2016-2017学年新目标人教版九年级上期中英语试卷及答案 下载本文

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1、 答题前,考生务必将自己所在学校、姓名、考号填写在试卷上指定的位置。 2、 选择题答案必须写在答题栏的指定位置,非选择题答案写在试卷上。 3、 本试卷满分120分,考试时间120分钟。


Ⅰ.情景反应 选择正确的应答语。(共5分) 1. A. By hand.

B. By subway. B. Yes, he did.

C. By studying hard.

C. Yes, he would. C. It’s ten kilometers. C. Good luck. C. You’d better not.

2. A. Yes, he was. 3. A. It’s ten yuan. 4. A. Thank you.

B. It’s ten o’clock. B. The same to you. B. It doesn’t matter.

5. A. You’re welcome.

II. 对话理解 听下面五段小对话,根据你听到的对话选择正确答案。(共5分) 6. Which subject does the baby have some difficulty in? A. Chinese

B. English.

C. Maths.

7. Why do they wear the strange glasses? A. Because they like them.

B. Because they can keep their eyes safe. C. Because they want to be cool.

8. Where does the conversation most probably take place? A. In a shop.

B. In a bank.

C. In a restaurant.

9. What is Mary going to do after supper? A. She is going to get ready for her talk. B. She is going to take a walk with the man. C. She is going to give a talk on environment. 10. What do we learn from the conversation?

A. There are many rainy days in May in the world.

九年级英语 第1页,共8页

B. They are preparing to go to the man’s hometown. C. The weather is nice, but it is very cold.

Ⅲ.听下面对话,选出能回答问题的正确选项。(共5分) 11. What has the woman lost?

A. A pen.

B. A bag.

C. A book.

12. How far is the park from here?

A. Ten minutes on foot.

B. Ten minutes by bus.

C. Ten minutes by bike.

13. Where was the man last Sunday?

A. He was away with his friend. B. He was at home. 14. What is the boy doing in the classroom?

A. He is having a class. B. He is playing ping-pong. 15. Does the girl like eating moon cakes?

A. Yes, I do.

B. No, she doesn’t

C. Yes, she does. C. He is walking. C. He was at school.

Ⅳ. 短文理解 根据短文内容和问题选择正确答案。(共5分) 16. Li Ming thinks that his daily life is very A. relaxing 17. He usually gets up at now.

C. interesting.

B. busy this term.

A. 5:30 am B. 6:00 am 18. He studies for at least hours to do his homework.

C. 6:30 am

A. five or six B. four and a half C. six and a half


19. On weekdays, Li Ming doesn’t go out any more to play with his classmates because A. he is sick

B. he needs so much time to do his homework C. he should help his parents do housework 20. In the past, he used to .

A. watch TV, do homework and sing. B. do homework, chat and cook.

C. watch TV, chat on line and play basketball.

九年级英语 第2页,共8页

笔试部分(100分) (选择题55分)

Ⅴ.选择填空(共15分) 21. — did you get there?

— By a taxi. A. How; taking B. How; take C. How; took D. What; taking 22. She found hard to finish the work by herself.

A. that B. it’s C. it D. this 23. When the little boy someone coming upstairs, he stopped .

A. heard; to cry B. heard; crying C. listened; to cry D. listened; crying 24. I like these photos and they can me the life living in America.

A. think; of B. let; down C. remind; of D. wake; up 25. interesting information they have got! A. What an 26. The building is A. made in 27. She told me that she B. What C. How glass and stones. B. made up C. made from shopping with her sister the next day.

C. goes

D. How an D. made of D. has gone

A. will go B. would go

28. —Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow?

—Well, it all the weather.

A. belongs to B. happens to C .depends on D. connects to 29. —Don't smoke any more. It's bad for your health.

—I'm trying to It's really hard, you know. A. give it up B. put it off C. turn it on D. take it out 30. I really enjoyed your speech, there were some parts I didn't quite understand.

A. because B. for C. until D. though 31. I ___________ frustrated when I wasn't sure of the correct answer. A. may be B. used to C. used to be D. use to be 32. Mary asked Kate she had been to China. A. if B. that C. where D. which 33. —He dressed up a ghost last night. How scary! —Take it easy! He just played a trick us.

A. in; on B. in; in C. as; in D. as; on 34. It's true that Shakespeare's(莎士比亚) play by so many people every year. A. see B. is seen C. are seeing 35. —Your coat is so beautiful. It must be expensive.

—Not really. I only ¥30 on it. A. spent B. cost C. paid

D. will see

D. took

九年级英语 第3页,共8页