九年级人教版同步英语练习含答案(不容错过) 下载本文

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练习三 ( )1.We don’t know______.

A.next do what B.do what next C.what do next D.what to do next

( )2.We______home early yesterday.

A.arrived at B.got to C.got D.reached at

( )3.I_______love sandwiches now.

A.get to B.come to C.give to D.take to

( )4.Peter,who had been driving all day,suggested_____at the next town.

A.stop B.to stop C.stopping D.having stopping

( )5.The house is broken.It is not safe________.

A.live B.living C.to live in D.living in

( )6.We must listen to the teacher_______we are in class.

A.before B.after C.till D.when

( )7.There is not much time left.You need______.

A.hurry B.hurrying C.hurries D.to hurry

( )8.—What is the time now?

—My watch____half past ten.

A.speaks B.talks C.tells D.says

( )9.—Could you tell me _____tomorrow?

—At 8 o’clock.

A.how will she come B.where she will come C.what time she will come D.how she will come

( )10.—Could you tell me ______yesterday?

—Because my bike was broken on my way here. A. Why you came laye B.why do you come late


C.why you come late D.why did you come late ( )11.Please tell me _____to improve my English.

A.what I can do B.what can I do C.how I can do D.how can I do

( )12.I know the film .It is _____the novel written by Mo Yan.

A.base on B.based on C.basis D.basis on

( )13._______is good to meet you again at the store.

A.That B.What C.This D.It

( )14.What you have to know is _______you must hurry.

A.what B.when C.how D.that

( )15.The old man ______his only daughter for his life.

A.depended B.put on C.got on D.took on

( )16.I _____for beijing next week.

A.leave B.am leaving C.was leaving D.have left

( )17.Come and see me whenever______.

A.you are convenient B.you will be convenient C.it is convenient for you D.it will be convenient to you

( )18.They soon ______to talk toghter.

A.became B.got C.turned D.grew

( )19.—Waiter! —________

—I can’t eat this.It’s too salty.

A.Yes ,sir? B.What? C.All right D.Pardon? ( )20.Look out !That tree______fall down.

A.is going to B.will be C.shall D.would

( )21.There are some dangerous fishes in this river ,and I’ve warned Jack ____here.

A.not to swim B.to not swim C.swim not D.to swim not


( )22.His close friend ____for two years.

A.died B.has died C.has been dead ( )23.Whoever breaks the Constitution must_____.

A.be punished B.punish C.have punished

( )24.—Do you know the lady _____is talking with Mr.James?

—Yes ,I do .She is our new English teacher. A.which B.who C.whom D.whose

( )25.He was late this morning because the bus was too _____for him to get on .

A.quiet B.tidy C.crowed D.noisy ( )26.—When did you meet Jack for the first time ?

—I met him ____the airport ____National Day. A.at;in B.at ;on C.on ;in D.on;at

( )27.—Why do you like this TV program?

—______it’s very interesting and exciting. A.Though B.Because C.So D.Or

( )28.I said thanks to him because he promised _____me with English.

A.help B.helping C.to help D.helped

( )29.The English teacher was a little disappointed when he knew that they ended up _____about it in English.

A.talk B.talking C.talked D.to talk

( )30.His grandma has ____for 5 years.

A.died B.been died C.been dead

( )31.—Who broke the window?

—_______.A strong wind broke it last night. A.Somebody B.Anybody C.Nobody D.Everybody

( )32.—You study ____hard ____you’re sure to pass the exam.