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It has been known for a long time that … 长期以来,人们就已知道:……
A few steps across the lawn brought me to a large, splendid hotel. 那天下午我有事进城了。
Buisiness took me to the town that afternoon. 他们欣喜若狂。(分别用人称主语与物称主语) They are mad with joy. / The joy made them mad. 五、 小结
1. 汉语主题显著,英语主语显著。 2. 汉语多主动,英语多被动。 3. 汉语多人称(有灵主语),英语多物称(无灵主语)。
六、 本讲练习:要求不得使用“被”字句
They passed through the gateway into the town. The place was crammed so full of buildings, people and animals that it seemed in danger of bursting its circular ramparts and spilling out into the moat. The wooden houses were jammed together shoulder to shoulder, jostling for space like spectators at a hanging. Every tiny piece of land was used for something. Where two houses had been built with an alleyway between them, someone had put up a half-size dwelling in the alley, with no windows because its door took up almost all the frontage. Wherever a site was too small even for the narrowest of houses, there was a stall on it selling ale or bread or apples; and if there was not even room for that, then there would be a stable, a pigsty, a dunghill or a water barrel.
他们穿过城门,来到城里。小城到处都拥满了房子、人,以及牲畜,似乎就要胀破周围的土城墙,跌到护城河里去了。一座座木头屋子挨挨擦擦,就像争相观看绞刑的人们,互相推着、挤着。所有的空隙,无论多么小,都已经派上用场。两座房子之间如果留有过道,就会有人在那儿搭起半间房,没有窗户,因为宽度只能勉强容下一扇门。如果地方实在太小,连最窄的房子都容纳不下,也会用来摆个小摊,卖些啤酒、面包、或者苹果之类;如果连这也不行,就用来拴牲口、当猪圈、堆粪,或者是搁水桶。 …………………………..
一、 动态与静态
汉语多动词,叙述呈动态;英语多名词(介词),叙述呈静态,如: 禁止通行:No Thoroughfare 禁止停车:No Parking 禁止超车:No Passing 禁止掉头:No U-turn
禁止摄影:No Photographing (这里photographing是动词的-ing分词形式,不是名词,所以不能用可以指代“照片”的photograph,更不能用用做动词的photo一词。)
闲人免进:No Admittance Except on Busine 不准在此设摊兜售:No Hawker
包您满意,否则退款:Satisfaction or your money back.
保证三个月内免费维修:Full three months unconditional service guaranteed. 立正!Attention!
向左/右/后转!Left / Right / About Turn!
齐步走!Quick march!(这里的march是名词,如果是动词则可表达为march quickly!)
跑步走!Double March!/At the double, quick march!
稍息!At ease! (这是介词短语,但也以名词为中心) 油漆未干Wet Paint(湿油漆) 您先请!After you, please!
未满十八岁者勿进:For Persons over 18 Years of Age
未经许可,车辆不得入内:Authorized Cars only(意指,只有经过批准的车才可以进来)
The whole town was in a white coat of snow. 整个小镇披上了一层银装。
National Day falls on Thursday this year. 今年国庆是个星期四。 因此,翻译时须酌情转换。 二、 译法详析
参见教材pp.120-123: 1. 介词?动词
Is this train for Chicago? 这趟车是去芝加哥的吗?
With these words she went away. 说完,她就走了。
The machine is in operation. 机器正在运行中。
2. 名词?动词
Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe. 火箭已经用来探索宇宙。(动词派生的名词转译为动词。政论文体较多见。) The sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing. 看到我们的喷气式飞机,听见隆隆的机声,令我特别神往。(含动词意味的名词 (记叙,描写文体中较多出现)往往可转译为动词。)
Some of my classmates are good singers. 我的同学有些歌唱得很好。
He is a good eater and a good sleeper. 他能吃能睡。
Revolution is not a dinner party. 革命不是请客吃饭。 3. 形容词?动词
I am doubtful whether he is still alive. 我怀疑他是不是还在人世。 He was unaware of my presence. 他不知道我在场。
I’m afraid Mr. Brown is out, but he’ll be in soon. 布朗先生不在,不过马上就会回来。 The newspaper was down at six yesterday. 报纸昨天六点付印。 我把她请来打字。
I invited her here to do some typing. 他们喜欢乘火车旅行。 They enjoy traveling by train. 4. 非谓语动词?谓语动词
英语句子只允许使用一个谓语动词,若需要使用其它动词,就只能是非谓语形式;汉语没有这样的限制和形式,所以多动词、多动态,因此可将英语非谓语动词译为汉语动词: Light waves, spreading out from a source, carry energy and travel to distant places.
It's a pressure on teenage girls to look perfect in a world increasingly obsessed by beauty and celebrity which lies behind this move by Queensland goverments. 对于花季少女来说,要在这么一个越来越崇尚美貌和名声的世界里表现得完美,实在是种压力。而这也正是促使昆士兰政府采取这一举措的背后压力。 参见教材pp.122-123示例。
A newly-built sightseeing and holiday-making zone integrated with Buddhist features cultural facilities and tourism services.
思考:本节与“词类转换”区别何在? 三、 替代与重复
英语多替代,因此多用代词;汉语多重复,故少用代词而重复名词。因此,翻译时注意换用(汉英)代词或将代词还原(英汉)。 下例原文用省略,译文用照应和替代:
The section at Badaling was restored in 1957, and it is typical in its structure. It is 7.8 meters high on an average, 6.6 meters wide at the bottom, and 5.8 meters wide on the top.
1. 代词
Happy families also have their own troubles. 幸福家庭有幸福家庭的烦恼。 The difference between America and Japan is bigger than the one between China and India.
美国和日本的差距远远大于中国和印度的差距. Needs are the basic, often instinctive, human forces that motivate a person to do something.
All bodies consist of molecules and these of atoms. 所有物体都由分子组成,而分子则由原子组成。(原文中第二个of前省略了consist,并用these代替molecules,汉译时补上了动词,还原了代词。)
As each currency's value is stated in terms of other currencies, French francs,then, have a value in US dollars, which have a value in British pounds, which have a value in Japanese yen.
2. 代动词
Since anyone can fish here, many people do. 谁都可以来这儿抓鱼,因此很多人都来抓鱼。 He said he would tell me the news, but he didn't do so. 他说会把消息告诉我,结构却没有告诉我。
You feel the way you do right now because of the thoughts you have at this moment.
你此时此刻之所以有这样的感觉,是出于你此时此刻的想法。 She plays the violin better than she did in the past. 现在她小提琴拉得比过去要好。 3. 替代句型
I don’t like coffee and neither does my mother. It’s wrong? If so, tell me why! 错了?要是错了,给个理由先! I can speak French, and so can my sister.