内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/12 1:28:28星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
Now similar concerns are being raised by the giants(巨头)that deal in data, the oil of the digital age. The most valuable firms are Google,Amazon, Facebook and Microsoft. All look unstoppable人们一到这里,立刻就会被成群的蝴蝶团团围住。你看,蝴蝶那翩翩起舞的样子,多么像在欢迎前来参观的客人呀!祖国的宝岛台湾气候温暖,水源充足,花草茂盛,是蝴蝶生长的好地方。台湾的山多,山谷也多。每年春季,一群群色彩斑斓的蝴蝶飞过花丛,穿过树林,越过小溪,赶到山谷里来聚会。人们就把这些山谷叫作蝴蝶谷。7 B Unit 2Neighbours
一.单项选择 (
)1. Millie wantstobea(n)inthefuture. Shelovescolours. A.engineer
)2.Thiswall is.Thatistosay,itisawall. A. fivemetrelong;fivemetreslong B.five-metreslong;five-metrelong C.fivemetreslong;five-metre-long D.five-metrelong;five-metres-long
( )3.—CanIhavemoreicecream,Mum?
—I’mafraidnot.You’llfeelafterhavingtoomuch. A.ComfortableB.niceC.sick
( )4. Nowthe smart phoneisso helpfulinourlife.Itaminicomputer.
( )5.Idon’tthink thereiswiththewatch.Ittellstherighttime.
A.wrongsomething C.anythingwrong
B.somethingwrong D. wrong anything
( )6.—Therelotsofinformationaboutsportsonthiswebsite.
—That’strue.But mostofitisinEnglish.
A. has
B.haveC.areD. is
)7.—Neverwalk ontheleftoftheroad, boys!
—Sorry.Wedothatagain. A. won’t
D. amnot
( )8.Wewant to knowtohelpthem. A. what todo C.howcan we do
B. what canwe do D. howto do
( )9.—Women’sDayiscoming.I’mthinkingabouttobuyformymother.
Now similar concerns are being raised by the giants(巨头)that deal in data, the oil of the digital age. The most valuable firms are Google,Amazon, Facebook and Microsoft. All look unstoppable人们一到这里,立刻就会被成群的蝴蝶团团围住。你看,蝴蝶那翩翩起舞的样子,多么像在欢迎前来参观的客人呀!祖国的宝岛台湾气候温暖,水源充足,花草茂盛,是蝴蝶生长的好地方。台湾的山多,山谷也多。每年春季,一群群色彩斑斓的蝴蝶飞过花丛,穿过树林,越过小溪,赶到山谷里来聚会。人们就把这些山谷叫作蝴蝶谷。A. how
B.whenC.whereD.what )10. —yournewjob?
—Ithink it’sreallyfun. A. How do you thinkof A. C. Howdoyoulikeabout
B.Whatdoyouthinkof D.Whatdoyoulikeabout
二.根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确 1. Listen! (某人) is crying in the classroom.
2. There’s a(警察) standing near the bus stop. You can ask him for help. 3. The piece of music(听起来) very beautiful. Do you know who plays it? 4. Each neighbourhood should have a good(社区) centre.
5. Peter didn’t give any(信息) to Mary about the meeting because he had promised David that he would keep it secret.
三.根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 1. My mother always does some(shop) on Sundays.
2. Unluckily, I was late for class again the next day because my bike was(break).
3. I want to live in Beijing in the future because it is the China.
4. Many young(art) attended the meeting yesterday in the art centre. 5. How many(company) are there in this town?
6. The man in the neighbourhood always(fix) the broken TV for the old. 7. The engineer(not come) next Monday. He is very busy these days. 8. Daniel would like(help) the old man do some cleaning. 9. There(be) a sports meeting next Monday, isn’t there? 10. My mother asks me(finish) the homework before 7:00 p.m. 四.根据汉语意思完成句子
1.我经常在星期天帮助我妈妈做家务活。 I oftenthe housework on Sundays.
2. 老师们经常在周末开会来计划他们的工作。
(big) city in
Now similar concerns are being raised by the giants(巨头)that deal in data, the oil of the digital age. The most valuable firms are Google,Amazon, Facebook and Microsoft. All look unstoppable人们一到这里,立刻就会被成群的蝴蝶团团围住。你看,蝴蝶那翩翩起舞的样子,多么像在欢迎前来参观的客人呀!祖国的宝岛台湾气候温暖,水源充足,花草茂盛,是蝴蝶生长的好地方。台湾的山多,山谷也多。每年春季,一群群色彩斑斓的蝴蝶飞过花丛,穿过树林,越过小溪,赶到山谷里来聚会。人们就把这些山谷叫作蝴蝶谷。The teachers usuallytheir work.
3. 我的哥哥总是很乐意和他人分享修理汽车的技能。 My brotherof fixing cars with others. 4. 你的洗衣机有问题吗? your washing machine? 5. 我长大后想做一个艺术家。 I want towhen I . 五.阅读理解
AyoungAmericandoctorisasleepwhenhisdoorbellrings.Itislateatnight,buthehastoputonhiscoattoanswerit.Itisaman.Heisstandingoutsidewithahatinhishand.“Howdoyoudo?”saystheman.“Canyougowithmenowtoaplaceoutofthetown?Itisquitefarfromhere,butIknowyouhaveacarandIcanshowyoutheway.” “Certainly,” saysthedoctor. “Icangowithyou
now.”Thecarisatthefrontdoor.Themangetsintothedoctor’scarandtheydriveoff. Theydriveforalongtime,andfinallythemansays,“Herewe are.Thisismyhome.Now Igiveyoumoneyandyoumaygoback.”“ButImustseethepatient(病
诊).So,excuseme.Hereisyourmoney.Thankyou,doctor.Goodnight!” ( )1.Thedoctoriswhenthedoorbellrings.
A. readingB.watchingTV C.havingdinnerD.sleeping
( )2.Whydoesthemancometoseethedoctorsolateatnight?
A. Becausesomeoneisbadlyill.
B. Becauseheisanoldfriendofthedoctor. C. Becausehewantsthedoctortodrivehimhome. D. Becausehewantstogotoaplaceoutofthetown. ( )3.Themangivesthedoctormoneybecause.