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corporate a.

1 (only before noun) relating to large companies, or to a particular large company 大公司的

When I say corporate plan, I don't mean you have to live with it rigidly. 我说公司计划,并不是让你们一定要死板地去执行。

2 (fml.) shared by or including all the members of a group 全体的;集体的

In the face of the economic crisis, we should take up corporate responsibility. 面对经济危机,我们应该共同承担责任。

compulsory a.

sth. that is compulsory must be done because of a rule or law 必须做的;义务的;强制的

In many countries, compulsory education has been adopted in order to elevate the average level of education. 许多国家采用了义务教育体制,以提高普遍的受教育水平。

offset vt.

(offset, offset) (usu. passive) balance the effect of sth., with the result that there is no advantage or disadvantage 抵消;补偿

Their salary increase will be offset by rising prices. 他们增加的工资会被上涨的物价所抵消。 n.

[C] sth. that balances the effect of sth. else, so that there is no advantage or disadvantage 抵消物;补偿

In basketball, speed and sharp-wittedness are often an offset to one's small size. 打篮球时,速度和机智经常可以弥补身材矮小的不足。

tropical a.

in or from the hottest parts of the world 热带的;来自热带的

Studies have proved that this disease is common in tropical countries. 研究已经证明,这种疾病在热带国家很常见。

aviation n.

[U] the practice of flying planes 航空;飞行(术)

With a career in aviation, you get the opportunity to go to faraway countries. 从事航空业使你有机会到遥远的国度。

hemisphere n. [C]

1 one half of the earth, divided between north and south by the equator (地球的)半球

The weather pattern of the southern hemisphere has no parallel in the north. 南半球的这种天气模式在北半球是找不到的。

2 one half of the brain, divided between left and right 大脑半球

It has been found that there are two specific regions in the left hemisphere which are uniquely used for language. 研究发现,左半脑有两块特定的区域是专门用于语言的。

irony n.

1 [C, U] a strange, funny, or sad situation in which things happen in the opposite way to what you would expect 具有讽刺意味的事;出乎意料的事;啼笑皆非的事 It is an irony that the more technology we get, the less time we have to relax. 具有讽刺意味的是,我们的科技越发达,休闲的时间就越少。

2 [U] a form of humor in which you use words to express the opposite of what the words really mean 反语;反话;讥讽

The speech is full of irony, humor and compassion. 这次演讲充满了讥讽、幽默和同情。

stubborn a.

1 very difficult to change or defeat 难以改变的;难以击败的;顽强的

This sort of disease is too stubborn to be cured with traditional therapies. 这种病太顽固了,用传统疗法很难治愈。

2 determined not to change your mind, even when people think you are being unreasonable (人)固执的,执拗的,倔强的

He is so stubborn that nobody can prevent him from doing things once he has made up his mind. 他很固执,一旦做了决定,没人能阻止。

contemplate v.

think very carefully about sth. for a long time 思忖;思量;仔细考虑

The young surgeon contemplated the difficult kidney transplant operation. 年轻的外科医生仔细考虑了那个棘手的肾脏移植手术。 vt.

consider doing sth. in the future 盘算;打算

Many years ago, he contemplated writing a book about his childhood. 很多年前他就想写一本关于他童年的书。

saturate vt.

1 fill sth. completely with a large number of things or a large amount of sth. 使充满

The smell of fish and eggs saturates the street as families prepare for breakfast. 当家家户户准备早餐时,大街上到处弥漫着鱼和鸡蛋的味道。 2 make sth. completely wet 使湿透

His work clothes were saturated with oil and had to be cleaned. 他的工作服已经被油浸透了,需要洗一下。

saturated a.

1 (be ~ with) completely filled with things or people 充满的;充斥的

The consumer market is saturated with electronic goods. 消费者市场充斥着电子产品。

2 very wet 湿透的;浸透的

They were caught in the rain and came home with their clothes and shoes saturated with water. 他们淋了雨,回家时衣服和鞋子都被水浸透了。

finite a.

(fml.) existing only in limited numbers or amounts or continuing only for a limited time or distance 有限的;有限制的

The overuse of finite natural resources, e.g. coal and oil, will undoubtedly result in ultimate shortages. 滥用有限的自然资源,诸如煤、石油等,必定会导致最终的资源短缺。

literal a.

