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摘要:铁路运输滚动轴承故障主要有滚动轴承零件、附属配件、油脂、组装压装、转向等方面的原因。滚动轴承常见故障检查判断方法。列检在滚动轴承检查时,要注意采用听、看、摸、捻、转检查方法。听:听列车进站时的车轮振动异响和轴承摩擦声。看:轴承外观故障特征。摸:手摸轴温鉴别异温处所。捻:轴承溢出的轴温质量情况。转:轴承判断轴承内部缺陷。 Abstract: The common faults of rolling bearing contain the problem of bearing parts, accessories, oil, and setting. The judgment of the common faults: when examining the rolling bearing, we should adopt the method of listening, looking, feeling, touching and turning. Listen: listen train pit stop wheels vibration abnormal sound and bearings friction sound. Look: look at rolling bearing for the fault. Touch: touch the machine to feel the temperature. Feel: to feel the quality of the temperature. Turn: turn it to judge the internal defects. 关键词:铁路车辆;滚动轴承;常见故障
Key words: railway vehicles;rolling bearing; common faults
随着重载及提速的新要求,铁道车辆运行安全备受重视,现就影响列车运行安全的重要部分——滚动轴承的常见故障及检查方法进行分析与探讨。 1滚动轴承常见故障原因: 1.1滚动轴承零件方面原因
1.2 滚动轴承附属配件方面的原因 紧固螺栓松动或丢失;密封罩松动、歪斜; 1.3 油脂方面的原因