内容发布更新时间 : 2025/2/23 2:17:41星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
1. There are five basic functions of a newspaper: to inform, to review, to persuade, to instruct and to entertain. You may think that this list of functions is in order of 26importance . But, if so, you would not be 27 in agreement with the majority of the reading public. Of the two 28 category of newspaper, the popular and the quality, the former have a readership of millions, while the 29 letter , only hundreds of thousands. Yet the popular papers seem largely 30 designed recreation and light- hearted human interest stories. Their
news coverage contains lots of comments and 31 persuade language: the information content is low, and instruction is minor. However, the quality newspapers put a much lower emphasis on 32 entertainment . It is not only in content that the two types of paper differ. There is a difference, too, in the style in which the articles are written. The popular papers 33 generally use more dramatic language with a lot of wordplay. This means that popular newspapers are easier for a native speaker to understand. In order to decide whether a newspaper is a quality or a popular one, it is not even 34 necessary to read it, since you can tell simply by the way it looks.
Popular papers are generally smaller with fewer columns per page than quality ones. They have bigger headlines and more photographs. There is a greater variety of typeface and printed symbols. Such devices are not only used to make the paper more 35 attractive ; they may also influence what the reader reads. Larger headlines, pictures and positions on the page all serve to draw the reader’s attention.
2. It has been proven that short bursts of concentration repeated frequently are much more 26 effective than one long period. So, even if you only have 10 minutes, DO IT. Take a
break. Then study another 10 minutes. This 27 approach is highly efficient because it honors the way the brain likes to work. The brain needs 28 recovering and recharging time. The rest periods are a powerful tool which many teachers do not 29 acknowledge 承认 . To sit and study for hours and hours is not only 30 boring , it also creates fatigue and stress. You cannot learn if you are fatigued and stressed. Do not study if you are tired, angry, 31 distractive , or in a hurry. When the brain is relaxed, it naturally absorb data like a sponge 32 without efforts . If you are emotionally stressed, your
brain 33literally 逐字的、照字面的 refuses data. Forcing yourself to sit and study when your mind is on other things is a complete waste of time. When you learn something new, try to go over the points the same day. If you wait some days and then 34 make effects to review the material, the things you have learned will seem much less familiar. If you 35 requited certain in your environment to help you study, try to always make these a priority. Pay attention to what works for you and repeat it each time you study for best succes
3. Modern mass-production methods lower the cost of making goods, and thus give us better values. At the same time, American ingenuity and science are constantly at work 26improve of products. In this way, better quality products at good 27 values are continually being brought to the people of all 28 income groups. As an example of how this works, when facial tissues were first put on the market in ?9?4, they were made in 29 limited quantities and sold at 65 cents per box of 200. People liked these facial tissues immediately and began asking for them when they went into different stores. Because there was such