1 understanding words or ideas only in a basic and obvious way, and not showing much imagination 缺乏想象力的;刻板的

Wendy's mind was a much more literal one. 温迪的脑子比较缺乏想象力。 2 the literal meaning of a word is its most basic meaning 字面意思的;原义的 When reading a poem, you must understand it far beyond its literal sense. 读诗的时候,你必须要理解字面之外的意思。

prose n.

[U] written language in its ordinary form, as opposed to poetry 散文(相对诗歌而言) I love Hemingway's prose, and I think his short stories are some of the best in the language. 我喜欢海明威的散文,我认为他的短篇小说是英语作品中的佳作。 verse n.

1 [U] (fml.) poetry, esp. poetry with a regular pattern (尤指遵循一定诗律的)诗(歌) She wrote more than 30 novels and collections of verse. 她写了30多部小说和诗集。 2 [C] a group of words or sentences that form one section of a poem or song 诗句;诗节;(歌词的)节

The first lines gripped him, as did the next verse, and then the whole poem. 最初的几行吸引住了他,然后就是下一小节,接着是整首诗。

cognitive a.

related to the process of knowing, understanding, and learning sth. 认知的;认知过程的

These experiments tell us a great deal about our cognitive processes. 这些实验让我们对自身的认知过程有了很多了解。


vt. (usu. passive)

1 make sb. feel that they are being kept in a place or situation that they cannot escape from 限制;束缚

Imprisoned by her own fears, Catherine has never dared to leave her home alone. 凯瑟琳被自我恐惧束缚着,从不敢独自离开家。 2 put sb. in a prison 关押;监禁

He was imprisoned for 10 years, but he still held on to his belief. 他被关押了10年,但是仍然坚持着自己的信仰。

mundane a.

1 ordinary and not interesting or exciting, esp. because of happening too regularly 普通的;平凡的;平淡无奇的

Even such mundane routines as eating or drinking have found a place in some ballets. 即使吃饭和喝水等这些平淡无奇的日常事务也会在一些芭蕾舞中出现。 2 (fml.) relating to the world and practical matters instead of religious or spiritual ones 世俗的;尘世的

The idea of getting everyone away is to isolate them from mundane worries so that they can concentrate wholeheartedly on the task in hand. 让每个人都离开是要让他们都远离世俗的烦恼,这样他们就可以专心做手头上的工作了。

exotic a.

1 used for describing things that are interesting or exciting because they are in or from distant foreign countries 外国产的;外国来的

The city has many restaurants with exotic foods. 这个城市有很多异国风味的餐厅。 2 interesting or exciting because of being unusual or not familiar 奇异的;别致的;异乎寻常的

Many girls like to wear exotic clothes. 许多女孩喜欢穿奇装异服。

endow vt.

(fml.) (~ with) give a particular quality to sth., or say that sth. has a particular quality 赋予;认为具有某种品质

The general's supporters endow him with an almost godlike status. 将军的拥护者们几乎把他当 神一样看待。

trivial a.

not very interesting, serious, or valuable 没意思的;不严重的;没价值的;琐碎的 May we never become so wrapped up in our own trivial problems that we forget to care about others. 希望我们永远不要只沉溺于自身的小问题中而忘了关心他人。 multicultural a.

involving or including people or ideas from many different countries, races, or religions 多元文化的;多种文化融合的

We will encourage changes to the education system which place a positive value on a pluralist, diverse and multicultural society. 我们鼓励教育系统的改革,呼吁教育系统对社会的多元性、多样性和多文化性赋予正面价值。

ambiguity n.

[C, U] the state of being unclear, confusing, or not certain, or things that produce this effect 模棱两可;不明确

The author's style suggests a certain ambiguity in his moral view. 作者的风格显示其在道德观上的模棱两可。

circumference n.

1 [C, usu. sing.] the edge of a circle or a round object or area 周边

She would only be able to move within the circumference of that tree. 她只能在树的周边移动。

2 [C, U] the distance measured around the edge of a circle or a round object or area 圆周;周长

It's a mile around the circumference of the playground. 运动场周长一英里。 latitude n.

[C, U] the distance of point on the earth from the equator, measured in degrees north or south 纬度

longitude n.

[C, U] the distance east or west of the meridian, measured in degrees and minutes (地球的)经度 renaissance n.