内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/4 14:26:14星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
4 Filled with fear and remorse, Harriet took Thomas back to London. She also wrote a letter to her husband, telling him the truth, which was delivered to the captain of the ship for her husband had gone AWOL .
5 At last, Harriet was arrested and held for trial. But she was discharged because the judge decided that the court had no jurisdiction over the case.
Part II Reading for Pleasure
Answer the following questions.
1 What did the two strangers argue about?
They pretended to argue about whether it would be easy to stand in front of the clock for one hour without moving and say “Here it comes, there it goes” as the clock’s pendulum swung back and forth. Actually they were just trying to deceive the hotel owner.
2 How did the two strangers make the hotel owner join them in a bet?
They made him believe that it was very easy to win the bet and win a hundred dollars.
3 What was the hotel owner thinking about when he stood in front of theclock?
He thanked God for his old clock, which might help him get money for his son’s education. Besides, he was thinking about buying a new coat for his wife and a walking stick for himself.
4 What did people think of the hotel owner when they saw him talking to the clock? People thought that he must have been crazy when they saw him talking to the clock.
5 What did the hotel owner find when he finished the bet? He found that the two men had already gone with his money.
Unit 4
Part I
I. Reading for information 。 A. Reading to find main ideas 1. C 2. B
B. Reading to find major details 3 . A 4. D
C. Reading to find relevant facts 5. A 6. C
II. Translation
Translate the following sentences into Chinese.
1. She would greet us and take our hot little hands in her own beautiful coolone, with blue veins standing out on the back of it, as though the white skin were almost too delicate to contain them. 她会和我们打招呼,将我们热乎乎的小手握在她那双秀美而清凉的手里。她的手背上淡蓝色的静脉凸显,雪白的皮肤仿佛细薄得遮不住它们似的。
2. She looked lonely and pathetic, and for the first time I wondered why noman had ever taken her and looked after her and loved her. 她脸上露出孤寂、哀婉的神情。我第一次感到纳闷,为什么从没有男人娶她、呵护她、爱她呢?
3. I was disappointed but not alarmed, for so many things could happen toeither of us to prevent us from keeping our tryst. 我虽然有些失望,但是并没有紧张,因为可能发生的事情太多,我俩都会碰上,从而无法赴约。
4. It was the only love letter I ever received, but it turned all my bitterness and grief into a peacefulness which was the nearest I could get, then, to happiness.
5. The old lady looked down, troubled and shy like a child who has unwittinglydone wrong. 老太太垂下了目光,像一个无心犯错的孩子般不安、羞怯
III. Summary
Complete the following statements with words and expressions from the box. Use their proper forms.
1 In her small cottage , Great-Aunt Stephina Roos lived in solitude .
2 As I grew older, I became so fond of Great-Aunt Stephina Roos that I confided in her about my engagement with George.
3 Great-Aunt Stephina Roos was anxious about my love affair and often asked me strange questions as though she was afraid my romance would be destroyed .
4 When Great-Aunt Stephina Roos was a young girl , she fell in love with Richard, a man from England .
5 Richard returned to England to look after his estates and left Great-Aunt Stephina Roos a letter , asking her to marry him if she could leave South Africa and her family .
6 Because Great-Aunt Stephina Roos never learnt to read , she didn’t know what Richard wrote in the letter until many years later.
Part II Reading for Pleasure
Answer the following questions.
1 Why didn’t the mailman look up when he passed Sophie’s house? Because there was no mail for Sophie.
2 What kind of life did Sophie live?
She lived a lonely, widowed life because her husband had died eight months before.
3 Why didn’t Sophie hear Mrs. Mason’s knocking at five o’clock?
Because she was holding the flowers on her lap, swaying slightly and stroking the petals of the flowers, lost in loving memory of her dead husband.
4 Why did Sophie open the flower box and arrange the flowers in her vase?
Because that was what she had done every year on Valentine’s Day before and the flowers were exactly what her husband had given her — yellow roses. She obviously forgot that she was not the receiver of the delivery.
5 How did Joseph arrange the flowers for Sophie? And why?
Joseph arrang ed f or t he florist t o de liver t he flowers to their neighbor Mrs. Mason and asked Mrs. Mason to send them to Sophie. He made such arrangements so that he could give his wife a pleasant surprise on Valentine’s Day without startling her.
Unit 5
Part I
I. Reading for information 。 A. Reading to find main ideas 1. B 2. C
B. Reading to find major details 3 . B 4. A
C. Reading to find relevant facts 5. D 6. C II. Translation
Translate the following sentences into Chinese.
1. The brief weekend respite hadn’t provided much relief, what with thelaundry that had piled up, not to mention the supermarket and the drycleaners and the myriad other errands that ate into what
was supposed to be our family time together.
2. I tuned out the crowd around me and began to mentally sort through thepriorities that would beckon as soon as I arrived at the office..
3. The train was pulling in, and the army of commuters was of one mind: Grab an empty seat at any cost.
4. With a firm grip on my briefcase I pushed along, and landed my prize. Sitting would allow me to get a jump on some paperwork, perhaps a memo or two.
5. It seemed as if everyone on the train was studiously avoiding the view of this young woman and they buried their heads in their newspapers, or pretended to be deeply engrossed in their conversations.
III. Summary
Complete the following statements with words and expressions from the box. Use their proper forms.
1 I The author felt worn-out and bored because being a part of the rat race, she had to work really hard during the weekdays, and the brief weekend couldn't provide her with much relaxation, for she had to deal with the household chores .
2 As she waited for the train on the platform, she tuned out the crowd around her and began to mentally sort through the priorities of her work. She wanted to secure a seat on the train for sitting would allow her to get a jump on some paperwork.
3 When the train was pulling in, the army of commuters was of one mind: Grab an empty seat at any cost. Although the author did the same thing, she began to consider how her aims of life had deteriorated.
4 On the train, a young woman caught the author's attention. She was expecting a baby and she didn't have a seat. However, everyone on the train pretended to be too deeply engrossed in their conversations or reading to notice her.
5 The author felt a pang of guilt and decided to give her seat to this young woman. And her small act of kindness was as much for her as it was for the pregnant woman.
Part II Reading for Pleasure
Answer the following questions.
1 How did the author feel about the working environment?
She thought it was hostile as well as noisy, dirty, and lacking in temperature control.
2 What did James think of the author at first?
He looked down upon her. He thought that she was too young and inexperienced, and he didn’t want to work with a woman.
3 What did the author do to try to get James on her side?
She was punctual and always did what she had promised. She spent time on the line trying to understand the challenges and obstacles James faced as a supervisor. She even brought him coffee and made a point to ask about his family.
4 How did the author finally change James's attitude towards her?
She changed his attitude towards her by asking for his advice on the retooling of the Cushion Room, and by giving him all the credit for the success of the operation.
5 What lesson did the author learn from the experience?
She learned that one should act and treat others as he himself wants to be treated, and should put his ego down and sincerely ask for help.
Unit 6 Money and Marriage
Part I
I. Reading for information 。 A. Reading to find main ideas 1. B 2. C
B. Reading to find major details 3 . B 4. A
C. Reading to find relevant facts 5. D 6. B II. Translation
Translate the following sentences into Chinese.