牛津小学英语毕业试卷 下载本文

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学校_______________________ 班级_______________ 姓名________________ 学号_____________ 装订线 (考试时间为 90 分钟) 30% 10% ( ) 1. A. wallet B. water C. watch D. world ( ) 2. A. twelfth B. twentieth C. tomorrow D. tonight ( ) 3. A. contest B. concert C. continue D. costume ( ) 4. A. right B. night C. kite D. fight ( ) 5. A. parent B. present C. policeman D. please ( ) 6. A. 11:

45 ( ) 7. A. go camping B. go skiing C. go jogging B. 11: 15 C. 12: 15 D. 12:

45 D. go rowing ( ) 8. A. a middle school B. a shopping center C. a primary school D. a post office ( ) 9. A. Open it for me. B. Open them for me. C. Open the box for me. D. Open the book for me. ( ) 10. A. His telephone number is 68951765. B. Her telephone number is 68851765. C. His aunts telephone number is 68851765. D. Her uncles telephone number is 68951765. ()5% ( ) 1. A. In the playground. B. In the shop. C. In the park. D. In the

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zoo. ( ) 2. A. A CD Walkman. B. A Japanese cartoons. C. A VCD of Chinese cartoons. D. A cartoon. ( ) 3. A. Went to see his parents. B. Went to see his grandparents. C. Went to a farm. D. Went to a farm and a small town. ( ) 4. A. Sunny and hot. B. Cold and windy. C. Foggy and cool. D. Warm and rainy. ( ) 5. A. The boy in green. B. The boy in blue. C. The boy in brown. D. The boy in gray. T F5% ( ) 1. Peter is in the primary school about three years. ( ) 2. Peter is often late for school because he doesnt like going to school. ( ) 3. The first class begins at five past eight. ( ) 4. The sign is for students. ( ) 5. Today Peters aunt was glad to see him at the school gate. 10% There are four in a year. spring, summer, autumn and winter. In spring the weather is . The trees green. People like to fly the kites and go rowing. In summer the weather hot. People like to go and eat ice-cream. In autumn its cool and the trees turn . People like to go and have an . In winter the weather is cold and people usually go skating and make . 70% 3% ( ) 1. // A. answer B. along C. camera ( ) 2. /u:/ A. cook B. cool C. good ( ) 3. /au/ A. know B.


snow C. cow 学校_______________________ 班级_______________ 姓名________________ 学号_____________ 装订线 ( ) 4. /i:/ A. early B. concert C. people ( ) 5. /e/ A. everything B. plan C. number ( ) 6. /z/ A. slow B. envelopes C. oranges 4% 1. country (复数) ____________________ 2. far (比较级词词词形

)______________________ )___________________

3. 5. 7.


open 4.



分副音原) 形



)______________________ )____________________ )_____________________

know 6.

werent ((反完义

after No.


式)_____________________ 5% 1. 举行生日聚会 4. be good at Maths and English 有个相同的爱

好 5. about two kilometers away 一些其他的科目 15% 2. 3. ( ) 1. There _____ a cat and two birds in the tree just now.. A. were B. has C. is D. was ( ) 2. Why _____ you buy some fruit? A. not B. not to C. dont D. dont to ( ) 3. Would you like _________ for your breakfast? A. any eggs B. any strawberries C. some bread D. some apples juice ( )

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