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Unit 1 Playing Sports

Topic 1 Are you going to play basketball?

Section A

第一部分 词汇导学

1. almost adv./adj. 几乎、差不多。表示虽不完全是,但是几乎可以算是。 e.g. He watches TV almost every night. (adj.) He almost works out the problem. (adv.)

2. against pre. (介)对着、反对。带有反对、敌对的含义,常用的动词短语有:

play against… 和…比赛,fight against… 和…打架/斗争,be against.... 反对/违背…

e.g. Everyone should fight against evil(罪恶).

We will play basketball against Class 3 next week. 3. cheer v. 为…加油、欢呼,常用短语: cheer sb. on e.g. We will cheer you on at the sports meeting.

4. prefer v. 更喜欢,更愿意,宁愿。 常用短语和句型有: ①prefer sth. /doing sth. 更喜欢…/做… I prefer ball games/playing ball games.

②prefer sth./doing sth. to sth. /doing sth. (这里的to 是介词) I prefer dumplings to noodles. I prefer swimming to running.

【同义】like … better(than…)

I like swimming better than running. 5. bit n. 一点,一些,少量。常用短语:

①a bit of , 相当于a few/ a little , 修饰名词,也常用a little bit of… e.g.: I can speak a little bit of English.

② a bit 副词,可以用来修饰形容词/副词。 e.g.: I am a bit tired.

③ quite a bit/ a lot (of…)许多/大量;经常/很/非常 e.g.: I have quite a bit of things to do.

--Do you watch movies in your free time? --Yes, quite a bit.

6. join v. 加入、参加,指加入某团体或组织。 e.g.: Li Ming joined the army last year. 短语join in 可以指加入某项活动。 e.g. join in the school sports meeting.

7. win. v. (过去式:won) 赢得,后常加比赛或奖项做宾语。 e.g.: We won the basketball game last week.


第二部分 语法导学


如果我们要表达将要进行某一动作的打算、意图,常用be going to do sth.的巨型。

e.g.:①--What are you going to do this Sunday?

-- I’m going to play basketball with my classmates. ②I am going to be a doctor in the future.

【注意】⒈如果要表达打算去什么地方,则可以直接在be going to后直接加地


e.g.: I am going to Beijing next month.

⒉如果是go shopping, go swimming 之类的短语,则可以直接在be

going 后+doing.

e.g.: Linda is going shopping this weekend.


1. 你今天下午打算干什么? 我打算去看一场电影。

______________________________________________________________ 2. 周末你打算去哪儿? 我打算去公园。


第三部分 课堂任务

任务一:I 2. 朗读并学习不同运动的名称。 II. 回答下面的三个问题。 1. Which sport do you prefer, …or…? I prefer …

2. Do you …. much?

Yes, quiet a bit/ a lot. / No, seldom. 3. Are you going to join the school … club? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not, I’m going to … 任务二:3. 听录音完成表格。 任务三:I. 1a, 听录音回答问题。 1. What is Michael going to do?

He is going to __________ __________.

2. Why does Michael play basketball every day during the summer holidays? Because they are going to ________ a basketball game __________ Class Three. 3. Is Kangkang going to cheer them on? ________, ____________.

II. 读对话在翻译下列习语。

1. saw you play basketball almost every day _________________________


2. 和…打篮球比赛 ________________ 3. 为…加油 ________________