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7B Unit 1单元测试


一、新来的外籍老师叽喱呱啦说了一大通,可为难了Lily, 你来帮她一起听一下,


1. 听录音,选择与你所听到的内容相符的图画,将其编号写在相应的横线上。听




1. ____________. 2. ____________. 3. _______________ 4. _____________. 5. _____________ 2. 听录音,选择能回答你所听到的问题的正确答案。听两遍。 ( ) 1. A. It’s six thirty. B. It’s Friday. C. It’s March 25th

. ( ) 2. A. Yes, it’s new. B. Yes, please. C. No, you needn’t.

( ) 3. A. It’s a pleasure. B. No thanks. C. It doesn’t matter.

( ) 4. A. Sit down, please. B. I’ll help you. C. Here you are.

( ) 5. A. Yes, I am. B. No, I’m not. C. Yes, speaking. 1. 根据对话内容,选择正确答案。听两遍。 ( ) 1. When is Daniel going to help Helen with her English?

A. This morning. B. This evening. C. Tomorrow morning.

( ) 2. Where are they?

A. In the shop. B. At home. C. In the restaurant.

( ) 3. Why does Mike like winter best?

A. Because he likes snow. B. Because he enjoys skating.

C. Because winter is the coldest season.

( ) 4. How many students are there in Class One?

A. Twenty-three. B. Forty-three. C. Forty-one

( ) 5. How often does Millie hear from her Australia friend?

A. Once a week. B. Once a month. C. Twice a month.

4. 根据你所听到的短文内容,补全信息卡。听三遍。 Timetable Week Date Activity Sunday The fifth of March Arrive in Beijing Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 二、暑期夏令营里来自中、英两国的小朋友面对下列题目各自有不同的麻烦,你来帮助他们写出合适的单词吧!(每题0.5分,共5分)

1. There are two ____________ in the house.

2. They live on the _________ floor. 3. We must keep ___________ in the reading room.

4. December is the ___________ month of a year. 5. A _________ means one hundred years.

6. You should use a __________ (梯子) to climb the tree.

7. We can see __________(百万) of stars in the sky on a summer night. 8. There is a __________ (碗橱) in the kitchen. 9. Would you please take a ________(口信) for me?

10. Have you got a _________(木制的) chair in your bedroom?

三、以下单词都要参加一个化妆舞会,你能帮助他们改变形式,然后领到合适的座位上吗?每个单词可只有一次机会喽!(每题0.5分,共5分) mean little print sit wait care lie fifty friend difference 1. There are at _________ 60 students in their class.

2. Hi, Kitty. There is a woman at the school gate _________ for you. 3. Do you know the _________ of this expression? 4. Tomorrow will be his father’s _________ birthday. 5. Nancy’s dog often sleeps in the __________ room. 6. Mr. Boston was so ________ that he hit the car. 7. The teachers in our school are very ________ to us.

8. This afternoon I found a watch ___________ in the playground. 9. Do you have a _________? I want to print things.

10. Her flash cards are _________ from mine. 四、单项选择是你的拿手好戏,试试吧!(每题1分,共15分) ( ) 1. There are ____________ three rooms in his house.

A. more B. than C. more than D. than more ( ) 2. The baby can’t wait ________ his mother.

A. see B. seeing C. saw D. to see ( ) 3. There are about ____________ students in our school. A. four thousand B. four thousands of C. four thousand of D. thousand of

( ) 4. ----When will they ______? ----_______ the seventh of July.

A. arrive, On B. arrive at, On C. arrive in, In D. arrive, In. ( ) 5. Her voice sounds _______. I don’t want to listen to her singing.

A. good B. well C. bad D. badly ( ) 6. He was playing computer games _______ I was doing my lessons.

A. that B. while C. after D. so ( ) 7. Our teachers often share happiness and sadness _________ us.

A. to B. at C. with D. for ( ) 8. We’ll have a_________ holiday. What about going to the West Lake?

A. three days B. three day C. three-days D. three days’ ( ) 9. 3,896 is____________.

A. three thousand, eight hundred and ninety-six B. three thousand, eight hundred ninety-six

C. three thousands, eight hundreds and ninety-six D. three thousand, eight hundred and ninety six

( )10. Where are our teachers? Are they in ________?

A. the room 809 B. Room 809 C. the 809 room D. 406 room ( )11. The air conditioner is ________ the window.

A. in B. above C. between D. inside ( )12. In the street I saw some __________ in the _________ car. A. policemen; policemen B. policemen; police B. police; policemen B. policeman; policeman ( )13. That tennis ball is one of ___________.

A. Jane father B. Jane’s father C. Jane father D. Jane’s father’s ( )14. They ________ carefully, but they didn’t ________ anything.

A. listened; listen B. listened; hear C. heard; hear D. heard; hear ( )15. I think Maths is ________ useful subject.

A. a. B. an. C. the D. /



Neil’s mother: Hello?

Simon: Hello, may I ___1___ to Tommy, please? Neil’s mother: ____2___ calling, please? Simon: My name is Simon. I’m calling ____3___ Shanghai.

Neil’s mother: Hello, Simon. I’m ___4____ Tommy is still at school. Can I ___5___ a message ___6___ you? Simon: ___7_____. Please ____8___ him to call me. My telephone

____9_____ is

76 19 3322 2168

Neil’s mother: OK. I’ll ask him to ___10___ you back. Goodbye. Simon: Thank you. Goodbye.

1. ________. 2. ________. 3. ________. 4. ________. 5. ________. 6. ________. 7. ________. 8. ________. 9. ________. 10.________. 六、粗心的Kitty一边写一边擦竟擦出10个破洞,你能在ABCD中帮她将擦掉的单词找出来吗?(每空1分,共10分) Dear Shirley,

My name is Kitty. I’m ___1_____ English girl. I’m thirteen ______2_____. I live ____3______ the center of London. I live in a flat ___4___ a busy street. The flat is not very large. My favorite room is the _____5___ room. After dinner, I like ____6_____ music and watch TV there. Sometimes, I chat _____7_____ my parents. I share a bedroom with my sister Marie. Marie is only six. She can’t read ___8____ write. But she has ____9____ toys. Our neighbors are very____10____ and helpful. We’re happy there.

( ) 1. A. a B. an C. / D. the

( ) 2. A. years B. year old C. years old D. year-old ( ) 3. A. at B. for C. on D. in ( ) 4. A. on B. to C. at D. behind ( ) 5. A. live B. living C. lives D. lived ( ) 6. A. listen B. listening to C. to listen D. to listen to ( ) 7. A. with B. to C. for D. in ( ) 8. A. and B. with C. or D. while ( ) 9. A. a lot B. a lots C. a lot of D. a lots ( )10. A. friend B. friends C. unfriendly D. friendly 七、试试自己的阅读理解能力吧!(每题1分,共10分)


Yao Ming, the center of the Chinese National Men’s basketball team, served the Houston Rockets in the 2002 NBA. The 2.26m,120kg center becomes the first one to come from a foreign team.

Yao Ming was born in Shanghai in September, 1980. His mother was a center and captain of the Chinese National Women’s Team. His father played basketball, too.

Yao Ming is widely known in China. He came to be a very important basketball player in China Basketball Association(联赛). It’s short for CBA. During the 2000-2001 season, he got 27.1 scores for the Shanghai Oriental(东方) Sharks in every match.

Yao Ming joined the Houston Rockets in November, 2002. He said this was a new start in his basketball life. He would do his best to learn from the NBA and improve himself.

Sport analyst(分析家) Bill Walton said, “Yao Ming has the potential(潜力), the capability() of changing the future of basketball.”