人教课标版必修一英语Unit3 单元词汇复习 公开课教学设计 下载本文

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Unit3 单元词汇复习 公开课教学设计

高三英语词汇复习方法探究 主备人:马继海 讲课教师:马继海

教学目的:2016年高考英语大纲要求学生掌握的词汇量为3000-3500词左右。大纲要求增加阅读中对词义推断的要求。虽然,在平时的学习中,有很多记忆单词的方法,对于每一位即将参加高考的学生来说,如何能在这有限的几十天时间里,提高学习效率,重视词汇的记忆和应用当然是至关重要的。如何能够有效的的记忆和掌握词汇,更需要一些有效的方法,本节课主要通过高三英语词汇复习方法的探究让学生能够结合自己平时的学习,总结出更加有效的词汇复习方法来。 词汇范围:高三英语一轮复习中常见词汇。

学情分析:本班学生为高三理科实验班, 虽然说是实验班。但是班里有三分之二的学生英语基础较差,英语学习两极分化现象比较突出。对于基础较差的学生来说,如何在高三英语复习中,突破词汇复习这一关十分重要。本课将结合本班学生的学习实际,通过任务型教学的方式,和学生总结出一些比较有效的词汇复习方法来。本着对学生负责的原则,力求让学生上完此堂课后能实实在在的学到一点东西。


创设情境:通过本节课的复习,最后完成一篇语法填空。 授课时间:40分钟 教学步骤:

Tip1:Learn the words according to the word formation. (通过构词法学习词汇。) 语篇填空,要求学生通过阅读小短文,根据文章内容和括号中给出的单词,在空格处填上正确的单词或所给词的正确形式。学生完成填空后,教师引导学生对所填词汇进行进一步拓展,如通过词缀构词记忆等方法,让学生总结常用的词缀。

Passage1:At present, English plays an important _______ in our daily life. We should take _________(use/advantage) of every opportunity to practice English so ____ we can gradually______ (rich) our vocabulary and speak English_______ (fluent). If you have a good command of English, it is good for your future _____________(develop).

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dis- ab- anti- il- im- in- ir- mis- non- un-

disadvantage disagreement discount discourage discouraged disabled illegal impatient inability irrelevant misfortune misunderstand 2.动词前缀:

en- enrich enable encourage enlarge 3.动词后缀:

-en -ize -ify -ise -yze -yse broaden widen strengthen 4.名词后缀:

-ment -ness -ship -er -or -ur -age -tion -ation -ure -hood -al -ing -ee -ility -ism -ty -ese -ist -ian -ion -ance -ence -ity -ant -ent -th amazement development advertisement happiness sadness illness friendship relationship partnership preparation organization 5.形容词后缀:

-ful -less -ive -y -ly -able -al -ed -ing -ic careful meaningful powerful careless meaningless powerless reliable comfortable 6. 副词后缀:

–ly absolutely fortunately fluently frequently 7.数词后缀: -teen -ty -th

thirteen fourteen fifteen thirty forty fifty

设计意图:此环节体现了学生的主体地位,由学生自己对所学知识进行梳理和总结的做法有很多好处,梳理和总结的过程本身就是一个记忆的过程。 Tip2:Learn the words in sentences/phrases.(在句子、短语中学习词汇。) 语篇填空,要求学生通过阅读小短文,根据文章内容和括号中给出的单词,在空格处填上正确的单词或所给词的正确形式。学生完成填空后,让学生根据所填词汇联想相关的短语、词组。

Passage2:Our neighbor Mr. Wang, ______(prefer) travelling to ______(stay) at home. Last month, he ________(persuade) us to join in his journey. He was quite ______(rely) and cared about details of the __________(prepare) work. He chose the

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route, found the transport and made the schedule. The journey ________(organize) by him made us happy. 1、prefer

prefer to do/doing 更喜欢做… prefer sb to to do 喜欢让某人做… prefer doing…to doing…

prefer to do … rather than do…和…相比更喜欢做… 2、persuade

persuade sb. to do…=persuade sb. into doing… persuade sb. not to do…=persuade sb. out of doing… persuade sb. of sth./ that…

Exercise1:(改写句子) She preferred to go with us rather than stay behind. ①_______________________________(用prefer doing… to doing…改写句子) ②_______________________________ (用would rather do… than do…改写句子) ③_______________________________ (用would do… rather than do…改写句子)


The other day, my husband ①_________________________________________ (试图劝我不买) that coat as he thought it was too long. However, the assistant tried hard②_________________________________________(使我相信更优质的质量)and fashionable style of it. Therefore, I couldn’t help______________ (persuade) into buying









is③_________________________________________(说服女人购买东西)that aren’t suitable for her.


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