I don't.But my brother does(do). Ⅲ.单项选择。

(B)11.I________ a ping-pong ball and my brother ________ two ping-pong bats. A.have;have B.have;has C.has;has D.has;have (B)12.Mike,let's ________ those girls.

A.to help B.help C.helping D.helps (C)13.Does ________ have a computer game? A.your brothers B.they C.your cousin D.you

(D)14.—________ he have a blue pencil box? —No,he ________.

A.Does;don't B.Do;don't C.Do;doesn't D.Does;doesn't (A)15.—________? —I have a purple cup.

A.What do you have B.What color is your cup C.Where is your cup D.Do you have a cup 02 能力提升 Ⅳ.短文填空。


My name is Gina Smith.I am a __16__(中间的) school student.I have __17__(一些) things(东西) in my classroom.I have a schoolbag,a pencil box,three __18__(eraser),two pens and five __19__(pencil).And I have two English __20__(dictionary).They are in __21__(I) schoolbag.Kate and Eric __22__(be) my cousins.They __23__(have) a soccer ball __24__(和) two nice model planes.What __25__(do) you have,my good friend?

16.middle 17.some 18.erasers 19.pencils 20.dictionaries 21.my 22.are 23.have 24.and 25.do


1.Let's go!让我们走吧!

(1)这是一个以let开头的祈使句,其结构为“let sb.do sth.”,表示建议。当let后接人称代词时,应用其宾格形式。 (2)let's是let us的缩写形式,其后接动词原形,意为“让我们……吧”,let's常用来提建议或征求意见。回答时,若同意,可用“OK./All right.”等作答;若不同意,可用“Sorry,I…/No,let's…”作答。例如:

—Let's go to the library.让我们去图书馆吧。 —OK.好的。

(3)go作动词,意为“去;走”。常用结构“go+介词 to+地点名词/go+地点副词(here,there,home等)”,


I go to school by bus.我乘公交车去上学。 Are you going home?你打算回家吗? 2.We're late!我们迟到了!

late作形容词,意为“迟到;晚的”,可构成短语be late for,意为“……迟到”。例如: Tom is always late for school.汤姆上学总是迟到。 【拓展】

late也可作副词,意为“晚;晚地”。例如: He always comes late.他总是来晚。