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是神圣罗马帝国的皇帝亨利四世—他算不上是个好人,但也不是什么魔鬼—他称教皇是个骗子、伪教皇、假耶稣,还有一些不知道是什么样的骂名,但是在随后的武装冲突中,他却为此一败涂地。亨利四世决定向教皇请罪,表示诲意,以此希冀教皇解除将其逐出教门的惩罚,并撤回在其领土上的授权禁令。教皇寻求托斯坎尼区的玛蒂尔达伯爵夫人的庇佑,这位伯爵夫人是当时世界上最富有的女人,一位倾国倾城,睿智聪颖,极有品味的郡主。教皇躲进了她那气势恢宏的山间城堡,它建在离摩德纳市不远的卡诺萨。皇帝不得不在隆冬季节赤脚攀上城堡,前去叩头谢罪。 这样一个令人拍案叫绝的故事却不曾成为一个大歌剧的主题,未知何也?或许已经有了。毋庸赘言,这次道歉并非真心实意,而悲剧则是以双方眼泪洗面告终。教皇临终时痛楚地说:“吾爱正义而恶不公:故而吾死于流放。”但是,教会迟迟不将这位杰出的人封为圣人,此事表明他们从一开始就未曾接受他对事件的说法。一个世纪之后,英格兰的亨利二世与贝克特大主教在同一问题上打得你死我活,不可开交;在他指使谋杀大主教之后,也做了道歉。这在某种程度上也并非诚心诚意,在亨利二世披上麻衣去忏悔之后,麻烦再度出现。贝克特主教至少也和希尔得布兰德一样放纵无度,然而他不但得到了光环,而且是以有史记载以来最快的速度得到的。再说啦,他算是个殉道者,这些殉道者比起其他类圣人,其被封圣的速度要快得多。

When I was an editor, I always preferred to apologise promptly, whatever the merits of the case, rather than face the expense and, more importantly, the time-consuming complexities and debilitating worry of litigation, libel being one of the least satisfactory branches of the law. When we took a crack at Dr Bodkin Adams, believing him to be dead, and his joyful lawyer phoned me the next morning to tell me he was very much alive, I settled the matter there and then for the sum (if I remember correctly) of £450 and an apology. So my advice to editors is, get shot of claims quickly, unless the plaintiff’s demands are manifestly unreasonable. 我还是编辑的时候,无论情况如何,我总是选择立马道歉,而不是去面对诉讼过程中所发生的费用,更为重要的是,去面对费时耗神的诉讼过程中产生的复杂情况。诽谤法是法律当中最不尽人意的部分。我们曾拿鲍德金·亚当姆斯医生开涮,还以为他已经死了;莅日,他的律师喜滋滋地打电话给我,告诉我亚当姆斯医生还活得好好的,我立时以一笔450英镑 (如果我没记错的话)的赔偿费和一句道歉的话了结此事。所以,我对编辑们的忠告是:对于赔偿要求要立马了结,除非原告的要求太离谱。

Besides, there is something distinguished about a ready apology. It is the mark of a gentleman, more particularly if it is not necessary. It is the opposite of revenge. Bacon wrote, “In seeking revenge, a man is but equal with his enemy, but in forgiving him, he is superior, for it is a princes’ part to pardon.” So, the person who apologises freely has the moral ball in his court. 此外,随时准备好一句道歉的话,是一种高尚行为,特别是在没有必要道歉时而道歉,更显示出一个绅士的特质。道歉与报复相对。培根有云:“夫图报复焉,汝与汝仇等:


苟汝恕之,则汝优於汝仇焉;盖宽恕也,王者之风也。”由是,谁把“对不起”常挂在嘴边,谁就在道义上掌握了主动。 (集体讨论 范守义 执笔)

On Going Home by Joan Didion 回家 琼·狄迪恩

I am home for my daughter’s first birthday. By “home” I do not mean the house in Los Angeles where my husband and I and the baby live, but the place where my family is, in the Central Valley of California. It is a vital although troublesome distinction. My husband likes my family but is uneasy in their house, because once there I fall into their ways, which are difficult, oblique, deliberately inarticulate, not my husband’s ways. We live in dusty houses (“D-U-S-T,” he once wrote with his finger on surfaces all over the house, but no one noticed it) filled with mementos quite without value to him (what could the Canton dessert plates. mean to him? How could he have known about the assay scales, why should he care if he did know?), and we appear to talk exclusively about people we know who have been committed to mental hospitals, about people we know who have been booked on drunk-driving charges, and about property, particularly about property, land, price per acre and C-2 zoning and assessments and freeway access. My brother does not understand my husband’s inability to perceive the advantage in the rather common real-estate transaction known as “sale-leaseback,” and my husband in turn does not understand why so many of the people he hears about in my father’s house have recently been committed to mental hospitals or booked on drunk-driving charges. Nor does he understand that when we talk about sale-leasebacks and right-of-way condemnations we are talking in code about the things we like best, the yellow fields and the cottonwoods and the rivers rising and falling and the mountain roads closing when the heavy snow comes in. We miss each other’s points, have another drink and regard the fire. My brother refers to my husband, in his presence, as “Joan’s husband.” Marriage is the classic betrayal.




