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[ 作者:中国法律英语网 转贴自:中国法律英语网 点击数:395 更新时间:2006-01-10 文
章录入:admin ]
__________________________________(Insert name of company/填入公司名称)
It is hereby certified that the following Resolutions of the Board of _________________________
were duly passed at a Meeting of the Board held on _______________, and that they are in accordance with the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the said Company and have been duly recorded in the Minutes Book of said Company/兹证明下述__________________公司董事会之决议在__________________召开的董事会会议适时通过,并与该公司章程及备忘录相符且已在该公司的备忘录中予以适时记录:
A. That a Banking Account for the Company be opened with Morymor Bank Ltd. (“the Bank”) and that the Bank be and is hereby instructed to honour and debit to the Company’s account or accounts whether in credit or overdrawn or becoming overdrawn or closed in consequence of any such debits, all cheques, drafts or other orders or receipts for money signed, bill of exchange and promissory notes drawn, accepted or made on behalf of the Company provided they are signed or accepted by/在摩根&摩根银行(以下称“银行”)为公司开立银行帐户,并由此委派该银行对经下列人员代表公司签字认可提取的、接受的或制作的所有支票、支取凭证或其它汇单及经签字的款项收据、汇票和本票进行承兑或以借项记入公司一个或多个帐户,无论帐户尚有充足余额、已经透支或由于这些借项金额将要透支或销户。
_____________(If individuals are named, please indicate how many signatures are required/
B. That such person (s) be and is/are hereby authorised on behalf of the Company/在此授权上述人员(一人或多人)代表公司:
a. to withdraw or deal with any of the Company’s property or securities/提取或处置公司的任何财产或有价证券,
b. to sign any indemnities or counter-indemnities to the Bank/向银行签署任何赔偿书或反赔偿书,
c. to arrange for the granting of credits or the issue of guarantees by the Bank at home or abroad/安排 国内或海外银行批准贷款或出具担保,
d. to arrange for the discounting of any bills endorsed on behalf of the Company by such person(s)/ 由此人(一人或多人)代表公司背书任何票据时安排贴现事宜, e. to give instructions with regard to the purchase or sale of any securities or any currency/下达有关购买或出售任何有价证券或任何货币的指令,
and that the Bank be and is hereby authorised generally to act on any instructions given by the same relating to the account or any transaction of the Company/同时授权银行对有关公司帐户和交易事宜总体依照此人(一人或多人)指令行事。 c. That such person (s) be and is/are hereby appointed and authorised by the Board where acceptable to the Bank to sign on behalf of the Company any documents from time to time required by the Bank in connection with any advances to the Company by or any liabilities of the Company to the Bank/董事会指定并授权此人(一人或多人)在银行接受的情况下,代表公司签署银行不时要求的、一切有关公司的预付款项或公司对银行负债的所有文件。
D. That the Bank be furnished with copies of any Resolutions that may from time to time be passed by the Company and with a list of the names of the Directors, Secretary and other Officers of the Company, and that the Bank be authorised to act on any information given by any Director or the Secretary as to any change therein/公司不时通过的所有决议必须向银行提交副本,并附有董事、秘书及公司其他官员的名单;同时授权银行对在此之后的一切变更依照任何一位董事或秘书提供的资料行事。.
E. That these Resolutions be communicated to the Bank and remain in force until an amending Resolution shall be passed by the Board of Directors, and a copy thereof, certified by any one of the Directors or the Secretary, shall have been received by the Bank/凡此类决议须告知银行并在董事会通过修订决议之前保持效力,因此,须将一份经一位董事或秘书认定的决议副本交予银行。
????????????.. Chairman/主席 ??????????? Secretary/秘书