高分子材料工程专业英语翻译 下载本文

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The fringed-micelle and folded-chain theories of polymer crystallinity are often considered to be mutually exclusive but they need not be so considered.

经常认为聚合物结晶的缨状胶束和折叠链理论是相互排斥的,其实不是这样的。 It is usually practical to adopt a working model of polymer crystallinity which employs the features of both concepts.


The folded chain theory is especially well suited for highly crystalline polymers where one can consider them to be one phase crystalline systems with defects. 折叠链理论特别适用于高结晶聚合物,高结晶聚合物被认为是具有缺陷的单相结晶体系。

Polymers with medium to low crystallinity can often be advantageously treated by the fringed micellel concept as two phase systems composed of crystallites imbedded in uncrystallized,amorphous polymer.


UNIT 9 Structure and Properties of Polymers

Most conveniently, polymers are generally subdivided in three categories, [namely]viz., plastics, rubbers and fibers.


In terms of initial elastic modules, rubbers ranging generally between 106 to 107dynes/cm2, represent the lower end of the scale, while fibers with high initial moduli [modjulai, modulus的复数] of 1010 to 1011dynes/cm2 are situated on the upper end of the scale; plastics, having generally an initial elastic modulus of 108 to 109dynes/cm2, lie in-between.


As is found in all phases of polymer chemistry, there are many exceptions to this categorization


An elastomer (or rubber) results from a polymer having relatively weak interchain forces and high molecular weights.


When the molecular chains are ‘straightened out’ or stretched by a process of extension, they do not have sufficient attraction for each other to maintain the oriented state and will retract once the force is released. 当通过一个拉伸过程将分子链拉直的时候,分子链彼此之间没有足够的相互吸引力来保持其定向状态,作用力一旦解除,将发生收缩。

However, if the interchain forces are very great, a polymer will make a good fiber.


Therefore, when the polymer is highly stretched, the oriented chain will come under the influence of the powerful attractive forces and will “crystallize” permanently in a more or less oriented matrix.


These crystallization forces will then act virtually as crosslinks, resulting in a material of high tensile strength and high initial modulus, i.e., a fiber. 这些结晶力实际上以交联方式作用,产生高拉伸强度和高初始模量的材料,即纤维。 Therefore, a potential fiber polymer will not become a fiber unless subjected to a 'drawing' process, i.e., a process resulting in a high degree of intermolecular orientation. 因此,可以制成纤维的聚合物将不成其为纤维,除非经受一个抽丝拉伸过程,即一个可以形成分子间高度取向的过程。

Crosslinked species are found in all three categories and the process of crosslinking may change the cited characteristics of the categories.


Thus, plastics are known to possess[p?zes] a marked range of deformability in the order of 100 to 200%; they do not exhibit this property when crosslinked, however.


Rubber, on vulcanization, changes its properties from low modulus, low tensile strength, low hardness, and high elongation to high modulus, high tensile strength, high hardness, and low elongation.


Thus, polymers may be classified as noncrosslinked and crosslinked, and this definition agrees generally with the subclassification in thermoplastic and thermoset polymers. 这样,聚合物可以分为非交联和交联的,这个定义与把聚合物细分为热塑性和热固性聚合物相一致。

From the mechanistic point of view, however, polymers are properly divided into addition polymers and condensation polymers. Both of these species are found in rubbers, plastics, and fibers.


In many cases polymers are considered from the mechanistic point of view. Also, the polymer will be named according to its source whenever it is derived from a specific hypothetical monomer, or when it is derived from two or more components which are built randomly into the polymer.


This classification agrees well with the presently used general practice.


When the repeating unit is composed of several monomeric components following each other in a regular fashion, the polymer is commonly named according to its structure.


It must be borne in mind that, with the advent of Ziegler-Natta mechanisms and new techniques to improve extend crystallinity, and the cIoseness of packing of chains, many older data given should be critically considered in relation to the stereoregular and crystalline structure.

“必须记住,随着Ziegler-Natta机理的,以及提高结晶度和链堆砌紧密度新技术的出现, 许多与立构规整和晶体结构相关的旧数据应当批判地接受。

The properties of polymers are largely dependent on the type and extent of both stereoregularity and crystallinity. As an example, the densities and melting points of atactic and isotactic species are presented in Table 9.1.


UNIT 10 Glass transition temperature

An ordinary rubber ball if cooled below -70°C becomes so hard and brittle that it will break into pieces like a glass ball falling on a hard surface! Why does a rubber ball become like glass bellow -70°C?

