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§35. The Offeree’s Power of Acceptance

(1) An offer gives to the offeree a continuing power to complete the manifestation of mutual assent by acceptance of the offer.

(2) A contract cannot be created by acceptance of an offer after the power of acceptance has been terminated in one of the ways listed in §36 §35. 受要约人的承诺能力

(1) 受要约人有权通过对要约的承诺持续地作出合意的意思表示。

(2) 如果受要约人的承诺能力依据§36 所列方式终止之后,则该受要约人的承诺 并不创设一个合同。

§36. Methods of Termination of the Power of Acceptance (1) An offeree’s power of acceptance may be terminated by (a) rejection or counter-offer by the offeree, or (b) lapse of time,or

(c) revocation by the offeror, or

(d) death or incapacity of the offeror or offeree.

(2) In addition, an offeree’s power of acceptance is terminated by the non- occurrence of any condition of acceptance under the terms of the offer. §36. 承诺权利终止的方式

(1) 受要约人的承诺能力可以通过下列方式终止

(a) 受要约人拒绝要约或提出反要约,或

(b) 期间届满,或

(c) 要约人撤回要约,或

(d) 要约人或受要约人死亡或丧失行为能力。

(2) 除此之外,如果受要约人对要约条款未作任何承诺,则该受要约人的承诺 能力终止。

§37. Termination of Power of Acceptance Under Option Contract

Notwithstanding §§38-49, the power of acceptance under an option contract is not terminated by rejection or counter-offer, by revocation, or by death or incapacity of the offeror, unless the requirements are met for the discharge of a contractual duty.

§37. 选择权合同项下承诺能力的终止

虽然有§§38-49 的规定,但是选择权合同项下的承诺能力并不因受要约人拒绝 要约或提出反要约、或要约人撤回要约、或要约人的死亡或丧失行为能力而终止, 除非解除合同义务的条件已经成就。 §38. Rejection

(1) An offeree’s power of acceptance is terminated by his rejection of the offer, unless the offeror has manifested a contrary intention.

(2) A manifestation of intention not to accept an offer is a rejection unless the offeree manifests an intention to take it under further advisement. §38. 要约的拒绝

(1) 受要约人如果拒绝要约,则其承诺的能力终止,除非要约人有相反的意思 表示。

(2) 未作出承诺的意思表示也属于对要约的拒绝,除非受要约人表示要作进一 步的考虑。

§39. Counter-offers

(1) A counter-offer is an offer made by an offeree to his offeror relating to the same matter as the original offer and proposing a substituted bargain differing from that proposed by the original offer.

(2) An offeree's power of acceptance is terminated by his making of a counter-offer, unless the offeror has manifested a contrary intention or unless the counter-offer manifests a contrary intention of the offeree.

§39. 反要约

(1) 如果受要约人对与原要约相同事项的实质性内容作出了修改,并提出一项


(2) 受要约人如果提出反要约,则该受要约人的承诺能力终止,除非要约人有 相反的意思表示、或反要约代表了受要约人相反的意思表示。

§40. Time When Rejection or Courter-offer Terminates the Power of Acceptance

Rejection or counter-offer by mail or telegram does not terminate the power of acceptance until received by the offeror, but limits the power so that a letter or telegram of acceptance started after the sending of an otherwise effective rejection or counter-offer is only a counter-offer unless the acceptance is received by the offeror before he receives the rejection or counter-offer.

§40. 拒绝或反要约终止承诺能力的时间 如果受约人通过邮件或电报拒绝要约或提出反要约,则在要约人收到之前,受

要约人的承诺能力虽然并不终止,但是有所限制,以便于承诺的邮件或电报在 相反、有效的要约拒绝或反要约发送之后是唯一的反要约,除非要约人在收到要 约拒绝或反要约之前收到此承诺。

§41. Lapse of Time

(1) An offeree's power of acceptance is terminated at the time specified in the offer, or, if no time is specified, at the end of a reasonable time.

(2) What is a reasonable time is a question of fact, depending on all the circu mstances existing when the offer and attempted acceptance are made. (3) Unless otherwise indicated by the language or the circumstances, and sub ject to the rule stated in §49, an offer sent by mail is reasonably accepted if a n acceptance is mailed at any time before midnight on the day on which the o ffer is received. §41. 期间届满

(1) 要约中应明确受要约人承诺能力的终止时间,或者如果没有明确时间,则 其承诺能力应在合理的时间之后终止。

(2) 什么是合理的时间,这属于一个事实问题,要随发出要约和试图作出承诺


(3) 除非有相反的规定或情形,依据§49 中的规定,如果一个承诺是在受要约人 收到要约当日的午夜之前的任何时候发出的,则该通过邮件的要约就应是被合 理承诺的要约。

§42. Revocation by Communication From Offeror Received By offeree An offeree's power of acceptance is terminated when the offeree receives fro m the offeror a manifestation of an intention not to enter into the proposed c ontract.

§42. 要约人通知受要约人撤回要约 如果受要约人收到了要约人不愿缔结计划中的合同的意思表示,则受要约人的 承诺能力终止。

§43. Indirect Communication of Revocation

An offeree's power of acceptance is terminated when the offeror takes definit e action inconsistent with an intention to enter into the proposed contract and the offeree acquires reliable information to that effect. §43. 撤回要约的间接通知

如果要约人采取了明确的、与缔结合同的意思表示不一致的行为,并且受要约人 获得了有关此事实的可靠信息,则受要约人的承诺能力终止。 §44. Effect of Deposit on Revocability of Offer

An offer’s power of revocation is not limited by the deposit of money or other property to be forfeited in the event of revocation, but the deposit may be for feited to the extent that it is not a penalty.

§44. 存款对要约撤回的效力 如果撤回要约,则存款或其他要被没收的财产并不会限制要约的撤回,但是该


§45. Option Contract Created By Party Performance of Tender

(1) Where an offer invites an offeree to accept by rendering a performance an d does not invite a promissory acceptance, an option contract is created when the offeree tenders or begins the invited performance or tenders a beginning

of it.

(2) The offeror's duty of performance under any option contract so created is conditional on completion or tender of the invited performance in accordance with the terms of the offer.


(1) 如果一个要约邀请受要与人以履行义务的方式作出承诺,而不需要作出允 诺性的承诺,则如果受要约人履行或开始履行被邀请的义务,那么选择权合同 就算缔结。

(2) 要约人在选择权合同项下的义务是附随性的,取决于被邀请义务是否依据 要约条款被实现或被履行。 §46. Revocation of General Offer

Where an offer is made by advertisement in a newspaper of other general not ification to the public or to a number of persons whose identity is unknown to the offeror, the offeree’s power of acceptance is terminated when a notice of t ermination is given publicity by advertisement or other general notification eq ual to that given to the offer and no better means of notification is reasonably available.

§46. 一般要约的撤回

如果要约通过广告在其他通常向公众、或要约人并不知晓其身份的人公布信息的 报纸上发出,则如果终止承诺能力的通知书通过广告或发给要约人的其他类似 通知书向公众发布,并且没有更好的通知方式可以合理地加以利用,那么,受 要约人的承诺能力终止。 §47. Revocation of Divisible Offer

An offer contemplating a series of independent contracts by separate accepta nces may be effectively revoked so as to terminate the power to create future contracts, though one or more of the proposed contracts have already been f ormed by the offeree’s acceptance. §47.可分要约的撤回

如果一个要约预计通过独立的承诺达成一系列独立的合同,则要约人可以有效 地撤该要约以终止受要约人的承诺能力,尽管一个或一个以上被提议的合同已 经由受要约人作出承诺而成立。