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he can’t ________.

A. drive a motorcycle B. drive a large passenger bus

C. get a part-time job D. buy alcohol in a bar


One day, my mother and I went shopping at a Chinese supermarket. We found that the crucian carps(鲫鱼)were very fresh, so we chose four crucian carps and handed them over to the seller. As it would take some time to clean the fish, we decided to look around the other places first. When we came back to the counter, I asked the seller for my fish. He raised one, which was being cleaned, to let me have a look and tell me he was still working on the fish. I hurriedly said, “Go ahead. Go ahead.” I meant for him to go on.

To my surprise, the seller stopped his work, looking at me with puzzled(困惑的) expression, and asked me, “ Go ahead?” “Yes, go ahead” I said. He pointed at all the fish and repeated very seriously, “Head?” Paying no more attention to him, I turned back to chat with my mother. Suddenly, “Bang, bang, bang,” was heard from the counter. Quickly, the seller passed the four fish without heads to me.

I asked loudly, “Why did you cut all the heads off?” The seller was also very angry and said, “Didn’t you tell me to go ahead again and again?” When I heard what he said, I felt funny as well as angry. He considered “go ahead” as “cut the head off”, so he asked me several times about it! 50. The writer went to ________ with her mother that day.

A. a restaurant B. a beach C. a supermarket D. a park

51. The writer ________ with her mother after they bought the fish. A. looked around the other places B. cleaned the fish C. cut all the heads of the fish off D. went back home 52. The seller cut all the heads off because ________. A. the writer asked him to do so B. he was angry with the writer

C. he wanted to cut off the heads D. he didn’t understand what the writer said


Some people think that success is only for those with talent(才能)or those who grow up in the right family, and others believe that success mostly comes down to luck. I’m not going to say luck, talent, and situations don’t come into play because they do. Some people are born into the right family while others are born with great talent, and that’s just what life is.

However, to succeed in life, one first needs to set a goal and then gradually make it more practical. And, what’s more, in order to get really good at something, one needs to spend at least 10,000 hours studying and practicing. To become great at certain things, it’ll require even more time that most people won’t put in.

This is a big reason why many successful people advise you to do something you love. If you don’t enjoy what you do, it is going to feel like unbearable(难以承受的)pain and will likely make you give up well before you ever become good at it.

When you see people showing some great skills or having achieved great success, you know that they have put in a huge part of their life to get there at a huge cost. It’s sometimes easy to think they got lucky or they were born with some unusual talent, but thinking that way does you no good, and there’s a huge chance that you’re wrong anyway.

Whatever you do, if you want to become great at it, you need to work day in and day out, almost to the point of addiction(着迷), and over a long period of time. If you’re not willing to put in the time and work, don’t expect to receive any rewards. Continual, hard work won’t guarantee that you will get the level of success you may want, but it will guarantee that you will become really good at whatever it is you put all that work into. 53. What can we infer from the passage?

A. Successful people enjoy doing all kinds of work. B. People sometimes succeed without luck or talent. C. Successful people like to show their great skills. D. People will succeed in life if they set good goals.

54. What does the word “guarantee” in the last paragraph mean?

A. keep up B. carry out C. look ahead D. make sure

55. What is the main idea of the passage? A. Having a goal is important to success. B. Being good is different from being great. C. One cannot succeed without time and practice. D. Luck, talent and family help to achieve success.


It is natural for young people, at times, to blame their parents for most of the misunderstandings between them. They have always complained(抱怨) that their parents are out of touch with modern ways; that they do not trust their children to deal with trouble; that they talk too much about certain problems,and that they have no sense of humor, at least in parent-child relations. I think it is true that parents often look down upon their teenage children and also forget how they themselves felt, when young.

For example, young people like doing things without careful thinking:it is one of their ways of showing that they can accept a challenge(挑战). Older people worry more easily:most of them plan things ahead, at least in

the back of their minds, and do not like their plans to be upset by something unexpected.

So my advice to you is this:when you want to borrow the family car or get your mother to mend something for you, you will have better success if you can possibly ask ahead of time.

Young people often make their parents feel angry with their choices in clothes and hairstyles,in singers and music. This is not the main reason. They feel cut off from the adult world. So they create a culture and society of their own. Then, if it turns out that their music and singers, or vocabulary, clothes and hairstyles make their parents feel angry, this gives them more enjoyment. They feel they are better, at least in a small way, and they are leaders in style and taste.

