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4 System design
Fixed assets management system including system management, basic information management, asset management, and examination and approval administration four main modules. System business process of enterprise fixed assets management and development needs, realize the asset management as the core have full authorization to users at the same time, grasp the overall information and office and other functions of management information system on the net. System information management: this module contains staff management module, mainly to distribution system management authority, for different levels of employees, system will be awarded to the different administrative privileges. Permission to different employees, in can use the system function and has different limits can access the data content. At the same time the module can also be as the position changes of staff access to the system.
Basic information management: basic information management including use management, tube and categories of management of the organization. Can use to manage distribution in different parts of the fixed assets management, because the current many enterprise distribution of multiple departments in different areas of the city, or have a subsidiary in other cities, so the module can be according to the different unit seat according to regional management of fixed assets. Press agency management is at the same time to classify the management of fixed assets belongs to, you can clear understanding of the institutions have fixed assets. Category management is a type of fixed assets management. Asset management is the core functions of fixed assets management information system, which include: the list of assets, assets put in storage, the list of recipients and query management. Assets list is mainly given inventory of all fixed assets in the unit, and you can also output list of assets and fixed category for printing. Assets put in storage; it is for examination and approval of new assets, coding and entry in the database, convenient query in the future, management, maintenance, etc. List of recipients; reflect the use of all fixed assets in the unit. Through this function, managers can clearly know the whereabouts of the assets, and usage. Query management, it is for a specific query of fixed assets,
understand its usage.
Employees to access enterprise fixed assets management system management module to the staff is divided into three broad categories: system administrators assist and consult the information personnel; According to different user's identity, they see the application interface is different also, so that we can make different users access to the application of different functions. After the user login page is to authenticate. Only by verifying employees can login system into the corresponding page. Staff management module is mainly to achieve the management of users and administrators at all levels. Contained in the user information management features: change user information and query the user information and the administrator management is including ads or modify the administrator information and query the administrator to join the new user. Ordinary users can only to query and fixed assets of the fixed assets of the state-owned enterprises collect module for the corresponding operation, for the higher authority of user information module and management module for fixed assets, only the administrator can operate.
文献出处: Daum J H. The study on fixed assets management of enterprise [J]. Measuring business excellence, 2016, 2(1): 6-17. 译文
计算机技术的飞速发展,使计算机技术已经渗透到了各行各业,它早已成为各行业不可或缺的一部分。计算机软件在企业中的重要性显得越来越重要。固定资产管理在企业管理中占有重要比重,企业中的固定资产具有数量多、种类多、价值高、使用周期长等特点。固定资产管理面临大量的数据抄写、填表、资料的保存和查询等重复操作。企业合理的使用固定资产,科学地对固定资产进行全面管理,特别是加强对固定资产利用情况的信息化管理与分析,对挖掘固定资产潜力,提高固定资产利用效果,增强企业活力,提高单位经济效益具有重要意义。 关键词:固定资产;管理信息系统;设计
1 引言
早期的企业,由于没有固定资产管理软件系统(EAM)的支撑,在企业固定资产管理过程中,经常会出现的情况就是帐、物、卡不相符。由于资产资料众多,导致对资料的操作处理缓慢低效。有时候领导往往不是特别清楚自己有多少财产,不知道各个资产的所在位置,这就导致很难实现资产的调拨、维修、借用、报废,导致财务上无法及时销账。由于没有统一的报废处理程序,导致折旧计算很复杂,准确度不高。总之在早期的固定资产管理模式下,要实现资产的有效管理是很困难的。随着企业不断的壮大,固定资所产涉及处理的数据越来越多,传统的固定资产管理模式已经无法满足企业的管理需求,所以固定资产管理系统应运而生。固定资产管理系统实现了对固定资产的有效管理,它将复杂的管理程序自动化,实现资产的统计分析、计算,以及制作或打印各种报表,简化了在管理中的很多环节。实现了资产的快速查询、统计和调拨。实现了审批的无纸化,办公移动化。通过先进的条码技术对固定资产实物从购置、领用、转移、盘点、清理到报废等方面进行全方位监管。通过资产有效评估,提高了资产的釆购质量。 2 文献综述