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Figure of Speech【整理自PPT】
1. Simile 明喻
? 是比喻的一种,是对两种具有共同特征的事物或现象进行对比,表明本体和喻体的
? Like/ seem / be something of / as /resemble/ comparable to /similar to / akin to/ be
analogous to
? My love is like a red, red rose. (Robert Burns)
2. Metaphor 暗喻
? 对两种具有共同特征的事物或现象进行对比;所不同的是在形式上,暗喻中本体和
喻体之间多通过Be 动词来联系。省掉比喻词。 ? 明喻:Life is like an unexplored river, full of twists and turns, great beauty and dangerous
surprises .
? 暗喻:Life is an unexplored river, full of twists and turns, great beauty, and dangerous
3. Personification 拟人
? 本质上是一种暗喻,其特点是赋予非人类范畴的东西一些人的特征。 ? The forest held its breath, and the trees seemed to listern intently. ? The sun kissed the green fields。The thirsty desert drank up the water.
4. Metonymy 借代/换喻
? 是通过借用与某种事物密切相关的东西来表示该事物。例如用单词word 来表示话
? Word comes that the Chinese government will send a pair of giant pandas to the United
? This computer will cost you a pretty penny.
? 是借代的一种,所不同的是英语换称中所用的专有名词通常源于西方宗教、历史以
? Solomon 所罗门------a wise man 聪明人,出自圣经 ? Judas 犹大------ a traitor 叛徒,出自圣经
? Helen 海伦----------红颜祸水,美女海伦为斯巴达王的王后,因她被帕里斯拐去而引
? Venus 维纳斯--------Beauty 美的化身,出自古希腊神话。
? Reform is a Pandora’s box; opening up the system can lead to a loss of economic and
political control.
6. Synecdoche提喻
? 是比喻的一种,主要特点是以局部代表全体,或以全体喻指部分,或以抽象代表具
? ? ? ?
He has many mouths to feed in his family mouth ----people They counted fifty sails in the harbour sails ------ships He is a valiant heart heart -----man
7. Analogy 类比
? 将两类本质上不同的事物之间的共同点加以比较,在形式上很像比喻,也用比喻词。常用来阐释复杂的概念。类比最常见的句型为A is to B as C is to D ? Food is to the body as fuel is to the engine. ? Shoe is to foot as tire is to wheel
? Followers are to a leader as planets are to a sun
? 当要解释一个比较抽象的概念时,类比可以很好地帮助你将概念形象化,具体化。
8. Parody 仿拟
? 是通过人们熟知的某个谚语、格言、名剧乃至文章体裁适当地改头换面而构成的一
种颇为新奇的表达方式。它既仿照又变化。 ? Hatred begets hatred .怨怨相报。-------- ? Tragedy begets tragedy . Lie begets lie. ? No pains, no gains. ----- ? Not root, no fruit
p.s. 仿拟是学习英文格言美句的好办法,在仿拟的过程中,还可以对固有的词组和谚语进行创新和改动,以达到修辞的效果。
? Lady hermits who are down but not out (down and out 穷困潦倒) ? 穷困而不潦倒的女隐士们。
9. Anadiplosis蝉联
? 是重复(repetition)一种变形,即在后一句的开头重复前句末尾的词语。
? They call for you: the general who became a slave; the slave who became a gladiator;
the gladiator who defied an Emperor
? They have promised to finish the work and finish it they will.
10. Regression回环
? 回环(regression)也是一种重复,它在一个句子或短文中以相反的顺序重复前面出
现过的词语。回环是构成名言警句的常见手段,有很强的生命力。 ? It is better to make friends fast than to make fast friends. ? 交友要诚挚,而不是轻率地交朋友。 ? Flowers are lovely; lovely is flower like. ? 花儿可爱,可人儿如花。
? Better to know everything of something than something of everything. ? 精通有限的领域,胜过万事都只知道点皮毛。(培根)
11. Irony 反语
? 又称为讽刺,通过使用与本义相反的词表示本意,来达到一种嘲弄、赞扬、幽默的效果。当然,词汇手段只是反语表达的一种。
? When the doctor came, they said she had died of heart disease----of joy that kills.
? It must be delightful to find oneself in a foreign country without a penny in one’s
pocket. ? 言语上的反语往往需要配合上下文来理解,它不尽然表达批评或讽刺,有些时候也
12. Paradox 反论
? 又称逆论或者是似是而非的隽语,即乍听似乎荒唐而实际上却有道理的某种说法。 ? More haste, less speed.
? What is improbable is extremely probable.
? From disaster fortune comes, in fortune lurks disaster. ? Extremes meet 物极必反
? A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody 人人友,非真友。 ? Everybody’s business is nobody’s business.
p.s. 小提示:反论常常包含有趣的哲学思辨,是构成俗语的重要手段。圣经中就有许多内涵丰富的反论。
? Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be you therefore wise as
serpents, and harmless as doves… 我差你们去,如同羊进入狼群;所以你们要灵巧像蛇,驯良如鸽。
13. Oxymoron 矛盾修辞法
? 用两种不调和、甚至截然相反的特征来形容一项事物,在矛盾中寻求哲理,以达到
? Can enemies become mortal friends ? 敌人能成为不共戴天的朋友吗? ? England Harrison worte a book with the title A savage Civilization ? The parental discipline can be described as cruel kindness. 小提示:从结构上,可以把矛盾修辞法的两个相反词义关系分位反义关系和准反义关系。其中准反义关系的为多。
? 反义关系:
? Idiotic wisdom 愚蠢的智慧 ? Victorious defeat 胜利的失败 ? Crowded solitude 拥挤的独处 ? Bitterly happy 苦涩的愉快 ? 准反义关系
? Cold fire 寒冷的火焰 ? Sweet sorrow 甜蜜的悲伤 ? Absolutely right 绝对的正确
? A woman of devastating beauty 倾国倾城的美女
14. Paregmenon同源格
? 同源修辞格是一种特殊的重复,即通过使用同一词源的不同词性或不同含义的几个
词,取得重复强调或反衬对照的效果。 ? It will destroy the wisdom of the wise