Sometimes you don’t obey because you do not want your parents to accept what you do. If they did accept, it looks as if you are tricking(辜负) your own age group. But in that case, you are supposing that you are the underdog:you can’t win but at least you can keep your honor. This is not an active way of looking at things. It is natural enough,after long years of childhood, when you were completely under your parents’ control. But it doesn’t notice the fact that you are now beginning to be responsible for yourself.

If you plan to control your life, co-operation(合作) can be part of the plan. You can make others, especially parents, respect you with your sense of responsibility, so that they will give you the right to do what you want to do. 56. The writer is mainly talking to _________.

A. parents of teenagers B. newspaper readers C. teachers D. teenagers

57. The first paragraph is mainly about ________. A. the teenagers’ complaints about their parents

B. the teenagers’ ability to deal with trouble in life C. the parents’ complaints about their children

D. misunderstandings between teenagers and their parents

58. The word “underdog” in the 5th paragraph refers to a person who . A. keeps dogs as pets B. has little chance to succeed C. looks down upon others D. likes to cheat his own age group 59. We can infer from the passage that .

A. teenagers can’t join adult society because they have their own culture B. it is impossible for young people to get along well with older people C. it is true for older people to forget how they felt when they were young D. older people often lead the way in clothes, hairstyles, singers and music 七、阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。(共8分,每小题2分)

Leo and his father didn't talk for ten years. Ten years ago, Leo’s mother died. He thought it was his father who caused his mother's illness. 60 .

Now they were sitting in a nice coffee shop. Suddenly his father asked the waiter to put some salt in his coffee. Leo was surprised. His father smiled and said, “Before you were born, your mother and I often had fun playing in the sea. 61 , just like the taste of the salty coffee. Every time I have salty coffee, I always think of your mother. I miss her so much.”

Leo was deeply moved. 62 . One month later, he moved to live with his father. Every time he made coffee for him, he put some salt in the coffee. After 10 years, his father died. Leo received a letter which said, “Dear Leo, please forgive(宽恕) my life's lie — the salty coffee. Actually at that time I wanted some sugar, but I said salt. It was hard for me to change, so I just went ahead. Now let me tell you the truth. 63 , but I drink salty coffee for 10 years! Having you with me is the biggest happiness of my whole life.” A. We could taste the sea B. I don't like salty coffee C. So he hated his father D. They found the food was tasty there E. He never knew his father had such deep love for his mother 八、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分)

You may think that inventions are far away from your everyday life. But in fact, most people can invent. It’s just that they do not know that their idea could be the start of an invention. Once inventors see their ideas have some practical value, they don’t let them go away.

For example, the inventor of the dishwasher, American Josephine Cochrane, loved to give dinner parties. But she found it took too long to wash her dishes by hand and too many of them broke. She decided that a machine could do the job faster and with fewer mistakes. So, in 1886, she started to make one for herself.

Like Cochrane’s, most inventions are created to solve a problem. So, the first and most important step is to find the problem. Start by looking at what is wrong with things you use now and ask people around if they remember ever saying: “I wish someone would invent something for...” Then you might notice situations or things in need of improvement. The next step is to think about possible solutions(解决方案). An invention is a new way of solving a problem. So think of many and unusual ways. You can often come up with a solution for a problem by thinking about it in a new way.

Most inventions are not completely new. They do not come out of nowhere, but of things or ideas that already exist(存在). And the hardest part of inventing, even for a lot of inventors, is coming up with a problem and finding a solution. Once you have an idea, you can always get help building your invention.

This problem-solving method can also work in your everyday lives. So, why

not try it in your studies, in your relation with others, or even in the way you look at the world?

64. Can most people invent?

65. When did Cochrane start to make the dishwasher? 66. How can we often come up with a solution for a problem? 67. What is the hardest part of inventing for inventors?

68. What does the writer want to tell us?




69. 英文书籍和英语歌曲我都喜欢。

I like_______ English books_______ English songs. 70. 他差不多和他父亲一样高了。

He is almost _______ his father. 71. 昨天雨停了他才回家。

He _______ go home _______ the rain stopped yesterday. 72. 在生活中与别人和谐相处很重要。 _______ others in our daily life.

73. 污染越来越严重,中国政府下定决心解决这个问题。

Since pollution is getting more and more serious, Chinese government_______the problem. 十、文段表达(15分)


74. 假如你是王平,你的英国笔友Cathy发来邮件说她在 “Cozy Reading Week(惬意阅读周)”时读了几本有趣的书,她想跟你交流一下,了解你的读书情况。请你根据她的问题回复邮件。

提示词语:books on , because, get, knowledge

1. What kind of books do you like reading? 2. Why do you like these books? 3. What do you think of reading books?