扇贝炼句学习笔记(一) 下载本文

内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/12 23:00:02星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。


1. Many people feel that canned food is inferior to fresh food. 许多人觉得罐头食品远没有新鲜食品好。

2. Natural health experts recommend a wholesome diet of unprocessed, low-sugar, organic foods to start.

自然健康专家建议健康的饮食习惯从食用未加工的、低糖、有机的食物开始。 3. My doctor told me to cut down on junk food. 我的医生告诉我要少吃垃圾食品。

4. I was once a fast food junkie that did not exercise, lacked sleep, and told my conscience to take a hike.

我曾经是一个快餐迷,不运动、缺乏睡眠,还告诉我的良心,哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去。 5. There is a new eating disorder that has become more common in the last twenty years or so. 在过去二十年左右的时间里,一种新的饮食失调已经变得越来越普遍了。 6. Jane is a gourmet. She likes fine food and is a good judge of its quality. 简是一个美食家。她热衷于美食,并且很善于分辨食物质量的好坏。 7. The chocolate cakes we had at that restaurant were disgusting. 我们在那家餐厅吃的巧克力蛋糕真是太恶心了。

8.It's normal for kids to refuse to speak their home language at the stage when they start to socialize with other kids.

到了孩子们开始参加社交活动的阶段,他们不愿再说自己在家中所说的语言是正常的。 9. A willingness to participate fully in the community beyond the library is also essential for the applicants.

应聘者充分参与图书馆以外社会活动的意愿也是必不可少的。 10. His project manager was very supportive of him. 他的项目经理非常支持他的工作。

11. It will be very rewarding to see the finished product and realize we each had a hand in shaping the project.

当我们看到完工的产品,并意识到我们每个人都为项目出过力的时候,会觉得付出是有意义的。 12. His life-long struggle has been to break the mould and achieve something new with every film. 他一生都在努力打破常规,每部电影都要有一些新收获。

13. Entry is competitive but does not require any standardized test scores other than either TOEFL or



14. So my first act was to learn it offby heart and my second was to recite it as a public act in a public space.


15. Students' autonomy should be encouraged when there are not enough teachers to go around. 师资不足时应当鼓励学生自我管理。

16. Self-disciplineis the key to getting out from under many of the nasty little mental habits that keep us miserable.


17. While many involved in youth sports work very hard to set a good example of sportsmanship, a few can and do lose their cool.

许多从事青年运动的人为了树立体育精神的榜样而努力工作,但同时也有一些人会放纵自己。 18. Brown is known for his speed, and he uses that speed to cover a lot of ground. 布朗因其速度而闻名,并以此涉猎了许多领域。

19. Daktronics moves to profit for 4th quarter, but earnings fall short of Street expectations. 达科第四季度转为盈利,但利润低于华尔街的预期。

20.In the West, quality universities expect applicants to be well-rounded before they are of university age.


21. Owners need to ask their animal companions to be well-behaved. 主人们需要让他们的宠物行为规矩。

22. He would stay up playing games late into the night or early morning then skip school. 他会熬夜玩游戏直到深夜或凌晨,然后逃学。 23. Donna appreciates she had the chanceto be bilingual. 唐娜很感谢她获得了能学会两种语言的机会。

24. Still, unruly students would get a few chances, under the proposal, before the hammer falls down hard.


25. He stated that children don't act up because they are rude; they act up because they have conditions that need attention.


26. Education should be geared to the students' needs and abilities. 教育应适应学生的需求和能力。

27. He wanted the students to have first-hand experience with the periodic table of the chemical elements by doing experiments.


28. Applicants will not be cooking at the auditions and are asked not to bring any cooking utensils with them.


29. More people attain an advanced age as a result of developments in medical care and better nutrition.


30. Mangoes and jack fruit will still be in season in the noisy open-air markets. 在喧闹的露天市场里,芒果和菠萝蜜仍正当季。

31. In fact, Burks said he has done so much research on the Robertson family, he feels like a kindred spirit.


32. Their newest film has real lessons about how my generation can get along with the ones below it. 他们最新的电影为我们这一代人如何与下一代人和睦相处好好上了一课。 33. I don't think I'm on the same wavelength as my tutor. 我觉得我和我的辅导老师思维方式不同。

34. Hill is ridiculously and over-the-top friendly, but quick to stab someone in the back when they aren't around.


35.It's time to enforce our trade laws to ensure that US companies compete on a level playing field. 是时候执行我们的贸易法规以确保美国企业能够公平的参与竞争了。 36. We aren't trying to blow things out of proportion here. 在此我们并未试图夸大其词。

37. The problem with escaping reality is that you always have to come back to it. 逃避现实的问题在于,你总得回归现实。

38. Great employees show initiative rather than just sit back and hope someone else will solve the issue for them or give them a step up.
