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5年级上册 Unit 8

A卷: 课堂点拨题

1. at Christmas和 on Christmas Day

(1) The girl ____ a nice lunch ____ Christmas. A. have ; on B. has ; on C. has ; at

(2) We usually eat a turkey and Christmas pudding _____. A. on New Year’s Day B.at Christmas C. at Halloween


(1)Mike usually makes some ____ and sends them to all his friends. A. snowman B. cards C. emails (2)Jim likes Christmas. He has a big dinner on Christmas Day. A.usually B.often C.always


(1)Mike _____ them______ our friends. A. buy ; to B. buys ; to C. buys; for

(2)We buy presents for our family and friends.(改为同义句)


(1)We some pretty things on the Christmas tree. A. put B. take C. give (2)Children put stockings ____ the beds and wait ____ presents. A. in, to B. under, / C.on, for

5. look看上去【动词,可用三单式】

(1)The Christmas tree _______(look) great! (2)That boy (look) sad. (3)Su Hai and Su Yang (look) happy. They get many toys.

6. 复习动词三单式【只有在一般现在时中,才可能有动词三单式】

(1)Does Mike have_______ new friends? Yes, he______. A. any, does B. a, doesn’t C. some, does (2)Her mother _______(like) _______(shop).

7. have a good time = have a lot of fun

They have a good time.(改为同义句) They have .

8. 介词后用宾格What’s wrong with him?

(1)The students often ask ________(he) questions after class. (2)What’s wrong with ______(she)?



She the , next TV on .

B卷: 课后巩固题


( )1.【易错】We would like ____ some presents for the children. A. buying B. to buy C. to buying ( )2. At Christmas,people give each other . A.presents B.fruit C.turkeys ( )3.--What holiday comes after Christmas? -- . A.New Year’s Day B. Halloween C.Children’s Day ( )4.-- Merry Christmas! -- A. Happy New Year! B. Merry Christmas! C. Thank you! ( )5.People ____ on Christmas Day. A. have a big lunch B.make Easter eggs C. write emails ( )6.【易错】Turkey like Christmas. A. / B. doesn’t C.don’t


1.me(主格) 2.we (物主代词) 3.he(物主代词) 4.she(宾格) 5.they(宾格) 6.women(所有格) 7.us(主格) 8.fly(第三人称单数) 9.real(副词) 10.finally(反义词) 11.buy(三单式) 12.turkey(复数) 13.child(复数) 14.have fun(同义短语) 15.pretty(同义词) 16.final(副词) 17.Do you like _______ (drink) tea?

18.There ______ an elephant and some tigers in the zoo. 19.【易错】Would you like ______ (some) chocolate?

20.Mrs Black _______(go) to work every day, but Mr Black _______(do).

21.She (not like) (eat) pudding, she (like) turkeys. 22.My sister likes ________ (run) and __________ (jump). 23.【易错】People eat _________ (we) on Christmas Day. 24.We like ________ (sing) Christmas __________ (song). 25.I sometimes (write) (he) a letter. 26.Do you like (draw)?

27.【易错】We sometimes go _____ (see) films.

28.On New Year’s Day, (child) always (send) presents to each other. 29.【易错】Mike usually (buy) pretty things and (put) them on the tree. 三.翻译

1.为我们的朋友买礼物 2.在床上放只长筒袜 3.等候他 4.在圣诞节 5.看起来很棒 6.吃丰盛的午餐 7.唱圣诞歌曲 8.写封信给我 9.早早睡觉 10.比利通常在圣诞节做什么?他去溜冰,有时候堆雪人。

What Billy do ? He , snowmen. 11.【易错】你弟弟和你放学后通常做什么?

What your and you do ? 12.【易错】周日她总是早早起床做家庭作业。

On ,she always up and homework. 13.我的妹妹经常买礼物给我。 My sister often presents . 14.Jim把礼物放在圣诞树下。 Jim presents the Christmas tree. 15.迈克看上去很疲劳。 Mike .

16.【易错】那个孩子在操场上玩得很开心。The child in the playground. 17.你喜欢唱歌吗? Do you like ?


fun,Christmas,have,a lot of,we,at,always(.)

early,open,up,presents, end,wake,our,we(.)

do,school, usually, what, after, you, do(.) on, put, bed, stocking, children, the, a(.)


1. Ben wait for his present every year. 2. My parents buy a skirt to me. 3. What does your father makes? 4. We wake early on Christmas Day.


【易错】1. Tom w_______ for the bus.

2. I get a lot of p_______ from my parents on my birthday. 3. A________ the teachers like him very much. 4. We have ____________(乐趣) every day.