Or perhaps it is not any more. Sometimes I think that those of us who are now in our thirties were born into the last generation to carry the burden of “home,” to find in family life the source of all tension and drama. I had by all objective accounts a “normal “and a “happy “ family situation, and yet I was almost thirty years old before I could talk to my family on the telephone without crying after I had hung up. We did not fight. Nothing was wrong. And yet some nameless anxiety colored the emotional charges between me and the place that I came from. The question of whether or not you could go home again was a very real part of the sentimental and largely literary baggage with which we left home in the fifties; I suspect that it is irrelevant to the children born of the fragmentation after World War II. A few weeks ago in a San Francisco bar I saw a pretty young girl on crystal take off her clothes and dance for the cash prize in an “amateur-topless” contest. There was no particular sense of moment about this, none of the effect of romantic degradation, of “dark journey,” for which my generation strived so assiduously. What sense could that girl possibly make of, say, Long Day’s Journey into Night? Who is beside the point?


That I am trapped in this particular irrelevancy is never more apparent to me than when I am home. Paralyzed by the neurotic lassitude engendered by meeting one’s past at every turn, around every corner, inside every cupboard, I go aimlessly from room to room. I decide to meet it head-on and clean out a drawer, and I spread the contents on the bed. A bathing suit I wore the summer I was seventeen. A letter of rejection from The Nation, an aerial photograph


of the site for a shopping center my father did not build in 1954. Three teacups hand-painted with cabbage roses and signed “E.M.,” my grandmother’s initials. There is no final solution for letters of rejection from The Nation and teacups hand-painted in 1900. Nor is there any answer to snapshots of one’s grandfather as a young man on skis, surveying around Donner Pass in the year 1910. I smooth out the snapshot and look into his face, and do and do not see my own. I close the drawer, and have another cup of coffee with my mother. We get along very well, veterans of a guerrilla war we never understood.


Days pass. I see no one. I come to dread my husband’s evening call, not only because he is full of news of what by now seems to me our remote life in Los Angeles, people he has seen, letters which require attention, but because he asks what I have been doing, suggests uneasily that I get out, drive to San Francisco or Berkeley. Instead I drive across the river to a family graveyard. It has been vandalized since my last visit and the monuments are broken, overturned in the dry grass. Because I once saw a rattlesnake in the grass I stay in the car and listen to a country-and-Western station. Later I drive with my father to a ranch he has in the foothills. The man who runs his cattle on it asks us to the roundup, a week from Sunday, and although I know that I will be in Los Angeles I say, in the oblique way my family talks, that I will come. Once home I mention the broken monuments in the graveyard. My mother shrugs. 日子一天天过去,我没拜访任何人。我开始对丈夫晚间打来的电话感到害怕,不光是因为他老是跟我讲洛杉矶的情况,见到谁啦,哪些信件该回啦,等等,而洛杉矶的生活距离我似乎已遥远了啊!还因为他问我在做什么,有点拘束地建议我出去走走,开车去旧金山或伯克利。我却驾车去了河对岸的一块家族墓地。自我上次来过之后,墓地被破坏了,墓碑断裂,翻倒在枯草丛里。以前我曾在草丛里见到一条响尾蛇,所以这次我待在车上,收听乡村与西部音乐台的广播。后来我同父亲开车去了他在山麓小丘上的农场。为他放牛的人请我们下周日来看他赶拢牛群。尽管我明明知道那时我已回到洛杉矶了,但我还是以家里人绕弯子的方式说要来。一回到家里,我就提起了墓地里的断碑。母亲



I go to visit my great-aunts. A few of them think now that I am my cousin, or their daughter who died young. We recall an anecdote about a relative last seen in 1948, and they ask if I still like living in New York City. I have lived in Los Angeles for three years, but I say that I do. The baby is offered a horehound drop, and I am slipped a dollar bill “to buy a treat.” Questions trail off, answers are abandoned, the baby plays with the dust motes in a shaft of afternoon sun.


It is time for the baby’s birthday party: a white cake, strawberry-marshmallow ice cream, a bottle of champagne saved from another party. In the evening, after she has gone to sleep, I kneel beside the crib and touch her face, where it is pressed against the slats, with mine. She is an open and trusting child, unprepared for and unaccustomed to the ambushes of family life, and perhaps it is just as well that I can offer her little of that life. I would like to give her more. I would like to promise her that she will grow up with a sense of her cousins and of rivers and of her great-grandmother’s teacups, would like to pledge her a picnic on a river with fried chicken and her hair uncombed, would like to give her home for her birthday, but we live differently now and I can promise her nothing like that. I give her a xylophone and a sundress from Madeira, and promise to tell her a funny story.


(集体讨论 方开瑞 执笔)

The Making of Ashenden (Excerpt) by Stanley Elkin 艾兴登其人(节选)斯坦利·埃尔金

I’ve been spared a lot, one of the blessed of the earth, at least one of its lucky, that privileged handful of the dramatically prospering, the sort whose secrets are asked, like the