2018届中考英语复习题型演练题型六阅读表达试题 下载本文

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七、阅读表达(共5小题,计10分) 阅读短文,根据要求完成下面各小题。



You see people in movies celebrating a white Christmas in England or the United States. But Christmas in Australia is different.

The holiday, celebrated on Dec. 25, comes at the hottest time of the year in Australia. The temperature is usually about 30℃ in most cities and can even be over 40℃. There is certainly no white Christmas in Australia.

Because it is so hot, the tradition is to have a lunch outside and to swim in the pool or beach. Most people have a one-week holiday during this time, so they will travel to meet their family for Christmas lunch. Christmas lunch is usually a big meal of ham, turkey, salad and fresh seafood. 3Family members all cook something different to bring to the big meal. I always enjoy Christmas lunch because there are lots of good cooks in the family. One year my aunt even made a delicious gingerbread house(姜饼屋) that we ate for desert.

Children get presents from “Santa Claus” and are always excited to play with them. 4It is a fun time to play or swim in the pool with the other members of your family.

The sport of cricket(板球) is very popular in Australia and another tradition is to play a game of cricket in your backyard. I always enjoyed playing with my uncle and cousins when I was growing up.

So Australia might not have a white Christmas. But it is still a very exciting and fun time of the year.


1.Why is there no white Christmas in Australia?

2.What sports are mentioned in this passage?


3. 4. C.请给短文拟一个适当的题目。 5.


In the UK, bus journeys are very common. Buses are often convenient for the people who live or work in the city center. Passengers can avoid heavy traffic and do not have to pay for the parking. However, taking the bus is just a necessary but boring part of life: They get on the bus, pay for it and sit down or find a place to stand when it is crowded. Everyone seems sad and bored.

In Latin America, however, bus trips can be wonderful. For a start, films are showed on the buses between cities for passengers to have fun along the journeys. Local buses do not show films, but drivers usually turn on the radio and it can be great for passengers to listen to songs and get relaxed.


Even better than films and music are the sights and sounds on the buses. 3Local buses always go to parts of the town that passengers would not visit by themselves. There passengers can see shops that they have never heard about. And they can also see other cultures of the town from the windows of the buses.

Besides, passengers' luggage(行李) is also interesting. It is common to see a happy dog's

head getting out of somebody's bag or a lovely chicken “speaking cheerfully” under somebody's arm. Once on a bus in Peru, a farmer even tied a sheep to the top of the bus. It was quite surprising.

4In all, taking the bus in Latin America is really fun and unforgettable. A.根据短文内容简要回答问题。

1.How do passengers probably feel on the buses in the UK?

2.In the writer's opinion, what are even better than films and music on the buses? B.将短文中画线的句子译成汉语。

3. 。 4. 。 C.请给短文拟一个适当的英文标题。 5.




1.Because the holiday, celebrated on Dec. 25, comes at the hottest time of the year in Australia. 2.Cricket


4.和你的家人一起玩耍或在泳池里游泳是一段有趣的时光。 5.Australia's Christmas


1.They feel sad and bored.

2.The sights and sounds on the buses.

3.当地的公共汽车常常去乘客们自己没有参观过的城镇的一些地方。 4.总之,在南美洲乘坐公共汽车是真的又有趣又让人难以忘怀。 5.Taking Buses in Latin America