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CET4 段落翻译高频词汇
Chapter 1. Festival and holiday(节假日)
传统节日:traditional holiday 红包:red packet 元宵节:lantern festival 猜灯谜:guess riddles on lanterns 端午节:dragon boat festival 灯展:exhibition of lanterns 清明节:tomb sweeping festival 春联:spring festival couplets 中秋节:mid-autumn festival 敲锣打鼓:strike gongs and beat drums 除夕:new year’s eve 舞龙舞狮:dragon dance and lion dance 元旦:new year’s day 赛龙舟:dragon boat race 泼水节:water-sprinkling festival 赏月:enjoy the moon 燃放烟花爆竹: set off fireworks and 节日气氛:festive atmosphere firecrackers 核心文化价值:core cultural value 团圆:reunion 文化交流:cultural interchange 团圆饭:family reunion dinner 法定假日:legal holiday 辞旧迎新:bid farewell to the old year 公共假日:public holiday and welcome the new year 游行:parade 春节联欢晚会:spring festival gala 彩车:float 阴历: lunar calendar 化装舞会:masquerade 拜年:pay a new year call/visit 装扮:dress up 入乡随俗:When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
每逢佳节倍思亲:On festive occasions more than ever one misses his relatives far away.
爆竹声中一岁除:The old year goes away amidst the blast of firecrackers. 月到中秋分外明:The moon is particularly bright on the Mid-Autumn Day.
Chapter 2. Places of Historic Interest and Scenic Beauty(名胜古迹)
旅游胜地:tourist attraction/spot
历史文化名城:famous historic and cultural city
自然保护区:nature reserve 文化遗产:cultural heritage 文化遗址:cultural relics 生态旅游:eco-tourism 主题公园:theme park 森林公园:forest park 度假胜地:holiday resort 避暑胜地:summer resort 人文景观:human landscape 自然风光:natural scenery 闻名遐迩:known far and wide
流连忘返:linger on with no intent to leave
田园风光:rural scenery/ pastoral scene 名山大川:famous mountains and great rivers
青山绿水;green mountains and clear waters
天人合一:harmony between nature and human being
观光游: sightseeing tour 文化游:cultural tour
黄金旅游线路:hot travel route 旅游纪念品:tourist souvenir 古都:ancient capital 雕刻:inscription 壁画:mural
彩绘:painted sculpture 活化石:living fossil
五岳:five sacred mountains 世界遗产名录:world heritage list 世界自然和文化遗产保护地:world natural and cultural heritage sites 国家5A级风景区:national 5A-level tourist area
不到长城非好汉:One who fails to reach the Great Wall can’t be called a man. / One should be determined to reach his goal.
桂林山水甲天下:The mountains and rivers of Guilin are the best under heaven./ East or West, Guilin landscape is the best.
上有天堂下有苏杭:Up above there is heaven; down below there are Suzhou and Hangzhou.
五岳回来不看山,黄山归来不看岳:You won’t want to visit any other mountains after seeing the Five Sacred Mountains, and you won’t even wish to see the Five Sacred Mountains after returning from Mount Huangshan.
不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中:The true face of Mount Lushan is lost to my sight, for it is right in this mountain that I reside.
无限风光在险峰:The ultimate scenery is to be found in perilous peaks.
Chapter 3. Arts (艺术)
工艺品:handcraft 苏绣:Suzhou embroidery 艺术宝库:treasure house of arts 书法:calligraphy 艺术生涯:artistic career 京剧:Peking opera 艺术形式:form of art 昆曲:Kunqu opera 视觉艺术:visual arts 国粹:quintessence of Chinese culture 造型艺术:plastic arts 剪纸:paper-cut 艺术节:art festival 青花瓷:blue-and-white porcelain 油画:oil painting 国画:Chinese painting 雕塑:sculpture 山水画:landscape painting 歌剧院:opera house 水墨画:ink and wash painting 音乐剧:musical 工笔画:fine brushwork painting 专业剧院:professional theater 写意画:freehand brushwork painting 传统民间艺术:traditional folk art 女红:women’s needlework 中国结:Chinese knot 辟邪:eliminate ill fortune 青铜艺术:bronze art 国宝:national treasure 皮影戏:shadow play/puppetry 画廊:art galllery 代代相传:hand down from generation to generation 龙的传人:descendant of the Dragon
文房四宝:Four Treasures of the Study (brush, ink stick, paper, and inkstone) 岁寒三友:three friends of winter (pine,bamboo, and plum)
君子四艺: fo,ur skills of a learned scholar (ancient musical instrument, chess, calligraphy, and painting)
国家级非物质文化遗产名录:national intangible cultural heritage list 音乐是人类共通的语言:Music is the universal language of mankind. 夫乐者,乐也,人情之所不能免也:Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature can’t do without.
Chapter 4. Buildings (建筑)
土木工程:civil engineering 古代东方建筑:ancient oriental
architecture 基础设施:infrastructure
景观设计:landscape design 苏州园林:classical gardens of Suzhou 建筑艺术/材料:architectural 高层建筑:high-rise building art/material 纪念碑:monument 供暖与通风:heating and ventilation 居民区:residential area 高超的技术:brilliant technique 四合院:courtyard house
艺术成就:artistic achievement 高度耐火、防水、抗震能力:a high
capability of resistance to fire, water, 占地面积:...cover an area of...
and earthquake 人类文明的结晶:crystallization of
human civilization 黄瓦红墙:yellow tiles and red walls 具有极高的艺术价值:of great artistic 五行:five elements value
罗马不是一天建成的:Rome was not built in one day.
建筑越高,地基必须埋得越深:The loftier the building, the deeper must the foundation be laid. 洞庭天下水,岳阳天下楼:Dongting Lake represents the most beautiful water while Yueyang Tower represents the most beautiful tower under heaven.
Chapter 5. Literature (语言文学)
中国文学:Chinese literature 文学作品:literary works 古代文学:ancient literature 文学流派:school of literature 现代文学:modern literature 希腊神话:Greek mythology 当代文学:contemporary literature 西方文化: Western culture 剧作家:dramatist 叙事诗:narrative poem 长篇小说家:novelist 抒情诗:lyric poem 文学评论家:literary critic 唐诗宋词:Tang poetry and Song ci 散文家:essayist poetry 长篇小说:novel 白话小说:story written in 诗歌、喜剧、悲剧: vernacular Chinese poetry/comedy/tragedy 方言:dialect
散文、传记、回忆录、小说: 汉字:Chinese character essay/biography/memoir/fiction
中国古代民间传说:ancient Chinese folk legend 一千个人眼中有一千个哈姆雷特:There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people’s eyes.
诗歌是用语言创造节奏的美:Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words.
读书破万卷,下笔如有神:Having pored over ten thousand volumes, one can write with godly power.
文以载道:Writings are for conveying truth.
Chapter 6. Philosophy and Religion(哲学与宗教)