外研版四年级英语下册地教案(一年级起点) 下载本文

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(some pictures) 一、 教学目标与要求 1. 知识与能力目标:

Words: Australia, Australian, kangaroos, koalas, language. Sentences: Why do you like …? Because…

2. 情感态度目标:

Help the students use these words and sentences in activities and daily life. Help the students express like or dislike and tell the reasons. 二、 教学重点及难点 Moral education target: Inspire the students’ interest.

Inspire the students to love our motherland and learn about the world Main and difficult points:

To master the main sentences “ Why… Because…”. Use the main sentences to express theirs feelings freely. 三、 课前准备:

Tape recorder , cards , toys, multimedia 四、 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up

What’s your favorite animal? Review the animals.

Step 2 Presentation and practice

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1. Presentation of “ Koala” and “ kangaroo”. Guessing the riddles.

A. It looks like a bear. It likes climbing the trees. It is very cute. B. It has strong legs. It likes jumping. It has a “bag” on its stomach. It puts its baby in the “bag”. Answers: koala, kangaroo

Help students to learn these new words.

2. Presentation of “Australia” and “ Australian animals” . T: Do you like koalas and kangaroos? Where do they live? (Australia)

They live in Australia, they are Australian animals.

Help students to learn “Australia” and “ Australian animals” .

( Help the students to find the different between “ Austrlia” and “Australian”) 3. Presentation of “ Why… because…” (1) Show a map of Australia. T: What do you know about Australia? Ss…

T shows some pictures of Australia and introduce . ( Australian animals, Australian food, Sydney Opera House….)

T: I like Australia. Because I like Autralian food. Do you like Australia? Why?

Help the students to say “ I like Australia. Because…”

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Practice in groups.

(2) Ask some students to say “ I like … Because…” Help other students to ask “ Why do you like…?” Ask and answer in pairs. (3) Practices:

There are many other animals in Australia too. (Show some pictures of animals.) What do you like? Why?

Make a short dialog with your partner. Example: S1: I like dogs.

S2: Why do you like dogs? S1: Because they are very cute. Presentation of the text.

(1) Listen and answer the question “ What language do they speak in Australia?” ( Help the students learn “ language”) (2) Listen , point and find “ Why, because”.

(3) Read the sentences with “ why” and “ because”. (4 ) Judge the sentences. In Australia, they speak Chinese.

Amy likes Australia, because she likes Australian animals. Kangaroos and koalas are very cute. Step 3 Consolidation and extension

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Ask students to talk about China.

( Before class, ask them to collect some information about China. ) Talk in groups. Do you like China? Why? Step 4 Summary

Help students to recall the knowledge we have learned in this class. Step 5 Homework

Collect the information about Qingdao. Talk about why you like Qingdao? Step 6 Blackboard design Module 9 Unit 1

Why do you like Australia? Why do you like …? Because ….

Module 9 Unit 2 Kangaroos live in Australia. 一、教学目标与要求 1、知识与能力目标

Words: kangaroos,Australia,grass,leaves,water Sentences: Kangaroos lives in Australia. They jump… They eat… They drink… 2、情感态度目标

Help the students know something about Australia.

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