各种证书英文版 下载本文

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副书记—————— Vice Secretary

秘书长—————— Secretary-general

学术部干事—————— a member of the Academic Department

宿舍长—————— Head of the dormitory

优秀团员—————— Excellent League Member

班长———————— Monitor/ Class President

副班长—————— Vice-monitor

文体委员—————— Recreation & Sports Secretary

学习委员—————— Study Secretary

生活委员—————— Life Secretary

宣传委员—————— Publicity Secretary

生活委员—————— Organization Secretary

勤工俭学—————— Work-study Program

青年志愿者协会———— Youth Volunteers Association

政治辅导员—————— Political Tutors

晚会主持人—————— Host on the entertainment / evening party

礼仪队———————— Reception Team/ Protocol Team

三下乡—————— Volunteer Activities for the Country People

综合测评—————— Comprehensive Evaluation of Students’ Performance

预备党员—————————— Probationary Party Member

入党积极分子—————— Applicant for Party Membership

综合素质优秀学生———— Excellent Student of Comprehensive Quality

优秀青年志愿者———— Outstanding Young Volunteer

校园十杰—————— Ten Prominent Youth on Campus / Top Ten Youth on Campus

品学兼优的学生———— Student of Good Character and Scholarship

模拟招聘会—————— Mock Interviews

军训———————— Military Training

艺术团———————— Art Troupe

义教———————— Voluntary Teaching

迎新晚会—————— Welcome Party for the Freshmen

招聘会———————— Job Fair

广播站———————— Broadcasting Station

学生处———————— Students Affairs Department

舍管———————— houseparent

社会活动—————— social/ public activities

课外活动—————— extracurricular activities

社会实践—————— social practice

学术活动—————— academic activities

籍贯———————— native place

婚姻状况—————— marital status

家庭状况—————— family status

可到职时间—————— date of availability

教育程度—————— educational background

课程———————— curriculum——

职业目标—————— career objective

主修———————— major

工作目标—————— employment objective

副修———————— minor——

希望职位—————— position wanted

优良学风班—————— Class of Good Style Study

团结合作—————— Solidarity and Cooperation

创新能力—————— Creative Ability

沟通能力—————— Communicational Ability

兼职———————— Part-time Job

促销员———————— Sales Promoter

派传单———————— Deliver pamphlets

市场调研—————— Marketing Research

乒乓球协会—————— Table Tennis Association

社团艺术节—————— Community Festival

招聘网站—————— Recruitment Site

党支部———————— Party Branch

家教———————— Tutor

英语培训中心———— English training centre

成绩优异—————— Outstanding Academic Results

学业技能—————— Academic Skills

思想品行—————— Ideological Morality

文体表现—————— Arts and Sports Performance

社团艺术节—————— Community Festival

实习———————— Internship