2019年奉贤区初三英语一模(图文) 下载本文

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(满分:150分 考试时间:100分钟)

Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力)

I. Listening comprehension (听力理解) (共30 分)

A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) (6分)

1. _______ 2. _________ 3. __________ 4. _________ 5. ________ 6. ________

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) (8分) ( ) 7. A. The classroom. B. The teachers’ office. C. The bus station. D. The school gate. ( ) 8. A. 6:15. B. 6:30. C. 6:45. D. 7:00. ( ) 9. A. Dirty. B. Clean. C. Foggy. D. Fresh. ( ) 10. A. $30. B. $35. C. $40. D. $45. ( ) 11. A. Take an exam. B. Have a rest. C. See a film. D. Listen to the music.

( ) 12. ( ) 13. A. The trip to Hong Kong. B. The weather in Hong Kong. C. Things Johnson needs to take to Hong Kong. D. Things Johnson needs to buy in Hong Kong. ( ) 14. A. Because he didn’t want to have another try. B. Because it was the third interview. C. Because he missed the job interview. D. Because he failed in the job interview again.

C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的内容,符合的用\表示,不符合的用\表示) ( ) 15. Nick and his friends were talking about things that could bring them happiness. ( ) 16. Nick said his red pen could help him get a good mark in the test. ( ) 17. The next day Nick was sad because he couldn’t find his blue socks. ( ) 18. Nick’s mother thought it was silly of Nick to believe that the blue socks could bring him good luck. ( ) 19. Nick got well prepared for his Chinese test but he didn’t get a good mark. ( ) 20. From the story, we can learn that good luck is brought only by ourselves.

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文,完成下列句子。 每空格限填一词) (10分)

21. When Jack Ma was 12, he got interested in English, For eight years, he rode his bicycle for ________ _______ every morning to a hotel.

22. However, Jack Ma had always ________ ________ starting a business.

23. In 1995, Jack Ma went to the United States to ______ ______ a translator for a group of business people.

24. Finally, in 1999, Jack Ma set up his _______ _______, Alibaba, in his apartment.

25. Jack Ma is a great mind, but he may not be _______ ________ without his hard work.

Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary

(第二部分 语音、语法和词汇)

II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) (共20分) ( ) 26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation? A. piece B. believe C. pie D. achieve ( ) 27. Computers may be able to do most things that _____ human brain can do and do them better. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 28. I’m terribly sorry, but I’ve forgotten to bring the ticket with _____. A. I B. my C. me D. mine ( ) 29. Every year ____ November, people from all over the city come to Hangzhou to enjoy golden autumn. A. in B. at C. on D. during ( ) 30. As parents, paying too ____ attention to your child can be a bad thing. A. many B. much C. little D. few ( ) 31. Now I know your decision. Please ask ___ in your class about their ideas. A. another B. the other C. others D. the others ( ) 32. I’m sure Janet is able to fine the school by herself because she has a pretty good ___ of direction. A. idea B. feeling C. chance D. sense ( ) 33. On such snowy days, drivers must drive as ____ as possible. A. more carefully B. careful C. carefully D. more careful ( ) 34. I think the film“Spider man”is ____ animated cartoon of all the films I’ve ever seen. A. More attractive B. most attractive C. the more attractive D. the most attractive ( ) 35. Mum, put on your glasses, ____ you won’t see the notice clearly. A. then B. and C. but D. or ( ) 36. ___ several accidents happened to some schools, all of the school’s