牛津译林版六上英语Unit5试卷 (含听力材料) 下载本文

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六年级英语单元练习 ( Unit5 )

Name: _________ Class: ________


一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词或词组。(10分) ( ) 1. A. centre B. country C. camera ( ) 2. A. meet B. mean C. magic ( ) 3. A. dirty B. drive C. danger ( ) 4. A. sign B. said C. still ( ) 5. A. well B. wet C. will

( ) 6. A. cowboy B. subway C. supermarket ( ) 7. A. metro B. matter C. mother ( ) 8. A. the juice shop B. the book shop C. shopping centre ( ) 9. A. No littering B. No parking C. No swimming ( ) 10. A. brought B. bought C. caught 二、听录音,根据所听内容选择合适的答句。(10分)

( ) 1. A. Yes , it does. B. Yes , they do. C. Yes , they are. D. Yes, it is. ( ) 2. A. No littering B. No parking and “Wet floor” C. No smoking D. No eating or drinking ( ) 3. A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, please .

C. Yes, I do. D. No, I don?t.

( ) 4. A. He's taking a walk. B. He is talking about the signs. C. She is eating and drinking. D. She is taking a walk. ( ) 5. A. in the school B. in the library

C. in the lake D. in the bookshop


There's a _________ at the _______ centre. It means the ______

is _________.The sign in the juice ______ means we can?t _______here. The sign in the bookshop means we can?t _______ or_____________. So Helen can?t

________ her juice into it. The sign in the restaurant means “No ____________.”


一、 英汉词组互译。(8分)


1. 禁止乱丢杂物 2. 小心地滑 _______________________

3. 带入 ___________________ 4. 闻到它 _________________________ 7. in the forest _______________ 8. at a shopping centre _________________ 二、按要求写单词。( 6分 )

1. smoking(动词原形)__________ 2. mean(第三人称单数)______________ 3. eat(动词原形) ____________ 4. carefully(形容词) ______________ 5. dirty (反义词) ____________ 6. say(过去式) _______________ 三、选择题。(12分)

( ) 1.________ that sign _________ “No fishing”.

A. Do, means B. Does, mean C. Is , mean D. Does ,means ( ) 2. We shouldn?t ___________ here and there(到处).

A. litter B. littering C. litters D. to litter ( ) 3. It means you shouldn't ___________ trees here.

A. climbing B. climbs C. swimming D. climb

( ) 4.________ in the supermarket ? ________ some signs.

A. What, There're B. What's, There's C. What, There's D. What's ,There're

( ) 5.You can?t _______ your toys ______ the classroom.

A. take; to B. taking; to C. take; into D. takes ; into

( ) 6. It _______ yesterday.

A. didn?t rainy B. wasn?t windy C. was rained D. is sunny ( ) 7. Bobby and Sam find a sign ______ the tree .

A. at B. on C. in D. of

( ) 8. The people looked at the king, but they _______ see the new clothes. A. could not B. cannot C. could D. can ( ) 9.In the US ,people call the metro“___________”. A. underground B. subway C. DiTie D. metro ( ) 10.We can put the sign ?No Picking” __________.

A. at the shopping centre B. in the park C. in the library D. in the reataurant ( ) 11. My mother ______ have lunch yesterday because she _______ angry. A. didn?t , wasn?t B. didn?t , was C. wasn?t , didn?t D. did, was ( ) 12.They see a lot of dogs around _________.

A. their B. them C. they D. your


5. 对他说 ___________________ 6. feel hungry and tired_________________

四、从II栏中选出I栏问题的正确应答。( 8分)


( ) 1. Can I have an ice cream? A: It means ?No littering?. ( ) 2. What does the sign mean? B: They were tried and hungry. ( ) 3. How was the weather last week? C: We should listen carefully. ( ) 4. What do you usually do on Sunday? D: It?s cloudy.

( ) 5. Does the sign mean ?No parking?? E. It rained ( ) 6. What?s the weather like today? F. No, you can't. ( ) 7. How were the women ? G. We play basketball. ( ) 8.What should we do in class? H. Yes, it does.. 五、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(7分)

1. Where is your mother, Jim ? She ___________( wash ) clothes in the bathroom. 2. Please ___________( not talk ) in the library .You should ________( keep ) quiet. 3. You shouldn?t___________ ( swim ) in the river.

4. We can ________ ( use ) eggs ____________( make ) much food. 5. ________ your sister ________ ( look ) for her key? Yes ,she is. 6. Sam _________ ( want ) __________ ( eat ) some bananas in the forest.

7. What ______ that sign _______( mean )? It ______ you can?t______( park )there. 六、改错题. (10分)

( ) 1. It means “No eating and drinking”. _____________ A B C D

( ) 2. You can?t parking here. _____________ A B C D

( ) 3. I don?t buy any cake for lunch yesterday. _____________


( ) 4. What does the signs mean?. _____________


( ) 5. Be carefully, Tim. _____________ A B C 七、按要求完成句子。(7分)

1. He brought some bananas for lunch.(否定句)

He ________ _________ _________ bananas for lunch. 2. The sign means “ No mokking ”.(改为同义句)

The sign means you _________ _________ here. .