《汉英对比与翻译》教案 下载本文

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History makes man wise; poetry witty; mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep.

? (读)史使人明智, (读)诗(使人)聪慧,(演)算(使人)精密, 哲理(使人)深沉。

More examples

? Not all the money in the world can make a company look as if it cares about others if it really

does not.

? 如果一个公司事实上并不关心他人,世上所有的钱也不能使它看起来像是真的关心他人。


? ?

They “make mistakes”, suffered by them, acknowledged and studied them, thus planned victory.

他们“犯错误‘, 也吃过错误的亏,(但他们)承认错误,研究错误,从而作出了胜利的决策。


? Teachers should try their best to develop the students ability to analyze and solve problems. ? 教师应当尽力培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力。

Chapter Six Combination ? I. 单句合译

? 1. There are man here from all ? over the country. Many of them ? are from the north.

? 从全国各地来的人中有许多是 北方人。

? 3. He was very clean. His mind ? was open.

? 他为人单纯而坦率。


? 1. And as she thought, it became more involved. Harder to understand. ? 她在这样想的时候,思想更加紊乱,更加难以理解。

? 2. Then we came to the grasslands. Marshes everywhere. No birds! No trees! No Houses! Not a soul to be seen.

? 然后我们来到草地,到处是沼泽,没有飞鸟,没有树木,没有房舍,也没有人烟。 II. 主从复合句合译

? 1.If we do a thing, we should do it well. ? 我们要干就要干好。

? 2. While he washed, he heard the doorbell. ? 他在洗澡时听到了敲门声。

? 3.When I negotiate, I got nervous. ? 我在谈判时总是有些紧张。

? Only a person who has fought in the woods knows what a rasio means.


? 只有在森林里打过仗的人才知道无线电的意义。 ? The liquid water is heated so that it becomes steam. ? 液态水受热而变成蒸汽。 III. 并列复合句的合译

? It was 1953, and I had just come from Ireland, to seek my fortune. ? 1953年, 我刚从爱尔兰来此寻找出路。

? The stimulation provided by a late mystery show on television, or a hard-fought game of chess

or an animated chat with friends maybe delightful, but it tend to keep us wide awake.

? 深夜的引人入胜的电视节目、激烈的棋赛或跟朋友的热烈交谈,往往使人过于兴奋,久久不能入睡。

Chapter Seven Division

? 1.单词的分译 ? 1)副词的分译

? Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, a universally accepted law. ? 能量既不能创造也不能被消灭,这是一条被普遍公认的规则。 ? They , not surprisingly, did not respond at all. ? 他们根本没有答复, 这是不足为怪的。


? That region was the most identifiable trouble spot. ? 那是个麻烦的地方——着是最明显不过的。

? He made resultless efforts to reform one metal into another. ? 他企图把一种金属转变成另一种金属,这是徒劳无功的。 3)名词的分译

? The price limits its production. ? 它价钱昂贵,还不能大量生产。

? The inside of each tent depended on the personality of its occupants. ? 每个帐篷内怎样布置,这要取决于用者的性格。 2.短语的分译 ? 1) 分词短语

? They were at home in the home of the people, moving confidently without fear. ? 他们在群众家里感到自在,行动时心里塌实,无忧无虑。 ? He was Michael Faraday, born in 1791 in Yorkshire. ? 这个人就是法兰第。他1791年生于约克郡。 4. 介词短语

1.He arrived in Washington at a ripe moment internationally. 他来到华盛顿,就国际形势来说,时机正合适。

2. Great was my father’s joy at his success, and in having so powerful an agent to deaden the suffering of his patients.



? His failure to observe the safety regulations resulted in an accident to the machinery. ? 因为他没有遵守安全规则,机器出了故障。

? To achieve this goal, I have used a conversational writing style more characteristic of


recreational reading than of techinical texts.



Part Five 广告的翻译

广告是语言交流的一种形式。广告语言经过长期的发展,已经形成一种独立的语体,构成了语言运用形式的一个组成部分。 广告学认为广告必须具备: ? 推销能力(selling power) ? 记忆价值(memory value) ? 注意价值(attention value) ? 可读性(readability)


? COLDREX(止咳水); CORTAL(镇痛药) ? 可立治 ; 克痛 ? SARDON(止痛片); BISQUIT

? 散立痛; 百事吉 ? SEIKO; BENZ ? 精工表; 奔驰

Chapter One 广告语言的特点

i. 大量使用形容词

? 广告常用形容词(按出现频率排列)

? New, good, now, fine, free, big, fresh, great, special, improved, delicious, real, full/sure, easy,

surprising, bright

? 另外,形容词的比较级形式 ? 频率出现也比较高。

Two examples

? In just a few drops, this man’s skin is going to feel better. ? 滴上几滴,皮肤即舒适多了。

? Internationally acknowledged to be the finest cigarette in the world. ? 世界公认最好的香烟。

II. 大量使用省略句、祈使句以及重复 ? Save on labour, save on cost. ? 节约劳力,节约开支。

? They feel right, work right and sell right. ? 触感舒适,工作良好,价格合理。 ? Safe, Easy, Quick & with fun.

? 安全,易操作,快捷,乐在其中。

More ? Top Quality ? 质量上乘 ? Novel design


? 设计新颖

? Trail order, please ? 欢迎试购

? The easy way to buy 10% down. ? 付定金10%即可取货。

III. 常用问句

? How to save $15 every week? ? 如何每周节省15美元?

? Are you going grey too early? ? 你的头发是不是过早发白了哪?

? Which restaurant can you recommend in Lisbon?

Chapter Two 广告的分类

? 广告可分为非盈利性和赢利性。非盈利性广告包括公益广告和征婚、寻人等广告。赢利


1.公益性广告(Public service ad) ? 支助儿童的公益性广告。

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