【人教版】2020高考英语 第二部分 语法核心突破 第六课时 情态动词和虚拟语气练习(含解析) 下载本文

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答案 B [句意:如果我们走另一条路的话,我们或许能够及时到达这里参加这次会议了。根据主句的谓语动词might have arrived可以推出,本句是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,所以if条件句中应该用过去完成时。] 2.特定词汇暗示法

英语中某些短语如:If it were not for/had not been for, but for..., if only..., without等,往往要采用虚拟语气,它们对于解答试题有很大的帮助,掌握了这些要点知识,做起题来也就很容易了。 Thank you for all your hard work last week.I don’t think we ________ it without you. A.can manage C.could manage

B.could have managed D.can have managed

答案 B [根据without you可知,本句是对过去事情的虚拟推测,故用could have+过去分词。]

[针 对 训 练]

1.Had the governments and scientists not worked together,AIDS-related deaths ________ since their highest in 2005.(2016·浙江卷) A.had not fallen C.did not fall

B.would not fall D.would not have fallen

答案 D [句意:如果各国政府和科学家们不一起努力的话,与艾滋病相关的死亡就不会自 2005 年的最高水平降下来。根据Had the governments and scientists not worked together可知事情发生在过去,因此是对过去情况的虚拟,主句用would have done形式。故选D。]

2.George ________ too far.His coffee is still warm.(2016·浙江卷) A.must have gone

B.might have gone D.needn’t have gone

C.can’t have gone

答案 C [句意:乔治不可能走远。他的咖啡还是热的。can’t have done表示对过去否定的推测,意为“不可能做了……”。]

3.I love the weekend,because I ________ get up early on Saturdays and Sundays.(2016·北京卷) A.needn’t C.wouldn’t

B.mustn’t D.shouldn’t

答案 A [句意:我喜欢周末,因为每逢周六、周日我不需要早起。A项意为“不需要”;B项意为“禁止”;C项意为“不会”;D项意为“不应该”。根据句意可知选A项。]

4.Why didn’t you tell me about your trouble last week? If you ________ me,I could have helped.(2016·北京卷) A.told C.were to tell

B.had told D.would tell

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答案 B [句意:你上周为什么不告诉我你的麻烦。如果你告诉了我,我能够帮助你。根据last week可知事情发生在过去,因此是对过去情况的虚拟。根据主句谓语动词could have done可知,从句应用过去完成时had done。故选B。]

5.It was really annoying;I ________ get access to the data bank you had recommended.(2016·天津卷) A.wouldn’t C.shouldn’t

B.couldn’t D.needn’t

答案 B [句意:这真的很让人恼火,我无法使用你推荐的那个数据库。根据句意可知应选couldn’t “不能够”。wouldn’t “不愿意”;shouldn’t “不应该”;needn’t “不必”。] 6.—What’s your feeling now?

—I am terribly sorry.If only I ________ here yesterday! A.came C.have come

B.would have come D.had come

答案 D [if only “要是……就好了”,从时间状语yesterday来看,这是对过去所发生事情的虚拟,所以用过去完成时。]

7.It’s everybody’s desire that every effort ________to reduce the pollution in our hometown. A.was made C.will be made

B.be made D.would be made

答案 B [desire后的宾语从句及所在句子中的名词性从句,均应使用虚拟语气,虚拟形式为“should+动词原形”,其中should可省略,故选B。]

8.They must have enjoyed themselves there,otherwise they ________ so long. A.can’t have stayed C.can’t stay

B.wouldn’t have stayed D.wouldn’t stay

答案 B [由must have enjoyed可知,otherwise后的情况是与过去的事实相反的,故谓语动词应用would have done。]

9.________ more energy to my study instead of being crazy about Internet games,I would be sitting in a comfortable office now. A.If I devoted

B.Had I devoted D.Should I be devoted

C.Would I be devoted

答案 B [此句为错综时间条件句,从句用过去完成时,表示与过去的事实相反,如果省略if要用倒装句;主句根据now用“would+动词原形”的形式,表示与现在的事实相反。]

10.Grace doesn’t want to move to New York because she thinks if she ________ there, she wouldn’t be

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able to see her parents very often. A.lives C.having asked

B.would live D.were to live

答案 D [根据wouldn’t be able to...可知这是将来时的虚拟语气,从句可用三种形式lived,should live,were to live,所以选D。]

11.Don’t handle the vase as if it ________ made of steel. A.is C.has been

B.were D.had been

答案 B [as if从句中,对现在的虚拟谓语动词用were。]

12.Jack is a great talker.It’s high time that he ________ something instead of just talking. A.will do C.do

B.has done D.did

答案 D [在句型 It’s high/very time that...中, 从句中的谓语动词用did或should do,所以选D项。] 13.________ another national referendum(公投) of Brexit be held,perhaps the UK would be kept in the EU and better promote a socially progressive Europe. A.Would C.Might

B.Could D.Should

答案 D [句意:如果再举行一次英国脱欧的全民公投,也许英国就会留在欧盟并且更好地推动欧洲的社会进步。分析句子成分可知,本题为if引导的非真实条件句。根据句意可知本题为对将来时间的虚拟语气,在if引导的非真实条件句中,如果从句省略if则从句需要部分倒装。故should符合题意。]

14.It’s a sad fact of life:lies are lies,and sometimes the truth ________ lie as well. A.shall C.can

B.should D.must

答案 C [句意:这是一个可悲的生活事实:谎言就是谎言,而有时真相也可能撒谎。can意为“可能”;shall表征求对方意见,表命令、警告、威胁等;should意为“应该,竟然,万一”;must意为“必须;一定;偏要”。]

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