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内容发布更新时间 : 2024/10/22 3:01:34星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。



1. City people want to be outdoors on the weekend and do something c___________, like

mountain climbing, cycling and so on.

2. Though they live in the mountainous area, they are well kept i_______ about the outside

world by watching TV every day.

3. Could you give us an _____________ (解释) of how water travels in water?

4. I’m sorry to tell you that my father ___________(禁止)me from watching the football game


5. While I was busy p_____________ for the final examination, I spent some time doing

exercises every day .

6. She is studying American ____________ (文学)at Georgetown University at present. 7. The students are working hard every day, in ___________ (准备)for the big examination. 8. Older people often complain that the younger g____________ don’t know what hard work is. 9. It takes an _________ (平均)of two weeks to finish a task like this. 10. The village schools are in great need of e______________ teachers. 11. People in this neighborhood can use the gym at no _________ cost. (额外的) 12. The Ming ___________ (朝代)ruled China from 1368 to 1644. 13. A______(诗人)is a person who writes poems.

14. Most of the programs are____________(广播)in English.

15. He studied abroad for some years, so he can speak English _________(流利)now. 16. You’ve made several grammatical mistakes in the__________(作文). 17. A __________(非常好的)oil painting won the first prize at the local art fair. 18. Tokyo will be the h_________ city for the 32st Olympic Games in 2020. 19. I am interested in__________(文学的)works.

20. I express s___________ with the way you have handled the matter. 二、句型转换

1. He stays at Internet cafes with an average of 8 hours a day. → ______ __________, he stays at Internet bars 8 hours a day. 2. We should show respect for the learned professor.

→We should ______ ___________ _______ the learned professor.

3. Because he was devoted to his research, he had no time to look after his family. → ________ _______his research, he had no time to look after his family. 4. Recalling my childhood, I feel happy.

→ ________ __________ _______my childhood, I feel happy.

5. He’s giving her French lessons as an exchange for her teaching him English.

→He’s giving her French lessons ______ _________ ________her teaching him English. 6. Upon arriving at the station, he found his wife already waiting for him。

→_______ ___________he got to the station, he found his wife already waiting for him. 7. Jack found it really difficult to get ready for the interview in such a short time.

→ It was a ________ _________ for Jack to get ready for the interview in such a short time.


8. Before the terrible storm came, the monitor told the teacher that the windows of the classroom should be repaired at once.

→Before the terrible storm came, the monitor told the teacher that the windows of the classroom required ________ immediately.

9. The boy went out to play but his homework was left undone.

→The boy went out to play, ___________ his homework __________. 10. This morning, I lost my glasses. Not wearing them, I felt like a blind man →This morning I lost my glasses, _______ ______ I felt like a blind man. 三、完成句子

1. 发短信给1659,你就会免费获得一个精美礼品.

__________ the short message to 1659, and you will get a wonderful gift_______ _________. 2.你能告诉我学英语的方法吗?

Can you tell me _______ _________ ________ __________ ___________? 3. 你长大了, 不应该再依赖父母了。

You are old enough and should _______ __________ ______your parents. 4. 他一回到家就把自己的经历讲给女儿听。

______ __________ _________, he shared his experience with his daughter. 5.作为英语老师,我们应该尽我们所能去培养学生学英语的兴趣.

As English teachers, we should do all we can to __________ _______ ___________ ___________ ______ learning English 6.不要错过这次出国的机会,要不然你遗憾的.

Don’t ________ _____ _________ ______ go abroad, or you will __________. 7. 学校号召我们给山村的穷孩子捐书。

Our school calls on us to ________ _______ _______ ____ the poor children in the mountain


8. 我们应该充分利用空余时间帮父母做点家务。

We should _______ ______ _____ ______ _______ ______ _____ ______our parents do some


9. 他是从哪所大学毕业的? Which university did he _________ _______? 10. 约翰和彼得都是我的好朋友, 前者是医生, 后者是工程师。

John and Peter are both my good friends. ____________is a doctor and _____________is an

engineer. 四、完形填空

For most people, getting a car opens up a new world of freedom and allows you to go wherever you want and whenever you want. Getting a car did 1 these for me, and it also brought my best friend and me 2 . But then it tore us apart(分开).

My best friend lives three minutes from my 3 . Since her 4 is in late summer, seven And so I 6 her up for school and took her home. We made ice-cream 7 , went months behind mine, I seemed to become her 5 when I turned 16 in December.

shopping and to the movies — all in my car. I would drive to her house just to sit on her bed, read magazines and have a good laugh. I went to her house so 8 that she gave me a key 9


her house.

A week after I began to drive, she was with me 10 I had my first accident. She was there and 11 me and we kept it a 12 , since I didn’t want people to 13 . From then on, through thick and thin(患难与共), it was just me, my car and my best friend.

High school is a time of 14 , but I couldn’t 15 for a long time how we became so distant. Finally, my friend 16 her dream car. With its 17 , the passenger seat of my car became 18 . Our car trips became less frequent until I didn’t 19 drive down her street.

It’s funny how a car can change a relationship so much. I had wanted her to get a car, but

B. all

C. none C. closer C. office C. holiday C. guide C. picked C. classes C. happily C. in

C. after C. joke C. know C. change C. imagine C. found C. arrival C. empty C. ever C. received A

once she did, I 20 it. I wanted her friendship back, even if it couldn’t be the same. 1. A. some

D. any D. happier D. school D. job D. partner D. woke D. trips D. suddenly D. for D. when D. advised D. favorite D. laugh D. friendship D. believe D. sold D. beauty D. broken D. again D. enjoyed

2. A. luckier 3. A. neighbor 4. A. birthday 5. A. follower 6. A. called 7. A. plans 9. A. on

B. farther B. course B. hurried B. parties B. secretly B. to B. but

B. home B. driver

8. A. frequently 10. A. while 11. A. comforted 12. A. pride 13. A. see

B. saved B. secret B. help B. answer B. got

B. dream B. crowded B. still B. lost

C. suggested

14. A. disappointment B. excitement 15. A. understand 16. A. lost

17. A. return 18. A. different 19. A. even

20. A. regretted 五、阅读理解

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