2015年韩山师范学院本科插班生《基础英语》试卷 下载本文

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(A卷)第 5 页 共 10 页

1) 在这家餐馆用餐很经济实惠,你只需花十元钱就能尽情享受到各式各样的

美味。( content, variety )

2) 城市最突出的特点是喧嚣不堪,与城市显然不同的是,山村里到处寂静安

宁。( distinctive, contrast)

3) 他很固执己见,所以很难跟别人有共识。( cling, common )

4) 除非你很好地掌握了各种语体,否则你无法在各种场合恰如其分地用英语

进行表达。( unless, command )

5) 他的一番讲话没有很好地解决问题,反而使问题陷入僵局。( bring, rather

than )

6) 当那位著名的运动员出现在运动场时,全场报以雷鸣般的掌声。( turn,

erupt )


精神集中的状态去阅读。( more than )

Ⅵ. Choose the best one to complete each sentence. 10% 1) The policy ___ made, the next problem was how to carry it out.

A. having been B. being C. had been D. was

2) My cousin Marry is often in a poisonous mood; I suppose it’s because she is


A. one B. a unique C. a single D. an only

3) The two scholars worked at the task of writing a preface to the new dictionary

for three hours ___ last night.

A. at length B. in full C. on end D. in time

4) When the crowd saw the prize-fighter stretched out on the canvas, shouts and

cheers ___ from it.

A. broke up B. broke forth C. broke through D. broke upon 5) I don’t think those curtains ___ very well with the wallpaper. A. suit B. go C. fit D. match


(A卷)第 6 页 共 10 页

6) Paul was lying on the lawn, his hands ___ under his head. A. were crossed B. were crossing C. crossing D. crossed 7) There is no ___ in applying for that job, as you are not properly qualified. A. reason B. point C. result D. chance 8) It was strange that she would _____ such an absurd idea.

A. allow B. stick C. take D. entertain 9) ___ the opportunity, he might well have become an outstanding cartoonist. A. Given B. To give C. Giving D. Being given

10) Present at the Christmas party were the two princesses and their ___ husbands

and the Duke of Edinburgh.

A. respectable B. respectful C. respective D. respected

11) She is always fashionably dressed and looks ____ among the girls in plain


A. outstanding B. conspicuous C. unusual D. distinguishing 12) ____ he needed money for a new car, he decided not to borrow it from the


A. Much as B. Much though C. As much D. Though much 13) His strong sense of humor was ___ make everyone in the room burst out


A. so as to B. such as to C. so that D. such that 14) “_____, I will seek it”, said the leader of the the organization. A. May the truth what it be B. Be the truth what it may

C. Be the truth what may it D. May the truth as it be

15) Although he has has become rich, he is still very_____ of his money.

A. economic B. thrifty C. careful D. frugal

16) I wonder who drank all the milk yesterday. It ___ have been Peter because he

was out all day.

A. mustn't B. can't C. won't D. needn't


(A卷)第 7 页 共 10 页

17) Much as ___, I couldn’t lend him the money because I simply didn’t have that

much spare cash.

A. I would have liked to B. I would like to have C. I should have to like D. I should have liked to

18) My cousin likes eating very much, but he isn’t very ___ about the food he


A. special B. peculiar C. particular D. specific 19) ____, I must do another experiment.

A. Be it ever so late B. It is ever so late C. It be ever so late D. So late it be ever

20) We all know that Mary has had a strict______.

A. growth B. upbringing C. development D. cultivation

Ⅶ. Fill in each blank with an appropriate word according to the initial letter given.8%

Ecology is the 1) s____ of organisms in relation to their environment, 2) i_____ the interrelationships of many organisms 3) t_____ as well as the relationships of these 4) o______ with the non-organic environment.

The fundamental components of the 5) e_____ are plants, animals, minerals and water. When their relationships do not 6) c_____ much from year to year, we observe a blance of 7) n_____. That is, the addition of plants, animals, minerals, and water is 8) e_____ to that which has been removed. For example, the minerals taken from the 9) s_____ are restored, and the plants that die are 10) r_____ by similar plants.

But not everything remains 11) s____ all the time. What will occur when the balance of nature is 12) d_____ either by a geological change such as a change in 13) c_____, or by a local agitation such as 14) e______? In case of a disturbance of this 15) k_____, a period of rehabilitation must 16) o____ and, eventually, a


(A卷)第 8 页 共 10 页

new balance is established.

Ⅷ. Read the following passage . 5%

If you intend using humor in your talk to make people smile, you must know how to identify shared experiences and problems. Your humor must be relevant to the audience and should help to show them that you are one of them or that you understand their situation and are in sympathy with their point of view. Depending on whom you are addressing, the problems will be different. If you are talking to a group of managers, you may refer to the disorganized methods of their secretaries; alternatively if you are addressing secretaries, you may want to comment on their disorganized bosses.

Here is an example, which I heard at a nurses’ conversation, of a story which works well because the audience all share the same view of doctors. A man arrives in heaven and is being shown around by St. Peter. He sees wonderful accommodations, beautiful gardens, sunny weather, and so on. Everyone is very peaceful, polite and friendly until, waiting in a line for lunch, the new arrival is suddenly pushed aside by a man in a white coat, who rushes to the head of the line, grabs his food and stamps over to a table by himself. “Who is that?” the new arrival asked St. Peter. “Oh, that’s God,” came the reply, “but sometimes he thinks he is a doctor.”

If you are part of the group which you are addressing, you will be in a position to know the experiences and problems which are common to all of you and it will be appropriate for you to making a passing remark about the inedible canteen food or the chairman’s notorious bad taste in ties. With other audiences you mustn’t attempt to cut in with humor as they will resent an outsider making disparaging remarks about their canteen or their chairman. You will be on safer ground if you stick to scapegoats like the Post Office or the telephone system.

If you feel awkward being humorous, you must practice so that it becomes