一个普通的橡胶球被冷却到零下70度以下,就会变得又硬又脆,掉在硬表面上就会像玻璃球一样破碎成碎片。为什么橡胶球在零下70度以下就变得像玻璃一样了? This is because there is a “temperature boundary” for almost all amorphous polymers (and many crystalline polymers) only above which the substance remains soft, flexible and rubbery and below which it becomes hard, brittle and glassy.


This temperature, below which a polymer is hard and above which it is soft, is called the “glass transition temperature” Tg.


The hard, brittle state is known as the glassy state and the soft, flexible state as the rubbery or viscoelastic state. Be known as: 叫做 硬的,脆的状态叫做玻璃态,软的,柔韧的状态叫做橡胶态或粘弹态。

On further heating, the polymer (if it is uncross-linked) becomes a highly viscous liquid and starts flowing: this state is termed viscofluid state, and the another transition takes place at its flow temperature Tf. 进一步加热,聚合物(如果它是非交联的)就变成高粘性液体而开始流动,这个状态叫做粘流态,另一个转变发生在聚合物流动温度上。

Now, let us consider a polymer, say, polyethylene. At room temperature, polyethylene is solid, exhibiting all characteristics of a low molecular weight substance.


At high temperatures, however, the characteristic difference between high and low molecular weight substances can be seen.


Depending on the temperature, the molecules of a low molecular weight substance either move apart as a whole or do not move at all. i. e., there is a definite temperature(melting point Tm) below which the molecules do not move and above which they do move.

根据温度, 低分子量的物质要么整个分子移开,要么根本不运 动。有一个特定的温度(熔点Tm)在低于这一温度时分子不运动,而在高于这一温度时分子则在运动。 On the other hand, with polymers, if the temperature increases above Tg, localized units (chain segments) within the long chain molecule are first mobilized before the whole molecule starts moving.


In some parts within the molecule, there is a considerable localized motion, but not in other parts of the same molecule.

在这个分子的一部分有比较大的局部运动,而相同分子的另一部分则没有运动。 Thus, within the long chain of the polymer molecules, some segments have a certain freedom of movement, whereas others do not.


The molecule as a whole does not move although some of its segments do. In the case of polymers, there is indeed an intermediate state.


If the temperature ranges between Tg and Tf, the localized mobility is activated, but the overall mobility is not.

如果温度在Tg 和Tf之间,局部的运动被激活,而整体的运动则没有。

The local segments, where mobility is already activated, correspond to the liquid state, while the molecule as a whole, where mobility is forbidden, is in the solid state. This state, which is really a combination of liquid and solid, is called the rubbery state.


Under the influence of an applied stress, it exhibits properties of a viscous fluid as well as an elastic solid and undergoes what is called viscoelastic deformation.


The glass transition temperature Tg is an important parameter of a polymeric material. The Tg value of a polymer decides whether a polymer at the “use temperature” will behave like rubber or plastics.


The Tg value along with the Tm value gives an indication of the temperature region at which a polymeric material transforms from a rigid solid to a soft viscous state。


This helps in choosing the right processing temperature, i.e., the temperature region in which the material can be converted into finished products though different processing

techniques such as moulding, calendering, extrusion, etc. 这可以帮助我们选择正确的加工温度,即通过不同的加工技术,如模塑,压延,挤出等,材料可以转变成最终产品的温度范围。

UNIT 11 Functional Polymers

Functional polymers are macromolecules to which chemically functional groups are attached; they have the potential advantages of small molecules with the same functional groups.


Their usefulness is related both to the functional groups and to the nature of the polymers whose characteristic properties depend mainly on the extraordinarily large size of the molecules.


The attachment of functional groups to a polymer is frequently the first step towards the preparation of a functional polymer for a specific use.


However, the proper choice of the polymer is an important factor for successful application.


In addition to the synthetic aliphatic and aromatic polymers, a wide range of natural polymers have also been functionalized and used as reactive materials.


Inorganic polymers have also been modified with reactive functional groups and used in processes requiring severe*si’vi?] service conditions.


In principle, the active groups may be part of the polymer backbone or linked to a side chain as a pendant group either directly or via[vai?+ a spacer*s’peis?] group.


A required active functional group can be introduced onto a polymeric support chain (1) by incorporation during the synthesis of the support itself through polymerization or copolymerization monomers containing the desired functional groups, (2) by chemical modification of a non-functionalized performed support matrix and (3) by a