5. C__________(儿童) Day is coming. We will have a big party at school. 6. What’s wrong with ______ (她)?

7. I will(将) b_______ a present ______ my mother. 【易错】8.Helen h______ a good time on New Year’s Day.

9. Nancy w________ her name on the card, then she g_______ the card to her friend. 10. There are some big Christmas t in our living room 六.句型转换

1.It looks great. (改为否定句) 2.Christmas Eve comes. (改为一般疑问句) 3.What’s wrong with you?(改为同义句) 4.We buy presents for our friends. (对划线部分提问) 5.They have a good time.(改成一般疑问句) 6.They have a big dinner at Christmas.(改为一般疑问句) 7.I like buying some Christmas trees at Christmas. (对划线部分提问)

8.【易错】Does Nancy want to chat with me?(改为陈述句)

C卷: 复习提高题

一. 选择

1.【易错】Let’s go and ______ table tennis, Nancy. Sorry, I have a ______ lesson.

A.play, swim B.playing, swimming C. play, swimming

2.There are some _____ on the farm. A.chicken B. cows C.river

3.Liu Tao and Wang Bing often talk ______ their aninal friends. A. about B.at C. in 4.People can _____ a big lunch at Christmas. A. having B. to have C. have 5.【易错】Here’s a Christmas card you. A.at B.for C.to 6.They sing and dance Christmas Eve. A.in B.on C.at

7.It’s time . A.play basketball B.to go to bed C.for play basketball


1.【易错】Does she know how to (make) a flower?

2.What’s wrong with (he) ? He can’t find (he) book.

3.Don’t (jump) up, little dog and little cat, you will get juice on my jacket. 4.【易错】There (be) some (child) in the playground. 5.Are these (them) carrots. 6. (turkey) live in the US. 7.Every Tuesday,Jack has a (swim) lesson. 8.The children are waiting for (we). 9.Don’t (wake) him up. 10.Can you help (we). 11.What’s wrong with (they). 三.看图完成对话。 Mum: It is Day. Time lunch. Mike: Great! We a big lunch today. Dad: Yes. What you like, Helen? Helen: I’d the . Dad: What you, Tim? Tim: I want eat the Christmas pudding. Dad: OK. Here you . Tim: Thank you.


1.She waits for her present. (改为否定句) 2.They don’t have a big dinner at Christmas.(改为肯定句) 3.【易错】She makes some cards on Christmas Day.(对划线部分提问) 4.It’s Helen’s dress. (对划线部分提问) 5.Mr Turkey doesn’t like Christmas. (改为肯定句)

6.【易错】There is a Christmas trees in front of my house. (对划线部分提问)



December 25th is Christmas Day. In most countries(国家),it is the most important(最重要的) day in the year. All the people come back to their homes. On Christmas Day, bells ring everywhere. The ringing bells tell people Christmas is coming. People sing and dance day and night. They have a good time.

Most(大多数) family buy a Christmas tree for their children. And there are some presents in the tree here and there. People also put presents in children's stockings. In many places, Father Christmas brings presents to them. He is a kind man and in red clothes. There is a big bag on his back. In it there are a lot of presents.

On Christmas Day, people enjoy a lot of nice food. But some poor(穷) people have no houses to live, and have no food to eat. They die of cold and hunger on Christmas Day.

( ) 1. In most countries, _________is the most important day in the year. A. Christmas Day B. May Day C. Children's Day D. Teacher's Day ( ) 2. Which sentence is not true(正确)?

A. On Christmas Day all the people come back to their homes. B. On Christmas Day bells ring everywhere. C. People sing and dance day and night. D. Only children have a good time. ( ) 3. What do most family buy for their children?______________.

A. A Christmas tree B. Some presents C. New clothes D. Both A and B

( ) 4. In Father Christmas's bag, there are a lot of _______. A. food B. books C. presents D. bells ( ) 5. People also put presents in children’s _____. A. bags B. desks C. stockings D. shoes


On Christmas morning, children like to get up early to find the presents in the stocking or under the Christmas trees. On Christmas Day, Mike wakes up at six twenty. First , he quickly puts on the clothes and loos for his present in the stocking. “Wow, what a lovely toy dog! I like it very much,”he says happily. Next, he runs down to the first floor to see what’s in the box. He shakes(摇)the box and listens. His sister, Nancy comes to him,”Oh, Mike, you are taking my present.”“What? Open it and have a look!” So they open the box. A pretty dress is in it. Then, Mike looks around, and finally, he sees another box for him under the tree. ( ) 1. Mike gets up at . A.twenty past six B. twenty to six C. six

. A.Nancy B. Nancy’s sister C. Nancy’s brother . A.Mike B. Mike’s sister C. Mike’s brother

( ) 2. The lovely toy dog is for ( ) 3. The pretty dress is for ( ) 4. Mike gets present(s) from his family. A.only one B. tow C. three

( ) 5. What’s in the box for Mike? A. a toy dog. B. a T-shirt. C. Sorry, I don’t know.



( ) 1. A.need B.text C. next ( ) 2. A.them B. ten C. then ( ) 3. A. present B.parent C. parrot ( ) 4. A. tree B.three C. thank ( ) 5. A.pretty B. pity C. please